Kenworth Truck on Arun LNG Company

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Arun LNG as liquefied natural gas producer, Arun Natural Gas Liquefaction Co., at Lhokseumawe, Aceh. This company vehicle wear Kenworth Truck for heavy load vehicles, since its construction in the era of the 70's by an American company, Bechtel Inc.

In the vehicle depot location on Arun LNG plant, seen some type of Kenworth Trucks from various years of production, there are still well preserved and some have become scrap iron.

When I take a photo in the factory area Blang Lancang Kota Lhokseumawe on 2014, a truck is in fairly good condition, the engine was still alive, and get the treatment by Arun LNG. An employee who takes care of Kenworth Trucks said, "every morning, I check the condition and brought about 100 meters, to care for. It's an old truck that we should always keep, these trucks have become antiques "he said.

I justified entry into the factory area and allowed to take pictures, because it was working on a documentary about the end of the working period Arun LNG entitled "RESERVOIR, under a green carpet", the film is only for internal Arun LNG and PT. Pertamina.

Now, Arun LNG has closed after operating from the year 1978 to 2014.

Somehow fate Kenworth Trucks now, I don't know.

@vannour posing with Kenworth Truck

The left side is an employee who takes care of Kenworth Trucks

The photos below I capture from the documentary "RESERVOIR, under a green carpet".

I put a link Kenworth Trucks


its cool, man! 👍 always the best.

Nice photos!

That canggeng menyoe photos u steemit :-)

Han bhan ka megule aci ne cukeh ile bk Curiesea
:-) :-)


gawat lagoe singa

Gawat kiban tgk? Hehe

ku kalon ka mulai foto macro

Biasa jai that jai macro di rumoh... Hehe

Foto na padum boh di rumoh maka roh meupakek.

neu bi keu lon saboh, lon bayeu lam dolar

Haha... Biasa atra lon ji ganto ngen uero

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