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RE: Hanging With The Guys - A True Surfing Story

in #story7 years ago

Lol, actually where I come from we call kayakers "yakkers" and I was just making a joke. I have been dropped in on by a 'yakkker' though, and that was no bueno.

Glad you found @matrjoschka's wonderful article. I'm also a big fan of his, and imho he's one of the best writers on the entire platform. I often miss new post from @matrjoschka too and often not able to upvote it which is a shame. I try to make an effort to check in on his blog once a week now.

Nice to meet you too:)


Thanks for the clarification! :D

While I recall some occasional stress between the "yakkers" and surfers locally, it was never bad. I can't imagine being dropped in on by one though, that would be pretty bad... :( Some of those rigs are just too big, heavy, and hard... wouldn't want to get hit by one!

Yeah, I need to make it a point to visit @matrjoschka more often so I don't miss getting to up vote his good work.

Where do you surf?

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