Hardest Day of my life!

in #story6 years ago

First, I must say that I do not own a dog, but this is still one of the hardest days of my life. May I present: Milo

 He is a lovable black Labrador, curious to explore the world. He is the dog of my best friend.  Milo loves to lie stretched out on the floor.

Or to sit in the laundry basket

As a teenager, he is always there to find where to eat ...

... actually, he is always to be found where there is something to eat.

He loves his little pig.

Ball games are great too.

He was well dressed at the wedding of master and mistress.

Milo loves to play.

Run across the field and walkies. For sure.

Water is great...


This is me. Milo loves kissing. Especially if you have a treat for him.

One last boop for Milo. 


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