Ultimate Online Wrestling: Tournament of Fortune [Chapter -01]

in #story7 years ago (edited)


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The scene opens on the historic lands of Egypt 92 days before the Tournament of Fortune in Las Vegas Nevada. The hot sun beams down unforgivingly on an excavation site surrounded by trucks and workers. The men are hard at work illegally raiding an undiscovered pyramid long buried in the sands of the desert miles away from the capital city of Cairo. A small tan-skinned man suddenly rushes out of the pyramid temple door and up the path dug out by the excavation team. He stumbles as he screams “Mr. Tepes!” repeatedly while carrying a rather large red oblong orb with golden spirals bordering its perimeter. Another tall man dressed strangely all in black garbs turns around revealing a face half-hidden by high-tech electronic sunglasses and a long sinister-looking goatee. He awaits his hurried servant stumbling toward him out of breath as he slowly approaches him with the item in his possession.

Mr. Tepes: What have you found?

The exhausted servant drops to his knees and holds up the ancient artifact to his master. As Tepes gazes into the orb, he witnesses an almost mystical event as the Eye of Ra appears on the Orb inexplicably. A smile comes over his face as he takes custody of the orb in his pale white hands.

Mr. Tepes: You’ve done well Basarab, my old friend. Tell the others inside to load up the trucks with whatever else they’ve found and can carry out of the shrine room. We must leave within the hour if we wish to make it to Port Said undiscovered by the authorities.

Basarab: We take the fairy to Athens then master?

Mr. Tepes: Indeed and from there we fly to New York. Wealth and prosperity await us on the black market. The ignorant and sordid American aristocracy will pay handsomely for such prominent relics.

Basarab hurry's back into the ancient pyramid and begins barking orders at the rest of the men inside looting the temple. Despite a massive cave in and losing half of his hired help, Tepes’s trucks are mostly loaded within the hour as commanded. The scene ends with the trucks headed north towards the Mediterranean. Basarab sits on the back of a truck starring back at the excavation site painfully squinting from the setting sun glaring in his eyes with a worried look on his face.

Basarab: Horus and Ra forgive us for what we’ve done today…

The scene fades to black.


The scene opens 32 days before the Tournament of Fortune at a seaside waterfront port along the far west side of Long Island. Located at this port is an undisclosed warehouse with a giant black market operating and conducting business. Crates and tables filled with military-grade weaponry, jewelry, Ivory tusks and horns, ancient artifacts, drugs, and other illegal contraband are on full display. The damp and crowded structure is guarded by men dressed in black suits and armed with automatic weapons. Men and women of incredible wealth peruse these wares being sold by these unsavory specialized merchants. Suddenly the garage door to the warehouse opens causing everyone to pause and stare at it out of fear of a police raid.

A black Limousine converted from a Hummer pulls into the warehouse. Once it comes to a halt, the driver exits the vehicle and quickly walks over to the rear door before opening it. An obese bald man squirms his way out of the vehicle followed by an old Asian woman with a heavily painted face. She sports an exotic mink coat which has been ruined by her excessive chain-smoking and tobacco ashes. The two make for an ungodly sight as they bicker between one another over some ridiculous event that transpired before their arrival. A man with a thick Russian accent quickly rushes over to greet them as the rest of the shoppers go back to browsing the wares being offered.

Russian: Mr. Mudcock, welcome!

Rupert Mudcock: Please call me Rupert! This is my wife Asmita.
Russian: Please browse the goods and enjoy your time here. I’m sure a man of your considerable wealth and stature will find anything he so desires here.

Asmita: I certainly hope so! I missing fashion week in Milan for this shit!
Rupert coughs in annoyance to silence his foreign wife and in return, she gives him a revolting angry look. They then make their way through the warehouse browsing the products on display. Finally, they stop at an area being manned by Basarab. The majority of the artifacts from their raid on the Egyptian temple are on exhibit. The mysterious red orb with the eye Ra on it quickly catches the attention of Rupert and Basarab’s sales instinct takes over when he becomes conscious of it.

Basarab: Ahh yes…. a fantastic relic from the far corners of Egypt…. said to have incredible power and held sacred by multiple great Pharaohs!
Rupert looks at Basarab with a stern look on his face. Asmita seems completely disinterested in the whole ordeal and pulls out a cigarette from a pure silver cigarette case that she had in her Chanel clutch purse. She mounts the cigarette on a 1920’s extended style filter and then lights it with a metallic silver lighter.

Rupert: I’m not one for superstition good sir, but this relic of the past would make a fantastic centerpiece for my new wrestling franchise championship belt!

Basarab: I… uh, sorry, you said wrestling? I apologize, I do not follow…

Rupert: Wrestling sir, the greatest spectacle of human athleticism! Could this trinket be mounted on a belt possibly?

Basarab: I… I guess? I mean I don’t see why not… you do realize this is an ancient artifact and that it’s priceless? I’m not sure if a wrestling entrepreneur like yourself could afford such an item.

Asmita snaps out of her daydream offended by the statement made by Basarab.

Asmita: Do you know who this is? My Husband's big-time media mogul!

Rupert: I assure you, no price is out of the question sir. How much for the item?

Basarab: Considering it’s one of a kind nature, we’ve had it evaluated, and valued at 30 million dollars sir.

Asmita’s expression turns sour almost instantly.

Asmita: You crazy!

Basarab: I assure you, madam, I am not. You have no idea the trouble we went to acquire this item!

Rupert: I must have it! Throw in some jewelry perhaps worn from Cleopatra herself and you have a deal, my friend!

Rupert winks at Basarab hinting that he would like him to make up a story to entice his wife into approving the purchase. Asmita looks on disapprovingly while sucking down smoke and exhaling plumes of nicotine into the air. Basarab frantically begins to look through multiple displays of ornaments collected from various raids throughout Africa and the Middle East until he suddenly stops and pulls out a pair of diamond earrings.

Basarab: I believe I might have just the thing for this…uh... beautiful…uh… woman. These were worn by Empress Theodora of the 6th century Byzantine Empire and would be perfect for a powerful woman like yourself.

Basarab: gives her a condescending look, but Asmita does not pick up on it and is instantly enticed by the fact that an Empress had once worn the earrings. She nods approvingly for Rupert to make the purchase and quickly takes possession of them before putting them on her ear lobes. A deal is then quickly struck and the gentlemen shake hands and agree upon when and where the large sum of cash will be exchanged with the Mudcock organization and the Tepes group. The scene fades to black with the two leaving the Russian mafia warehouse in their gas-guzzling limousine.


The scene opens two days before the Tournament of Fortune inside the temporary office of Rupert Mudcock inside the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. The obese and lethargic looking media mogul sits in a giant leather chair, smoking a cigar, and sipping on a glass Jefferson’s bourbon. He is reading a newspaper article printed in the local Vegas Press about his new wrestling federation. The room is well lit from the desert sunlight pouring into it. The tar from people smoking in the room over the years is visible and looks as if the walls have never been washed. The impressive Egyptian red orb now sits above him on the wall behind his chair. It has been fastened and secured onto the championship strap that will be awarded to the winner of his tournament. Abruptly there is a knock at the door and in walks Robert Elitistos Vice President of U.O.W and head of operations.

Robert: You wanted to see me, sir?

Rupert puts his newspaper down and reveals a foul look as he glared at Robert. It’s quite clear that he is not happy with his current vice president. Robert nervously has a seat in the chair across from his rotund opulent superior.

Rupert: It’s about the talent we’ve attained! I look at this roster and I’m left scratching my head! What the hell is this Robert? A 19-year-old karate kid from that dump Detroit? Some old washed up Mexican female wrestler? A bunch of upstarts that have never wrestled in their damn lives! The only person you’ve managed to sign to the roster with any potential is this Johnny Melange and he was thrown off the United States Olympic team! He’s a god damn embarrassment to our great nation! What the hell is going on! Haven’t I given you enough money to go after the Elite! I want Rob Riot! Nocturnal! Darren Archer! RB Cardone! Even that asshole PT Merciless! Where are the big names? This is where the Elite play damns it! That’s our catchphrase for fuck sake!

Robert: Well sir… I didn’t want to have to tell you this… but they all told me you could stick your money up your.… and remember sir, I’m only quoting now, so please don’t be offended… or angry at me…

Rupert: Out with it man! I have important business to get too! Have some balls damn it!

Robert: They said you could stick your money up your bloated fat-rich ass sir. Wrestlers are a lot more loyal to their federations than we ever imagined. I even offered double what you stated was the maximum you wanted to pay for the Riot contract and they all still turned me down!

Mudcock slams his hand on the table that is holding his whiskey glass. The impact shatters it in his palm, soiling his hand and sleeve with blood and alcohol. The action causes Robert to have instant pit stains form and soak through his white collared dress shirt.

Rupert: Unacceptable! I’ll bury them and their silly wrestling federation before I’m through! When I’m done they’ll be a forgotten blip in the history of professional wrestling!

Mudcock regains his composure and takes a few deep breaths as he let’s go of the broken shards of glass in his hand. He has been enraged by his competitor’s roster and wants revenge.

Rupert: Tell me more about what we are working with here in terms of talent. There has to be someone with some actual fighting skill and star power!

Robert: Well we managed to sign ten competitors and I think Salinas might be our favorite for the tournament.

Rupert: Intolerable! I won’t have a Hispanic woman as my champion! Will be the laughing stock of the wrestling world! There has to be someone else…

Robert: Well…uh

Robert’s sweating becomes almost inhuman as he comes to terms with the understanding that his job is at stake here. Mudcock is known to have a short fuse and for firing people at will when he feels they’re doing a bad job.

Robert: To be fair sir, the Sato boy was a high school All American martial arts national champion for his school. Ivan Stricker swears that he will be a pleasant surprise to our roster.

Rupert: Pish posh! I trust that snake about far as I can throw him! I’ll believe it when I see it!

Robert: Well as you said Mr. Mudcock it would seem Melange is are most experience combatant with his time wrestling at the NCAA level and his specialized training from the Olympic team.

Rupert: Than we need to push this young man! I want interviews before and after his first match and I want the referee to do what he can to give him the edge during his match. We need him to at least make the final!

Robert: But sir... that doesn’t seem very ethical…

Rupert: Ethics! Get the fuck out of my office! This is business! There's no room for Ethics in commerce! Now, do as I say! Otherwise, I’ll find myself a new Vice President!

Robert exits the room as quickly as humanly possible as Mudcock shakes his head in frustration. Ultimate Wrestling is not working out quite how he imagine it would. It was obvious that getting this promotion off the ground was not as easy as he had assumed. The scene fades to black as Rupert finds another glass and pours himself additional bourbon to calm his nerves.


The scene opens to a large crowd inside the Luxor Hotel arena. Vacationers and local wrestling fans have jammed inside to see what Ultimate Wrestling has to offer. No expense has been spared by the famous media mogul Rupert Mudcock. Pyrotechnics begin to ignite all over the arena firing up the crowd in anticipation of the company finally kicking off their highly advertised tournament. The cameras go live inside the arena just as a live musical band starts to play Ultimate Wrestling theme music. The camera’s focus switches from the fans standing on their seats in excitement to the announcer team of the youthful move by move commentator Scott Slade and elderly almost geriatric color commentator Chris Rodgers.

Scott Slade: Hello from Las Vegas and welcome to Ultimate Online Wrestling! We are coming to you streaming live on Squawker, MeTube.com, and broadcasting from America’s number one watched cable television channel in America, M.O.X baby!

Chris Rodgers: That’s right Scotty boy and tonight we start the first round of our tournament that will crown the first-ever Franchise Champion here in U.O.W!





Unexpectedly “Something to Believe In” by The Offspring starts to play on the sound system turning everyone’s attention to the main stage set up to the right of the ring. The camera’s cut away from the announcers to the stage as Takuma Sato walks out dressed in a traditional white Karategi and black belt. He nervously raises his fist into the air and the fans in the arena give him a little burst of cheers. Rich Relando the ring announcer steps into the ring wearing a white suit and a white matching old fashioned fedora hat. With a Microphone in hand, he begins to announce the first competitor of the tournament.

Rich Relando: Our first contender of the night! He is a highly skilled black belt, hailing from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 195 pounds, and standing at height of five feet, nine inches! TAKUMA SATO!

Scott Slade: Looks like we’re not wasting any time kicking things off! Sato a martial arts National Champion in high school, proficient in Jeet Kune Do fighting style that was made famous by the legendary Bruce Lee!

Chris Rodgers: Hah! That little runt is a master of martial arts! I’ll believe it when I see it Scotty Boy!

Takuma walks up the steel steps and makes his way into the ring. As he begins to stretch and converse with the referee his music comes to a stop and “Nightcall” by Kavinsky hits the sound system. The attention turns once again to the stage as the man only known as “Kickstand” walks out onto the stage to another small surge from the fans in the arena.

Rich Relando: And his opponent! Hailing from parts unknown! Standing at six feet, four inches and weighing in at 245 pounds! THE MAN KNOWN AS KICKSTAND!

Kickstand walks down the ramp and then enters the ring. The two competitors then meet center stage in the middle of the squared circle with the referee separating them. Sato bows quickly before the bell sounds and the referee signals for the start of the match to the timekeeper.

Chris Rodgers: Here we go people! This is what we’ve all been waiting for! The Tournament of Fortune is underway!

Kickstand takes a swing at Sato with a right hook which Sato expertly deflects and counters with a palm strike straight to Kickstands nose. The blow rocks Kickstand, breaking his nose instantly, and sends him stumbling back into the ring ropes. Blood starts to drip down his chin from his nostrils and onto the mat as he tries to regain his senses. The fans let out a roar from witnessing the attack and the atmosphere inside the arena starts to heat up.

Scott Slade: Ooh! What an assault by Takuma Sato! He’s got Kickstand already on the defensive!

Chris Rodgers: What the hell just happened? I know my eyesight is poor, but that counter was as fast as lightning! I didn’t even see it!

Sato taunts Kickstand by motioning for him to come at him with an attack. This infuriates the fighter and he lunges at Sato with his right arm extended for a massive clothesline. Sato anticipating the maneuver grabs his arm and sends him hurtling into the mat hard with a reverse ipponseoi slam.

Chris Rodgers: Oh what a hurdling slam toss by Takuma!
Sato instantly cocks his fist back and strikes Kickstand in the chest with an explosive punch right to the heart. The punch instantly sends Kickstand into convulsions and within seconds he begins foaming at the mouth.

Scott Slade: An ipponseoi take down that rocked the entire ring canvas, followed by a massive heart punch!

Chris Rodgers: Kickstand looks like he’s having a seizure of some sort! The Referee is calling for the match already! Unbelievable!

Rich Relando: Your winner via knockout, TAKUMA SATO!



The bell sounds and Takuma Sato is declared the winner. The referee frantically waves in the medical staff to the ring concerned for the fighter still on the ring canvas. Sato doesn’t even turn around to look back at his defeated opponent clinging to life. The fans inside the Luxor hotel arena begin to chant his name as he makes his way back up the ramp.

Scott Slade: My god it’s as if Sato feels no regret about what he’s just done to his opponent. Kickstand looks to be in real trouble right now! He could be fighting for his very life!

Kickstand eventually stops convulsing and his eyes roll in the back of his head. The medical staff quickly realize that his heart has stopped and quickly commence chest compressions before pulling out a mobile defibrillator and jolting him 3 times. The third effort kick starts the heart and the blood starts pumping again throughout Kickstands body as he awakens gasping for air.

Scott Slade: Thank god it looks as if the medical team has been able to revive Kickstand.

They quickly place him carefully on a stretcher and rush him up the ramp and into the backstage area where an ambulance is already waiting. As it drives away the cameras shifts back to the announcer team of Chris Rodgers and Scott Slade.





Chris Rodgers: I guess that little runt was tougher than he looked Scotty boy!

Scott Slade: I tried warning you Chris, let’s just hope we haven’t seen the last of Kickstand in U.O.W. That was a tough way to start your wrestling career and we wish him well in his recovery.

Chris Rodger: That heart punch maneuver is something to be feared in this tournament that is for damn sure Scott! I’ve never seen anything like it! He’s like the Karate Kid!

The camera transitions back to the stage as “My Generation” by Green Day starts to play on the sound system. Jordan Shadows walks out onto the stage flexing his massive muscles to all the fans. He gets a mixed response from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp.

Rich Relando: Making his way down to the ring for our second contest of the night! Standing tall at six feet, eight inches! Weighing in at a hefty 260 pounds! The Shadow himself! JORDAN SHADOWS!

Shadows got to the ring apron and rolled into the ring. As he gots to his feet his music cuts off and “Down Low” by R Kelly begins to play on the sound system for a huge change of pace in musical choice. The fan's energy changes as Jeremiah Vastrix walks out onto the stage with his arms extended and his pointer fingers pointed up in the air almost as if to acknowledge God himself. It doesn’t take long for the fans to start to boo him just from his selection of entrance music.

Rich Relando: And his opponent! Standing at six feet, two inches, and weighing in at 245 pounds! He is the self-proclaimed God-given gift to women all around the world! Jeremiah VASTRIX!

The fans continue to boo, as Vastrix marches up the steel steps, and makes his way inside the ring. He gyrates his hips a little for the women in the crowd just before his music cuts out. He then turns his attention to his opponent just as the referee signals for the bell. Shadows start the match by flying at Vastrix with a clothesline which he avoids rather easily. The two turn around at the same time, but it’s Vastrix who deals the first blow with a dropkick that takes the big man Shadows off of his feet and onto his back.

Scott Slade: A fantastic start for Jeremiah to this match! Shadows already on the mat!

Chris Rodgers: Shadows needs to get his head in the game, otherwise this pervert is going win this match! He’ll never be able to live that embarrassment down!

Shadow's is quick to his feet and catches Vastrix by his long hair. He pulls him in close before hauling him in for a bear hug. Vastrix tries to get loose by his own strength, but can’t and instead head butts the big man with the hard lining of his white metallic mask. Shadows instantly drops Jeremiah who then dropkicks him for a second time. This time Vastrix is quicker on his feet and begins stomping on the big man keeping him down on the ring canvas.

Chris Rodgers: What the hell is going on here today? It’s like every underdog is having his day! Shadow’s outweighs and outreaches Vastrix easily and yet here he is getting his ass kicked by Jeremiah! Unbelievable!

Vastrix picks up Shadows and throws him into the top right corner turnbuckle of the ring. Shadows is slammed backside first and lets out a powerful bear sized scream due to the impact on his spine. Without hesitation or respite, Jeremiah Vastrix backs up a few steps and then sprints full speed into the corner delivering and devastating splash crushing the already hurt Jordan Shadows into the turnbuckle again. Jeremiah laughs before giving the fans a few gyrations from his pelvic region as Jordan stumbles out of the corner and collapses face-first into the ring mat. The fans erupt in cheers now seemingly sided with the horny masked combatant.

Scott Slade: My god did you see that! A “Cyborg Splash” and I think Shadows might already be done for!

Chris Rodgers: I think he might have had an erection when executed that move! Disgusting! In my day we’d tie your butt to a tree toss yogurt at yah for acting like that in public! God’s gift to women my ass! He probably wears that mask to hide his identity because he’s a sexual deviant!

Vastrix springs off the ropes one last time and delivers a good body splash considering his size before covering Jordan Shadows.

Scott Slade: A body splash and cover! ONE! TWO! THREE! IT’s over people! Another dominant one-sided victory!

Chris Rodgers: I can’t believe it! This is ridiculous!



“Down Low” by R Kelly starts playing as the referee raises Jeremiah's right hand in the air and indicates him as the winner of the match. The fans seemed to have warmed up to him now after an impressive display of athleticism. As the medical staff attends to Jordan Shadows and Vastrix clears the ring and the broadcast stops for a short beer commercial.


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When the live coverage returns the cameras once again shift from the fans in the arena to the stage. “Come with Me Now” by the Kongos hits the sound system. The fans give a decent reaction as Dwight Couch walks onto the stage with both his fists held high in the air.

Rich Relando: Here comes our first of three contenders for this triple threat bout! Making his way down to the ring, all the way from the great state of Kentucky! Weighing in at 225 pounds, and standing at a height of six feet, three inches! DWIGHT COUCH!

Dwight gets to the edge of the ring and rolls inside. Once his music stops, the cameras switch back to the stage, as “All Along the Watchtower” by Jimi Hendrix begins to play over the sound system speakers in the arena. Smoke fills the stage and as it dissipates Baron Vendredi appears before the viewers and people in attendance.

Rich Relando: Our next competitor hails from the Motor City of Detroit! Standing a massive six feet, six inches and weighing in at an astounding 285 pounds! THE MYSTERIOUS BARON VENDREDI!

The fans react positively to Vendredi as he makes his way down the ramp, up the steel stairs, and into the ring. Couch and Vendredi stare at each other sizing one another up. The music changes again as the cameras switch one last time to the stage. Stariana makes her way out from behind the curtain to a shower of gold sparkles cascading down from the rafters.

The women in the arena can be heard cheering loudly over the men as “Lucky Star” by Madonna starts playing on the speaker system. Stariana skips down the ramp while radiating full of energy from head to toe. She slides into the ring causing everyone currently in it to back up out her way. She loves being the center of attention and the fans seem excited by her presence. After she calms down a bit the Referee gives all three competitors a few quick words and then signals for the bell.

Scott Slade: Here we go! Three contenders and only one will move on in the Tournament of Fortune! Who will it be!

Chris Rodgers: How about that Stariana, what a broad eh? I don’t understand these women today wanting to fight in a man’s profession. They should be at home making dinner for their husbands and raising their children.

Scott Slade: Woah! Easy there Chris, this is the 21 century! Women are considered equal!

Chris Rodgers: Well I could never hit a woman. I feel sorry for these two, just look at them for Christ sake! They don’t know how react to fighting a woman!

Both the Baron and Couch ignore Stariana and lock up in the center of the ring. The Baron quickly overpowers him and locks him into a tight headlock. Couch uses all of his strength to push the Baron away from him and squeezes out of the hold. Vendredi bounces off the ropes and comes back with a powerful clothesline and drops Couch to the canvas and onto his backside.

Chris Rodger: Scotty boy, let me tell you, son, I wouldn’t want to be in the ring with that behemoth. He’s a monster in that ring!

The Baron stares down at Couch lying on the canvas with a smile on his face until Stariana comes at him from behind, drops down to one knee, and low blows Vendredi between the legs with an uppercut straight to his testicular sack.

Scott Slade: Oh no! Blatant low blow and right in front of the Referee!

Chris Rodgers: She just disqualified herself! What in the world was she thinking!

The Baron lets out a horrendous groan and as he falls to his knees crying in pain. Referee Vick Morenzo immediately starts yelling and screaming at Stariana before ejecting her from the ring. Couch takes this opportunity to get back on his feet and takes quick advantage of the ailing Vendredi by kicking him straight in the face as hard as he possibly can. The kick leaves Vendredi on his backside and Couch covers him for a pin.

Slade: Couch trying to take advantage of Vendredi's precarious situation!

Chris Rodgers: One! Two! KICK OUT BY BARON V!

Slade: I don’t know how he kicked out of that pin! His testicles’ have to be throbbing right now!

Chris Rodgers: They’ll probably be the size of grapefruits by morning Slade!

Couch picks up Vendredi by his long dreadlocks, but before he can mount an attack, the Baron comes back with a series sharp elbow’s to his midsection and then reaches out and grabs Couch by the neck delivering a massive Jawbreaker. Both men collapse onto the canvas after the maneuver is executed exhausted and hurting badly.

Slade: Vendredi digging down deep and coming back with a massive jawbreaker! Both men aching in pain!

Chris Rodgers: It’s going to take some intestinal fortitude to win this one!

Salde: Couch is up first! Incredible!

The Baron is Slow to his feet which opens up a window for Couch who unleashes a succession of devastating punches to Vendredi’s sternum and face. This ignites the fans and sends them into a roaring fit standing up on their feet. The blows back up Vendredi against the ropes and Couch finishes him off with a clothesline sending the big man up over the ropes and onto the hard concrete floor. A “Couch” chant starts in one end of the arena and begins to spread throughout its entirety of it, much to Dwight’s surprise.

Chris Rodgers: Will you listen to this place! These fans love this man! He’s a regular Rocky Balboa in that ring!

Scott Slade: He sent the Baron over the top rope and he is really struggling now!

Couch steps through the ring ropes and gets onto the edge of the ring apron. He waits for Vendredi to get to his knees and then sprints, leaps up and delivers a shattering ax handle smash right to neck and back of his opponent. This leaves Vendredi sprawled out on the hard concrete floor face first really struggling to stay in the match. The fans erupt again from the attack and respond like drunken barbarians to the violence being unleashed. Dwight rolls back into the ring early in the count to avoid any chance of being disqualified from the match.

The Baron struggles to his feet and barely gets back in the ring in time to avoid a count-out. Couch tries to go back on the offensive but when he attempts to confront Vendredi who is still getting to his feet, he loses the momentum of the match due to a desperate eye rake from the big man. This sends Couch stumbling back holding his face and allows for Vendredi an opportunity to line him up and spear him with a powerful football-style tackle which sends the fans into a state of frenzy.

Scott Slade: That was one hell of a spear!

Chris Rodgers: It looked like Ray Lewis from the Baltimore Ravens crushing a quarterback!

Scott Slade: Vendredi with a pin! ONE! TWO! THREE! NOOOO! Couch gets his foot on the ropes just in time!

Chris Rodgers: There’s an intelligent wrestler for yah! Use that rule book to your advantage! I love it!

The frustrated Vendredi gets to his feet and instantly starts arguing with the referee confident that he’s won the match. This allows a fantastic window of opportunity for Dwight Couch to get to his knees, crawl up behind Vendredi, and Wrap him up from underneath for a surprise rollover pin.

Scott Slade: No! Couch wraps up Vendredi from behind! ONE! TWO! THREE! He’s done it! He’s beaten the big man and knocked him out of the tournament! I can’t believe it!


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The bell sounds signifying the end of the match as Couch jumps up and down celebrating the shock victory. He’s so excited he doesn’t notice Vendredi get back to his feet or that he is steaming mad. He walks over and uses all of his strength to pick up Couch in a Gorilla Press.

Chris Rodgers: What the hell! Somebody needs to tell that beast the match is over!

Vendredi shows off his strength by pressing Couch up and down before tossing him like a rag-doll out of the ring. Couch crashes hard on the concrete floor writhing in pain as the fans boo Vendredi loudly for his actions. He then exits the ring frustrated with his loss and heads back up the ramp as “Come with Me Now” by the Kongos finishes playing on the sound system. The medical staff rushes out from the backstage to give aid to Couch who is still rolling around in pain on the ground.





The cameramen shift their attention one last time to the stage for the main event of the evening. “Montagues and Capulets” by Sergei Prokofiev begins to play on the sound system as the massive Pelagius makes his way onto the stage. The fans look on in awe of his massive figure and pulsating muscular body. The dramatic music only adds to his imposing figure as he walks down the ramp confidently.

Rich Relando: Making his way to the ring for our main event! Standing at six feet, four inches, and weighing in at an amazing 285 pounds! The man known only as PELAGIUS!

The tremendously muscular fighter makes his way into the ring ignoring the fans. Abruptly “Bring It” by Trapt cuts off Pelagius’s music and Valora Salinas walks out onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd. Many of her fans from around North America have traveled to Vegas just to see her fight for the first time in a few years.

Rich Relando: Making her way out onto the stage as the second out of three contenders for tonight’s final match up! Hailing from Los Angeles California! Weighing in at 155 pounds and standing at five feet, nine inches! SHE IS THE HARDCORE ICON! VALORA SALINAS!

The cheers bring a smile to her face as she makes her way down to the ring being followed by her beautiful red-headed protégé Abbigail Dresden who’s decided to accompany her to the ring. It’s clear from the moment she stepped out onto the stage that Abbigail has captured the eye of Pelagius and that he does not seem focused on his actual opponent Valora. Once in the ring Valora’s music stops and “Losing My Religion” by R.E.M begins to play. Attention turns to the stage for the final time tonight as Johnny Melange walks out to a series of high-end pyrotechnics and purple sparkle showers from the rafters. Its clear U.O.W management has gone all out for Melange’s entrance.

Rich Relando: And lastly our final competitor of the night! Hailing from Hometon, Middle America! Standing at five feet, ten inches, and weighing 235 pounds! A true American hero! JOHNNY MELANGE!

The fans let out a little roar impressed by the production values of his entrance. Melange runs and dives into the ring and before the bell is even rung Valora Salinas is all over him with stomps and kicks. She quickly picks him up and executes swift snap suplex causing the former Olympic athlete to scream in pain while holding his back upon impact. The fans let out a roar supporting Valora, until Pelagius comes flying in and nails her in the back of the head with his massive forearm dropping her like a ton of bricks.

Chris Rodgers: Apparently this Pelagius guy has no issue hitting a woman! That was a nasty blow!

Scott Slade: Valora was off to great start there getting an early attack in on Melange, but she's finding herself in some trouble right now.

The timekeeper rings the bell to officially start the main event. Pelagius, instead of following up with his attack on Valora, now turns his attention back to Abbigail who is cheering Valora on until she realizes Pelagius is heading toward her. Pelagius jumps down from the ring canvas to the floor. Abbigail sprints at the big man and attacks him with a dropkick. The blow does not affect the giant and she falls to the floor in front of him. He then aggressively picks her up by her hair and throws her over his shoulder before running up the ramp leaving the match and his opponents behind.

Chris Rodgers: What the hell is wrong with that guy? Where did we even recruit him from?

Scott Slade: It looks like he just kidnapped Valora’s protégé and she has no idea!

Chris Rodgers: Yeah well he just got disqualified and ruined what was going to be a great match. Now we’re just going to see another dominant victory here by Melange.

Melange back on his feet picks up Valora who is still shaking off the cobwebs from Pelagius’s attack a few moments ago. He slams her back on the canvas for a beautiful scoop slam that arouses the fan's attention. He then drops to the mat and locks in a reverse chin lock displaying some good technical skill. Valora squeezes out of the hold however and rolls away from Melange. She uses the ropes to pull herself up onto her feet and gets back to business using her athleticism to run and leap up onto Melange’s shoulders and then hurricanrana’s him to the canvas.

Scott Slade: A fantastic Hurricanrana from Valora! She going to need all her speed and agility if she’s going to beat a skilled wrestler like Melange!

Chris Rodgers: She doesn’t stand a chance Slade, she doesn’t have
enough upper body muscle mass to out power a male athlete like Johnny Melange!

Valora gets to her feet quickly and drops a series of elbows across the chest of Johnny before covering him for the pin.


Chris Rodgers:This broad is dreaming! Ha! Way too early!

The kick-out is so powerful she flies at least a foot off of the canvas and onto her chest. Melange rolls over and gets to his feet and quickly goes back to work on Salinas taking the fight to the mat by locking in a three-quarters Nelson chokehold in an attempt to suffocate Salinas into a K.O. decision.

Chris Rodgers: That’s it Melange! Choke the life out of that dumb broad!

Scott Slade: Easy there on the favoritism Rodgers. We’re supposed to be objective commentators!

Chris Rodgers: Can’t help it Slade, the boy went to the same Alma mater as me.

It looks as if Valora Salinas is going to pass out, but a “Salinas” chant from her faithful following gives her the drive and strength to fight on. All that determination allows her to struggle to her right knee and then strenuously to her feet. In frustration, Johnny releases the hold and backs up bouncing off the ropes in an attempt to clothesline his opponent, but Valora avoids it using her years of experience and intuition. Melange bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring due to his momentum and returns back towards Valora who nails him straight in the face with a standing dropkick. The blow sends the former college National Champion over the top rope and crashing hard onto the floor of the arena. The fans erupt in cheers by the impressive display by the Hispanic American fighter. Valora doesn’t hesitate and pounces on the vulnerable Melange by running toward the ropes, jumping up onto the top rope, springboarding off of it, and crashes onto Melange with an insane six hundred and thirty-degree senton splash the flabbergasts the spectators. Both fighter’s lay on the floor sprawled out and are breathing heavily exhausted.

Scott Slade: I can’t believe what we just saw!

Chris Rodgers: That woman is insane! Someone get a straitjacket! This woman needs to be restrained!

Scott Slade: She’s putting it all on the line! She wants that Franchise title Rodgers! Are you going to deny her that?

Chris Rodgers: I’m just saying, check the rule-book! Was that move even legal?

Valora is first to her feet followed by Johnny. She grabs him by the singlet of his leotard and whips him into the steel guard railing causing the fans sitting the first row to back away. She then rushes up and clotheslines him up over the guard railing and into the fans. The referee angry with her screams for her to bring the fight back into the ring, and starts his count.

Scott Slade: The last place you want to be in a fight is outside the ring with Valora Salinas! They don’t call her the “Hardcore Icon” for nothing!

Chris Rodgers: She’s a dirty cheating bitch is what she is!

The fans lift Melange up on his feet and it’s clear he is in a dazed state of mind and does not know exactly what’s happening anymore. Valora is relentless and hooks his head under her arm before lifting him straight up into the air using all of her strength. It’s a little shaky, but she is able to brainbuster Melange hard head first onto the floor. The fans roar as Salinas just barely makes it back in the ring before she’s counted out. Melange however is knocked unconscious and unable to get back in the ring in time. The referee signals for the bell and it rings ending the match. He raises Valora’s hand up in the air signifying her as the winner of the match.

Scott Slade: I can’t believe it! Johnny Melange is out cold!

Chris Rodgers: That was totally unfair! She forced him out of the ring so he’d get counted out!

Scott Slade: Chris, Melange is clearly unconscious, I don’t think it makes a difference. Valora is your winner folks! She moves on in the Tournament of Fortune! I think she’s proven she can wrestle the big boys tonight!



Chris Rodgers: Oh yeah, she’s a real feminist hero! What a cheat! I bet she could never pin Melange in a fair fight inside the ring!

Scott Slade: I guess will have to wait for another day to find out! Well, fans log in or tune in next week to see who will be crowned Franchise Champion in the final two rounds of this incredible tournament!

Valora starts to look around and notices that Abbigail is missing and that Pelagius is gone. She panics and slides out of the ring before sprinting back up the ramp and behind the stage curtain. That is the last thing we see before the feed cuts out to a black screen.


The scene opens hours after the show inside the office of Rupert Mudcock. Across from him with a very worried look on his face is Robert Elitistos. The room is filled with cigar smoke and the must of an obese old man. The room is dimly lit with soft light and both men are drinking from full glasses of whiskey.

Rupert: That show was a disaster Robert! Half the matches were landslide victories and our star wrestler was beaten by a fucking WOMAN! A WOMAN!

Robert: To be fair sir I...

Rupert: SHUT UP!

The meeting between the owner and Vice President of operations is interrupted by a blonde sexy bombshell dressed in a 1950’s style dress.
Secretary: Mr. R… the President is on the phone….

Rupert: President of what Mindy?

Secretary: Of these great United States Mr. R.

Rupert drops his cigar in his whiskey and picks up the phone by placing it on speaker frazzled and a bit confused.

Rupert: Hello? President Ronald McStrump how can I help you, sir?

45th President Ronald McStrump: Absolutely LOVED the show, Rupert! It was HUUUUUGE! I’m flying in for the next show and I want a Presidential sweet ready for my arrival. I'm hoping we can spend some time together, two men who know what it takes to be true business entrepreneurs.

Rupert: It…it would be an honor, Mr. President.

President McStrump: Good!

The call ends and Rupert is left staring at his secretary and Vice President all three of them still in shock. The scene ends with them just staring blankly at one another.

U.O.W will continue in two weeks!

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