Nightmare On Halloween (Origional Horror Story)

in #story8 years ago

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I couldn't believe that we were moving again. This time just weeks before Halloween (my favorite holiday). I was really excited for this one because I finally made some friends. I was happy, something that was a rare occurrence in my family these days.

Dad left and mom started dating these weirdos. The last guy she brought home turned out to be a psycho and mom needed to get a restraining order against him. This didn't stop him from dropping by and leaving gifts. At first the gifts were nice, now they're just plain scary. We would move from town to town but somehow he always found us, then we would move again. This time around we thought we got rid of him, it had almost been a year without a gift or letter but last night mom got a letter in the mail. I don't know what it said but it made her pack up faster than we ever had before and now we're on the road again.

The way we pick our next town is by selectively picking a destination with our eyes closed. This was a fun game at first, we've gone to big cities and small remote towns with miles in between. It's a good thing mom works from home I guess.

Our next destination was South Pass City, Wyoming. The hair in the back of my neck stood up as we drove through the town. It was about 6 pm and only a few lights were on, It was like we drove right into a ghost town. We found a motel for the night. The old lady at the counter was friendly and asked how long we were staying. "Just for a few day" my mom replied "do you know who I can talk to regarding property?" she continued before the old lady could answer.

"Ah, new faces in town. Well Honey you would want to speak to Fred. He is our go to guy in this town. He's dropping by tomorrow for my famous blueberry pie, I will let him know that you are looking for him" she said as she handed us the key to our room. Looking at me she told my mom that school starts at 9 so she would need to enroll me tomorrow morning before class started.

The night was uneventful except for the food the old lady brought for us. She is a good cook for someone that old I thought smiling to myself while I took one more bite of her home made pie. I never knew my grandmother but I'd like to think that she would have been able to cook like this. After dinner sleep found me and I drifted off.

The sun shining through the window woke me up. It was already 7:30 and mom was fast asleep. I honestly didn't feel like going to school today but knowing mom, she'd probably kill me if I didn't wake her up. I decided on taking a shower before I woke the sleeping beast. A girl needs some hot water every now and then at least and these days mom isn't known for taking short showers. The shower running woke mom and before I could fully enjoy it she rushed me out of there. We had breakfast and went to school where I was registered and informed that there is only one class here because there aren't a lot of people but that there were 2 or 3 kids about my age.

Walking into class I realized that what I thought of when they said not a lot of kids was way off course. The class consisted of 15 kids in total. Halloween is going to suck I thought. A group of kids befriended me as I sat down and was asking me if I'm coming to the haunted house on Halloween. They continued to tell me about how every Halloween a senior is assigned to find the scariest abandoned house and this year the most fearless was chosen.

Apparently the house he chose was so creepy that most people don't even want to walk past it. This year however they are all going inside for the party of the year. I liked the idea of that so I said that I will ask my mom.

After school mom picked me up in the car, she had arranged with Fred to go look at some houses and I was going to help her choose. Driving around town you could easily see which houses were the ones that were left abandoned. We chose a nice little house at the busiest street on the town. Fully furnished (Something I always found creepy) and had everything we needed to start a new life. Mom left to do some grocery shopping while I unpacked. I learned to keep everything I don't want to leave behind in my bag underneath my bed so the collection of photos were hidden away instead of out in the open for me to look at. It was probably a good thing. It reminded me of the life I was forced to leave behind. I stopped taking photos with friends after the 3rd move.

When mom came back from the shops I asked her if I could go to the Halloween party on Friday night. She agreed and told me that my costume is still in the back seat of the car. I completely forgot about it. When I couldn't find it in my bag I figured I left it but I'm happy I didn't. This year I was going to dress up like Freddy Kruger. Each year I chose one of my favorite horror movie characters to dress up as. Mom hated the idea of me going as a killer ever year but you must admit it is better than going as a sheet ghost.

Friday finally came. I got dressed up and made my way to the address. My friends were already standing outside of the house, probably daring each other to go in. When I reached them Sarah let out a scream. She was the only one who didn't see me coming and of course her scream made everyone laugh. All week George was saying how scary the house was and standing outside I could see why. The only light on well the only light we could see was coming from the street lamp. I could hear the wind howling through the crack of the broken window. I decided to go in. The wooden steps creaked under my feet as I made my way to the door. On the door there was a sign reading enter at own risk written in red paint. Someone was trying to make it look like dripping blood but obviously failed... At least to my standards.

I walked in and there were fake ghosts and hanging men, jars with fake eyes and even a dead lizard paving the way to what I can only imagine would be the actual party room. Walking into the room there was candy everywhere. They even had a cauldron that was smoking. The party was fun but it started getting late.

Making my way home the streets were empty, they always were but tonight it seemed different. I was only a few houses away and decided to rub it off as paranoia because of the night. Walking up the steps to the front door I noticed it was open, not all the way but it wasn't completely closed. I started to worry. Entering the house it looked like a robbery gone bad. Couches were kicked over, there was glass all over the floor and a bloody hand mark on the wall. "Mom" I called out softly hoping that it was only decorations for trick- or- treaters. There was no answer. I heard a noise coming from the washroom and slowly made my way there, grabbing a kitchen knife on the way. "Mom" I whispered when I got closer to the door. Again there was no answer.

I opened the door to find a trail of blood leading to the back door. It looked like someone was dragged out. I ran to the phone to call the cops but there was no dial tone. Then I noticed it. The line just above the phone was cut. I heard footsteps behind me, walking towards me slowly. I wanted to run but I was trapped in a corner. Refusing to turn I just stood there clutching the phone with both hands. I shut my eyes tight and listened. Whoever it was, was right behind me now. Breathing hard and fast in my neck. Then I heard him speak "scream little girl, I dare you" I bit my lip to stop myself from making a sound. Tears rolled down my face. I knew this voice. Pain entered my body and I felt the cold blade enter my back.

I let out a scream and heard him laugh. He slowly started to twist the knife and I fell to the floor. Thinking that I could make him stop I took off my mask. I looked into his eyes as he raised the knife "Daddy please don't"...

Hope you enjoyed this story. Halloween is around the corner and I'm happy to be able to write some fictional horrors that I might be able to get away with.

Till next time


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