I Hate Mosquitoes
10:30 pm.
I sat in front of the laptop. Lots of mosquitoes in my house tonight. It makes me annoyed. Several times the sounded slap. Mosquitoes away for a while, but soon returned to bite my skin.
I slapped a mosquito. He bled. I became badmood.

Finally I decided to turn off the laptop. Mosquito bite made me itch. I was annoyed and badmood because I still want to read any posts in Steemit.

Here's a piece of my story to Steemian.
Do you also hate mosquitoes?
A writer attacked by flock of mosquitoes that naughty. Bad news! 😆
Very bad. Hiks.
But the image of a mosquito sprawled and covered in blood remind me of Edgar Allan Poe. I just watched The Raven, Played by John Cusack. 😛
I had forgotten the story. Payah download lom sang .
The Mosquito vs. The Raven 😜
mosquitoes need heart, they are so emotionless!
Yups, right.
I have lots of problems with them dang skeeter's. My yard don't get much sun light thanks to all the tree's. And its always damp. I spray garlic which helps a little then after it fades away there back. I waste money every week on OFF. I know what you mean, there a drag.