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RE: Genesis [Original Short Story]

in #story7 years ago

Thank you! It's a shame I am leaving steemit today. I've become the target of an attack by some douche with a bot army who is downvoting all my content. It's complicated, but I am done here. There's no room for content on this platform while some of the whales are doing EVERYTHING they can to drive us out.

I love your content, and hope you will join me in boycotting steemit until he is stopped. I will publish a post about it later tonight. It kinda stung just now, seeing your comment after having this story downvoted to hell by that ass.


I'm so sorry :/

I know exactly what you're talking about but I'm afraid there isn't much users like me and you can do about it.

I'll message you on discord, maybe we can chat privately.

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