Oil Well Explosion in Aceh Kills 10 People (Bilingual)

in #story6 years ago


Unlucky fate is experienced by residents of Bhakti Village, Pasir Putih Village, Ranto Peureulak Subdistrict, East Aceh District, Aceh Province. the article of the oil wells run by local residents exploded to the death of 10 people, while those wounded about 19 people local residents.


The incident occurred early this morning April 25, 2018 at around 1:30 West Indonesia Time, unfortunately four people who died until now has not been indifferent indetitasnnya, all the deaths have been taken to the local health center.

In this case, the government of Aceh under the leadership of Irwandi Yusuf intervened by ordering a number of heads of Dinas to the location, and for a while the borehole will be closed.


The location is also seen police line that has been installed by the security apparatus, although it has taken its toll, the government can not necessarily close the oil mine even though the drilling is done illegally. This is because the oil field is one of the economic sources of society in East Aceh.

Information received from the community is known to be a traditional oil well located in Gampong Pasi Putih, Ranto Peureulak Subdistrict, East Aceh District was spraying oil on Wednesday morning earlier.


Residents who know the existence of a burst of oil from the well then do the leles mechanism, which takes the remnants of oil that is not accommodated. However, at around 1:30 pm, this oil well exploded and killed 10 people residing in the location. The blast also left dozens of other residents wounded. This incident also resulted in five units of houses damaged.



Nasib naas dialami oleh warga Dusun Bhakti, Desa Pasir Putih, Kecamatan Ranto Peureulak, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh. pasalnya sumur minyak yang dikelola warga setempat meledak hingga menewaskan 10 orang warga, sementara yang mengalami luka-luka sekitar 19 orang warga setempat.


Peristiwa itu terjadi dini hari tadi 25 April 2018 sekitar pukul 01.30 Waktu Indonesia Barat, sayangnya empat orang yang tewas sampai saat ini belum terindefikasi indetitasnnya, semua korban tewas telah dibawa ke puskesmas setempat.


Dalam hal ini, pemerintah Aceh di bawah kepemimpinan Irwandi Yusuf turun tangan dengan memerintahkan sejumlah kepala Dinas menuju lokasi, dan untuk sementara sumur bor tersebut akan ditutup.


Dilokasi juga terlihat police line yang sudah dipasang oleh aparat keamanan, walau sudah memakan korban, pemerintah tidak bisa serta merta menutup tambang minyak tersebut meskipun pengeboran yang dilakukan ilegal. Hal tersebut dikarenakan ladang minyak ini menjadi salah satu sumber ekonomi masyarakat di Aceh Timur.

Regards: @taministy

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