in #story6 years ago



One day IMAM AHMAD BIN HANBAL Rahimahullah visited by a woman who wanted to ask.

"Dear, I am a woman whose husband has long since died. I am very poor, so to raise children, I spin yarn at night, while in the afternoon I use it to take care of my children and work as a laborer. "

"Because I can't afford a lamp, I do the work of spinning the yarn when the moon is bright."

Imam Ahmad listened seriously to the woman's conversation. His feelings were touched to hear his heartbreaking story.

He who has more generous wealth actually has been moved to give charity to the woman, but he suspended his desire first because he wanted to hear all the stories of the mother. The mother continued the story.

"One day, there was a royal party that had camped in front of my house. They turned on the lights in very large numbers so that the light was bright. Unbeknownst to them, I immediately spun the yarn using the lights. "

"But after I finished embroidery, I hesitated,

Is the result HALAL or HARAM if I sell?

Can I eat from the sale?

Because, I did the job by being lit by a lamp that was bought with state money, and of course that was people's money. "

Imam Ahmad was fascinated by the glory of the woman's soul. He is so honest, in the midst of a society that is corrupt and only thinks of his own pleasure, without caring about the lawful haram anymore. Even though it is clear, this woman is so poor again.

So with curiosity, Imam Ahmad asked,

"Mother, who are you actually?"

With a hoarse voice because of his prolonged suffering, this woman confessed, I am Basyar Al-Hafi's younger sister.

Imam Ahmad rahimahullah more surprised.

Basyar Al-Hafi is Gabernur who is famous for being fair and respected by his people during his lifetime.

Apparently, his high position was not misused for the benefit of his family and relatives. So that his own younger brother lived in a poor condition.

With a heavy sigh, Imam Ahmad said,

"Today, when people are busy collecting wealth in various ways, even by misusing state money and troubling the poor, there are still respectable women like you. Mother, really, a piece of your hair that breaks down from the edge of your veil is far more noble than the layers of turban I wore and the sheets of robes worn by the scholars. "

Imam Ahmad continued,

"Subhanallah, how glorious are you, are you forging the embroidery? Whereas for us it is okay, because what you are doing is not detrimental to state finances ... "

Imam Ahmad was so moved by the sentence,

"Mother, let me pay homage to you. Please ask anything from me, even most of my property, I will give it to women as noble as you. "

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A Hadith narrated from Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, from the Prophet he said:

لاَ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ جَسَدٌ غُذِيَ بِحَرَامٍ

"It will not enter heaven a body that is fed with the unclean."

(Sahih Lighairihi, HR. Abu Ya'la, Al-Bazzar, Ath-Thabarani in the books of Al-Ausath and Al-Baihaqi, and some of the Sanads are hasan. Sahih At-Targhib 2/150 no. 1730).

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