Bank Robber Uses "Flash Mob" He Hired Off Craigslist to Make His Getaway

in #story7 years ago

Bank Robber Uses "Flash Mob" He Hired Off Craigslist to Make His Getaway

While I suppose technically speaking this is an interview and not a documentary I found it pretty interesting so thought I would share it.

This is an interview with a man who was caught robbing $400,000 from an armored car. His plan in a way was pretty genius. For months he staked out this particular bank of America branch dressed as a landscaper so he could know the drivers route, where he walked, and so the driver would get familiar with him.

Then one day he hires about 20 guys off of Craigslist for a community clean-up project and has these guys all dress in a blue landscaper jumpsuit just like him. That's the day he decided to pull off the robbery. The idea being when the police show up with the description of a guy in a blue jump suit there's guys in blue jumpsuits everywhere and he can make his getaway.

He actually had a pretty elaborate plan, he ran down to a nearby river, and hopped in an intertube to make his way down the river to where a getaway car was waiting.

If I'm not mistaken I think some television show did a piece on him, don't recall if it was that show "I Almost Got Away With It" or "America's Most Wanted" or what the show was but I swear I've seen one of those reinactment shows cover this story.

Anyhow, pretty interesting story. The guy who did this did his time in prison and is now a motivational speaker and talks to kids about the choices that they make. You really kind of have to feel bad for the guy in a sense. He was a college student and was playing Football for a pretty big University he attended so was doing the right things and had a good life going for himself. One day in practice he tore his ACL and ended his Football career. After the surgery and to deal with the pain they gave him Vicodin and as happens with many people that led to using opiates and other drugs.

Anyhow, it's pretty interesting, give it a watch.

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