Tony Williams latest scene

in #story6 years ago (edited)


"Hello mum"
"Mrs. Woods"
"Tony Williams speaking"
"Please, call me Aria"
"Trust me Tony, I'll ruin you"
"What kind of man would do that to a friend's mum?"
"You called me your friend, that means a lot to me"
"...don't gay it up"
"I've been a bad girl for keeping you waiting... Spank me as hard as you want"
"...fuck, I'm in trouble"

Time: 6:39pm* (previous scene timing Edited)

she came closer, pressing her boobs against his chest, "I've been a bad girl for making you wait...", she slowly pulled his arms to rest on her ass, "I deserve to be punished", she moaned, "spank me as hard as you want",

"...Fuck, I'm in trouble"

The tension built further, like a predator, she seized the chance to move in to devour him. Slowly, they breathe each other in, getting lost in the moment. Both insanely aroused.

heartbeats synching, Her soft lips, so close to his; eyes closed

Tony pulled away
"Right this way, Aria"

She jerked in surprise, but masked it under a grin, "your mouth says 'no', but your body tells a different tale", she slid her hand down his chest to his dick. Tony held her halfway

", me, never gonna happen", he said sternly

Amber blushed, she never met a man who could turn down Aria before. Not even she, could deny her charms.

"Very well", Aria bit her lip. They walked in after Tony.

"Welcome Mrs Woods and... pretty lady", James stood on three legs, Tony left to get drinks

"Amber, meet James", Aria sat on the couch

"Nice to meet you, Amber", James was frozen on his feet
"I've heard a lot about you, James",
"What did you tell her?", beads of sweat trailed his face.

"Only that you're a no-good drunk, like any good mother would warn",

"Touché", Tony said as he dropped in, overhearing Aria
Amber giggled like a little girl and sat next to her

James sighed, "why do I even bother?", he slumped back on the single chair

"Come, James", Amber tapped the free spot next to her on the 3 cushion sofa, he jumped on the offer.
"I heard all of that but I still came to get to know you, so, don't be like that, okay?", she pecked him, he blushed.

Tony dropped a drink in front of each of them. Aria offered to open the drinks; he sat back

She first opened James', then Amber's to buy a free pass; Aria winked at her, she put a hand on James' lap and kept him busy while she walked over to Tony, bent just enough to get her boobs in view then she opened his drink; maintaining eye contact all through

she then turned around and the opener fell off her hand, 'accidentally', she picked it up, putting on a good show exclusively for Tony, flaunting what he's missing out on. She smiled as she caught his glance.

James was lost in Amber's eyes throughout the drama, she downplayed the attention she gave him soon as Aria sat back.

"So, tell me Tony, how did you befriend James?", Amber asked
"...", Tony was in no mood
"Oh...", Amber shut up
James picked up Amber's expression and saved the day, "we met at a bar and somehow we connected, I told him about my past and the girl I had my eyes on-"
"I fucked her"
"Oh my", Amber and Aria sat up, ignoring James who had been talking
"You've been with her before you met James?", Amber pushed her luck
"He told me about her so, I fucked her", he said nonchalantly
The ladies blushed and made hushed conversations, James was quiet, he knew he brought it on himself; Tony chose not to answer earlier.
"How long ago was this?", Amber pried further
"...Last night, this morning", James admitted ashamed, to at least get attention
The ladies laughed, "how're you guys now friends?", they still faced Tony, hoping he answers.
"I realized why he did what he did. He was trying to teach me a life lesson"
"Nah, I was looking for a cute girl to fuck"
James shut up.
"So, you guys met last night, and you're friends now?", Amber repeated to make sense of it, "you had a threesome didn't you?"

Tony grabbed his drink, all eyes locked on him.
Silence and suspense filled the room as he took few gulps and a pause to savor it.
"...Is that what you want?"
Amber blushed. It caught her off guard

"Tell me though", he spoke on, what's the story with James' father?",
"I don't want to talk about it", Aria said sternly, her tone, uncharacteristic, her arms crossed.

Amber was so scared, she couldn't recognize her, she averted her gaze, only to find James fretting like a little bitch

Tony smiled, "Tell me".

He stole the show once again, His voice calm as it always was; his eye contact, piercing.

As they stared on, Aria felt intimidated for the first time for as long as she could remember. A lecherous smile crept up on her, she was so turned on.

"Fine, what do you want to know about him?", she brushed her hair off her neck and put her hands on her thighs

James and Amber were shocked. She never talks about her ex husband, ever. Not even James knows more than he's allowed. They froze, immersed in the moment to get every single detail they could, while they could. Bringing up the topic again could mean death.

"I lost interest", Tony stood, "I'll go make something in the kitchen", he left

The air was awkward. Amber and James' neck were still outstretched, "what just happened?", Amber couldn't mouth the words. She looked to her side, Aria was clearly pissed off. But, she couldn't wipe the blush off her face.

"I'll be back", she left
"What's going on?", Amber managed to speak after she left
"I have to pee", James ran out

"Nice kitchen, strangely, too clean for a single man"
"What to make...", Tony tapped the table,

Aria felt ignored, "Step aside, amateur. I'll teach you how to cook", she said proudly, "the kitchen is my-"
he snapped his finger, "fries"

"Aria, get the pans and the oil from that counter. Russet Potatoes from there"

"Oh, you can't even handle that? Useless", Tony shook his head
She was so confused, she didn't know when she got it out. Tony got the bowls

"Peel", he handed her a knife
They got started,
Aria tried to show off, she did hers quickly until,
"You call that 'peeling potatoes'?"

"Huh?", Aria looked up
"don't waste it", He peeled his lightly,

she smiled, "show me", she was clearly trying to take advantage of the moment
Tony got behind her, held her hands, which had the knife and potato

"This is how", he breathed on her neck as he controlled her hand to peel. Soon as Aria tried to get comfortable, he left her. She bit her lips

They finished peeling the potatoes and cutting into even strips. He soaked it all in a bowl.

"Set 30minutes alarm"
"I could've sworn you're the type to only order out", she said as she set it up

"So, you cook for yourself?"
"I pay a chef"

"She comes around weekly, buys stuff, cooks and packs in the fridge"

"She hot?"

"You fucked her yet?"
He glanced at the shelf and got some oil out, "I don't crap where I eat"

Aria laughed, "you're a strange man. I would've taken you for the adventurous type"
"...", he put the oil next to the pan and stared at the timer.

"One question"
"No, we can't have sex in the kitchen", he didn't as much as glance

She smiled, "never tried?", she put a hand on his, he played along and stared into her eyes

"I have. Over and over... And over...", he said slowly, "but then comes the morning after. Paying the cleaners to work extra hours"

She gulped as she imagined, "I could sign that check", she took a step closer
"I hate to owe anyone", his voice more seductive

"What if...", she ran her free hand across his chest, "what if you paid me back in full"
"Pity, I don't do business transactions after 6pm", he pulled her closer

"How about an overtime just this once?", her voice, a whisper
"My boss would never allow it", he put a hand on her back, the other, digging into her hair, slowly pulling her closer. Their lips almost touching

"He would, you just have to ask nicely", she hit her final words to await her reward.
"You've tried", he pulled away and prepped the pans with oil.

"damn!", she whispered.
Time passed on in silence, as she recovered. "What the fuck?" "How could he resist me?" "How dare he play with me?", random thoughts occupied her at first, then she smiled. "I never lose"
she began making new schemes.

5 more minutes passed. She broke the ice

"If you had a chef, why make fries then?"
"you're trouble, I needed some time alone"
She laughed, "how's that working out?"

"How long can he last?", a devilish smile, only fitting for the occasion

"We still have 10minutes to kill", she said, "want to have some fun, Tony?"
He turned to her, "Sure"

She felt he was looking down on her,
looking at his face she could tell he's thinking that nothing she could do would get him down and dirty.

But, our lovely Aria is a feared goddess for a reason. She always has her way.

"...Tony is such a jerk", Amber had been going on and on about him
"I know, he treats ladies like they don't mean shit", James supported, hoping to get on her good side

"He's so cold, he's barely said much to me", she held her cheeks
"He's rude and selfis-",

"He's so hot", reality hit James, she was smitten
"Umm... Yeah, so, let's talk about you, Amber", he felt uncomfortable

"What you wanna know?"
"Do you have like, siblings?"
"What the fuck?", she thought,

"What did you study in college?"
"Umm... I don't remember"

"How so?", James was confused
"Spent more time fucking random guys than taking lectures. I might as well have studied sex"

James was speechless, "Major hoe alert"
"Aww, an erection, you dirty man", Amber stared,

James got shy, "What do you do?"
"As a job"
"What the fuck is up with you bitch, Are you asexual?", Amber thought
"Oh, I'm a model", she smiled

"You have the looks"
"I didn't know that", she began to lose interest

"Are you kidding? I could jerk off to your pics"
"Better take a good look then, you'll need it later", she thought

Awkward silence lingered on
James cleared his throat few minutes later, "umm, I get that you're not having fun so, what do you want to do?"
"What the fuck?", she thought, "can't he take a fucking hint?"

"Oh, I don't know. What you wanna do?", she smiled

He pressed the remote
"At least you know how to turn something on", she muttered
"Say something?"
"Oh I was admiring the size of the screen"
"I know right?"

Few minutes later

"That's enough time. My goodness, when Aria told me about him, I thought she was bluffing. No man can be this dense", she thought
"Umm, I'll go check on Aria"

"Okay, be back soon, next episode coming up", he said immersed

Amber raised her middle finger as she got to the door, "Yeah, real soon"

Amber walked in, "what're you up-"
Aria and Tony's clothes were on the floor
"Oh my, its hot in here", she blushed as she stared at Tony

"We're playing strip poker, loser takes off one piece of clothing", Aria smiled, "he's tough to beat"

"You sly fox, losing on purpose", Amber thought, "Tony only has his shirt off, and she's down to her lingerie"

"Seems I've lost again", Aria blushed, "I'll have to lose the bra"

She leaned forward a bit, unhooked it slowly, as it was just about sliding off, the timer beeped

"30 minutes, time to fry", Tony said, "put your clothes on", he wore his shirt

Aria was embarrassed
Amber blushed, "he's so stern"

"Why are you here, Amber?", she jerked in surprise

Tony started the fire, Aria dried the potatoes in silence.

She felt more like a potato than the potatoes in the bowl.

"Oh, no reason", she said
"Rest in the living room then"
"With James? I'll rather join you guys"
"...Do as you please"
Amber smiled

20 minutes later

They microwaved the food in the fridge and paired it up with the fries.
Amber set the table, James helped her. Both barely talking.

After they all sat,

"You came over to talk to James", Tony reminded
"I'm listening", James said as he ate
"James, meet Amber"
"That's it?"
"Told you he's slow", Aria and Amber laughed
"Hey!", he was embarrassed
"Amber is single and wanted to get to know you", Aria spelled out
"Oh... A fixup", he finally got it, "I'm down"

As she stared at the smiling fool, then at Tony who couldn't care less, she realized...
life is too short.

"I'm tired tonight"
"We could do it tomorrow or next or weekend", James persisted
"Works for me", she smiled

"Umm, if you don't mind. Give me your number-", he stuttered, "I'll call you"
"Oh, I don't have my phone on me right now, I'll get your number from Aria and give you a call later. Cool?"
"Yeah, that works. Thank you", he was happy as fuck

"Wow", Aria, Tony and Amber whispered, "seriously?"

"Don't forget to give her my number", James was too excited to notice
"I'll give her your number darling, don't worry"
"Thanks mum"
"Mrs Woods motherf--, he's just like his father", she was glad to keep it in

"So Aria, did you read that book I recommended last week?", Amber giggled
"Yeah, I love it so far"

"Really? O-M-G, it's soooo good"
"I know right?"

"I love the fantasy, action, romance blend. That author somehow managed to pull it off"
"To be honest, I was reluctant to try it out at first since I'm more into movies, but you're a persistent bitch"

Amber giggled, "guilty"
"But when I did, I was hooked from the very first scene"
"I know right? It was so dark and mysterious, so many questions comes to mind then the author left it on a cliffhanger"
"What Book is that?", James pried
"Never mind"
"Food is getting cold", Tony said

The ladies got started while they talked lightly

Amber cleared the table

"We'll be on our way soon", Aria said, "may I speak with you in private, Tony?"

James was suspicious, "you can talk to him here, right Tony?"

"This way, Aria", he walked outside, she followed.

James sighed then he caught a glimpse of Amber who seemed to avoid him.

"I must say, I've lost"

"This is a first for me, you must be proud"

She couldn't accept his silence,
"Men have always fought over me, they all wanted-"
"Beautiful night", Tony interrupted
"...", he faced her,
silence lingered on a while

"Fuck you", she pouted
He smiled, leaned in and whispered, "not gonna happen"
She walked out on him, pissed

Tony stared at the sky, devious smile across his lips, "beautiful night"

"Amber, let's go", Aria stormed in
"Bye mu-", She glared at him, he almost peed himself, "Mrs Woods"

"You're leaving with them, James", Tony walked in
"I don't really-",

"Wasn't a question", "Hang on", he left

"I'll be in the car", Amber and Aria left

"your clothes", Tony offered him a bag with the clothes he wore earlier, washed.
"I'll change into-"

"Don't worry, they're all yours"
"For real?",

"Thanks friend"

"Time to get the fuck out, friend", he guided him out
James laughed, "behind that rock hard shell, is a big warm heart"

"Don't gay it up", he shut the door and walked to the sofa

"...", he sat and finished his drink

10minutes later

The car trip was quiet, Aria was taking her first loss really hard, shame, it wasn't a dick.

James spoke up, "So, what do you think of Tony, Mrs Woods?"

"...Sweetheart", Aria looked up the rear view mirror to see James, "quick question"
"Yeah?", he replied
"Just wondering...", she said calmly, "have you ever died by getting kicked off a speeding car?", James held his tongue

Amber brushed the hair off Aria's face and pecked her, "he's just blind",
"He is, baby", she glanced at Amber then the road, "why else would he turn down a goddess"
"I know right?"

"Umm, I'm still in the car, ladies"
"Oh, yeah", Aria said politely, "my bad"

Car zoomed off,
"Me and my big mouth", James was left on the sidewalk. He took an uber home.

5 minutes later

"Shit, I forgot I hid my phone from that weirdo"

"Just drop me here, love, I'll get it and meet you at the lounge", she said, "we'll have a wild girls' night, better be ready"
Aria parked the car, "it's been a while"

"Yeah", she hugged Aria, "I know when you need me the most"
Aria pecked her, "you're so thoughtful"

"I love you, Aria"
"Love you too, baby", Aria stroked her hair

Amber pulled back to stare at her face, "smile for me"
Aria pouted

"Come on", she playfully encouraged
Aria smiled

"There she is! The strongest and sexiest woman I know"
"Aww, got me blushing, love", Aria pecked her, "hurry back"

"I will", she pecked Aria and left the car.

She waved and drove away

20minutes later

Aria pulled up to the hotel they paid for earlier today.

She opened the door of her white Mercedes, planted her $5k designer's stilleto on the ground, all eyes were on her.

She dropped the other foot and raised the spotlight from her legs to her figure.

she flipped her hair, to guide them up to her face, barely paying attention to the ruckus she's causing.

While the few around were thinking, "who is she?",

Amber was on her mind

she pulled her iPhone then looked around, everyone looked away to avoid eye contact.

She smiled, closed the car door and leaned back.

Amber's number dialing...

"Pick up, pick up... Ugh"
She tried again

"Maybe she's on silen-", her eye caught a light from the backseat.

"Is that?", she opened the car, Amber's ringtone confirmed her stray thought.

"Bitch pulled a fast one on me", she laughed hard,
"I taught you well, Amber Robbins"

"I think I left my phone here, hiding it from James"

Tony looked her in the eyes, "Cut the bullshit, what do you want?",
She saw her words weren't fooling anyone.

"What Aria can't have", she spoke up,
"...", she took his silence as a green light,
"Unlike Aria, I'm very flexible", she came closer and made eye contact, "we can fuck...", she paused, her eyes enchanting, " ANY position you want", she added, "you don't have to hold back anymore",

She put a hand on his cheek and whispered, "I can satisfy you in more ways than you can imagine"

Tony sighed and gestured at the living room.
Amber blew him a kiss and went in.

He walked up to the door, looked outside a bit.
As the door shut, he grinned,
"...Beautiful night"

To be continued

Author's Note:

Have to hand it to Amber. Best actress of the fucking year. She better be ready for Aria

Sorry but not sorry, James. You had your shot. Hope you had a good look cuz you'll need to take matters into your capable right hand in a few. Like all gentlemen before you.



Ah shit, 50 shades of....

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