in #story7 years ago (edited)

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A story is simply a sequence of real or fictional events. It is also an account of real and imaginary people, told or written for the purpose of entertainment.

A story is a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; it could be a fictitious tale, shorter and less elaborate than a novel. source

Here is a short story that depicts conspiracy and I hope you enjoy it.


The Donalds family was known to be the richest at the time and everyone loved them, probably because of their generosity and kind-heartedness.

Mr Donald was a very hardworking man who was always busy doing one thing or the other to make sure the money keeps coming in. he made sure his wives and children never lacked anything. He was married to three wives and had ten children, five from the first wife, two from the second wife and three from the third. It was never his desire to get married to more than one wife but as an African man, he wanted a son to take over his property but none of the women gave him a male child except the third wife.

Mr Donald was a very gentle man and people loved the subtle way in which he spoke. He was also a man of great wisdom and his wisdom could be seen in his riches and in the way he tried as much as he could to put his family in order and provide for everyone.

For many years there was peace in the home but trouble started when Mr Donald lost his life to a Heart disease. He died without leaving a Will and that was his greatest mistake. The first wife didn’t want to let the third wife’s son have the property to himself because he was still a kid and wouldn’t know how to handle such large amount of properties, so she conspired with the second wife to take the life of the third wife’s son.

They met at a bar and talked at length. They came to the conclusion that they were going to send an assassin whose job would be to ram the kid over with a car while he played with his friends in the evening. On the set day, the first wife gave a call to the assassin on her mobile phone and they met at a bar. The instructions were passed and the assassin set out to carry out his mission. Coincidentally, the assassin sent to do this dirty job was the youngest brother to the third wife. He was a thug and was disowned by his father due to his deviant behaviour.

He was friends with his elder sister (the third wife) on facebook and so was aware that his sister had a male child but was oblivious of the fact that if was the same child he was sent to kill. On sighting the kid from afar, cold shivers ran through his spine as he recognised the child as his elder sister’s son. He aborted the mission and made to enquire more from the first wife why he was asked to kill the child. The first wife refused divulging the information to him. Sensing that the life of his elder sister was being threatened, he had to put a call across to his elder sister with a hidden number, telling her about the conspiracy and warned her to be careful, stating that her life and the life of her son was at risk.

On hearing this, she became extremely scared. She got a lawyer for herself and also reported the case to the local police.

The first wife became handicapped, knowing that if she took any further actions, all eyes would be on her and fingers would point at her since her first conspiracy had been brought to light.

Peace returned to the house and no life was under threat anymore.


Wow what a twist! Thanks for the entry :)

Thank you very much

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