Believe is to feel in your heart that something is right...

in #story6 years ago

The problem is, the feelings of your heart get influenced by emotions and not by rational thinking. Like a complete stranger can make your heart explode, while you don't even know who that stranger is. Or a theory or idea could sound logical in your heart, but without know the evidence it's nothing more than blind fate. So in this post im gonna explain about what i personally experience regard the positive and negative side of believe.


The mistake many people make is, is associate believe with religion. Because believe is something everyone does on a daily basis. That could be about someone telling you a story, what you can dismiss, believe it or verify the story at the source. But how many people will verify a gossip after they just heard it? Most of the majority will simply tell the gossip to others, what can lead to huge consequences in the community or family.

I experienced this at first hand, in my relationship story. The majority of the community simply believed the gossip about me and my partner, and latterly ignored us for years in different ways. Now years later many who had seen a different point of view, have realized that they made a mistake. The mistake was that they believe the gossip, without verify the story. So the lesson in this situation was, every gossip about someone in your family or friends community, should be verified at the source, that would get rid of the gossip in a blink of a eye. This means, gossip could lead to huge consequences in a family, group of friends or community.


What might not have effect on the people who are in the gossip, but will affect the next generation of kids, who are innocent and have nothing to do with the drama between the adults. Most of these kids will grow up alone without family and will end up with friends, while they need the protection, security, guidelines and love from their family.

Some family members don't see each other for years, and when the time comes they lay on their death bed, and then they will think back with sorrow to their family members. Or friends who don't see each other anymore, because one heard this or that and start to believe that something is not correct with his friend, and stays on distance. While the ice cold truth is, that people who are in problems don't need the gossip, what they need a hand, a shoulder, someone who ask them, what happened??? And then they stay silent and listen to the story, it's only that what many need but don't get. I saw that in my life to, i thought many times, if people only took the moment to ask the question, what happened?


Only two words, but they are priceless, because they are to the key the minds of every individual. But if people start to believe what they heard from others, then these two words are the last words in their minds. They will only see the image what is a interpretation of the gossip they heard. Imagine telling a story to one person, and he tells it to another and so and on and on, and after 10 people is that story twisted in a way, that it's completely different from the first story.

For this reason it's important that every information what you think have value, should be verified with evidence or facts or should be dismissed, or else you might attack a innocent person who needed your support and not your judgment. And on the end it will be you alone who will think back about your decision to believe others, instead of asking for the truth. That will create a situation where it's easier to completely dismiss your friend or family member, by ignoring that person completely and just to move on with your life.

But the problem is, that you can't completely forget a family member or friend, if that person never did you harm. You memories will always remind you of the good actions of that person, and that will create a empty feeling because you don't see that person anymore, only because you believe what others said. This could happen to anyone of us, in any situation, and i think that nobody can be really blamed for it, because i think this should have been thought on schools.


In our education system they learn us how to read, write, social skills and a education toward some kind of profession. But they don't learn children about how to use believe, that is something children must get from somewhere else. That could be home or from some kind of religion. And that's another problem, because if children don't learn it from our education system, then they either learn it from religion or from family or friends and in the worst case scenario from the streets.

And that can be a huge problem, because the streets have no mercy for anyone, nobody is safe. Everyone could be misled by anything or any situation, and there for when people comes on the streets, that they get trouble. Young guys get involved with gangs, or young women get used or abused by men or end up in prostitution. So when people talk about believe, they think about religion and don't want to talk further anymore, or they get lost in the religion subject. But to see believe like a subject on his own, is something what almost look alien to many people. While the subject of believe plays a crucial role in our lives, and when people use it properly, it could even benefit your lives and others around you.


Is believe is to feel in your heart that something is right, then doesn't this mean that it's important to have the right information in your heart? So this mean, it's important to know the right information, or else just dismiss the story/gossip until it's proven with evidence. Because it's not important in live to know everything, it's possible that you or me or anyone else don't know what happened or what's going on, and the only way to know that is by asking questions.

So the point i want to make with this post is, that believe get underestimated, because people can easily misled with lies or a fallacy. That's even worst, because the ignorance of the fallacy get used against the people. You can see that everywhere in the news or media or on social media, or around you. People are using fallacies non stop and others are buying it, what will have huge consequences. That's the main reason why it's still possible that False flag attacks are still effective, the media only need to say afterwards what happened, and everyone will buy it. Or look at the crypto market now??

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That is because people believe to many things, and then fear will take control and decide what is best for them. That is the problem if people believe others or story without evidence, then imagination will take over and fear will stand up. While the truth is, we all know that blockchain technology works, we all know that many crypto projects are very positive for many people. But the crypto market stand against the old Banks, who don't want crypto to succeed, they don't want us the majority of the people to thrive. And there for they are spreading many lies, what leads to fear, and fear will let the market goes down.

So to me the situation is because of this or because of that, it's more because of us, we let it happen. We the majority choose accept that organizations like the media, to spread information. We the majority accept Banks, or some figures in the governments or accept laws. This means, its not that others have the power, its more that we surrender our power. By believing what others say or think or express or even show. But we can change that by using believe in the right way, this means we can only believe something if we are certain that it's correct, or else we just have to dismiss it.

If you look at this to everything in your live, then trust me, nobody can misled you, nobody can fool you, and nobody will get between your friends or family, and no media could fool his citizens to support a war without evidence. And no politician could be sitting on the main chair, without showing his true intention. Because that's what we have on this moment, we don't have the best leaders, we have the leaders with the best marketing strategy. The one who paid most have won. So the truth is, we all have more power than we think if you use it on the right way.

Like the crypto market on this moment, have trust in logic and reject opinions and hodl if you think that's needed. But don't let your decisions be chosen by fear or gossips. Just used believe in the right way and it can work in your benefit. Because if you know the truth about something, and anyone wants to dismiss it or confuse you with other information, then the energy you feel is like a one man army, ready to defend anything or anyone. That is the power what believe can give you if you one something in your heart, what you proven with evidence. Trust me on this, try it out and believe only what is proven with evidence, you can thank me later!

And don't you worry about the past, or what you had done or believed, because what ever happen, it already happened. It's more about the future, we all have that power to change that, to make other decisions then what we did in the past. And this can be done by everyone!

If you like my post, then feel free to follow me, because i write about all kind of subjects.
Thanks for reading!



Nice post bro

nice post

Thank you!

irrational living is the key to success! ;)

Well said!

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This post has received a 1.26 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @sinzzer

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