The Mysterious Energy-Cleansing Power of the Sedona Vortexes

in #story7 years ago

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Only one of a few sacred places on Earth, Sedona is home to four vortexes.

You're probably wondering... what the heck are they? Well, in short, vortexes are locations where energy is entering or leaving the planet. They can also be found at such places as Machu Picchu (Peru), the Great Pyramid (Egypt), and the Stonehenge (UK). Great explanation here.

I feel fortunate to live within 90 minutes of these intense concentrations of energy—especially considering I'm an empath, someone who is able to "feel" the energy of others (whether I like it or not.) Going to these vortexes gives me a unique opportunity to cleanse energy from others that I carry around with me.


Above: Cathedral Rock Vortex

This is perhaps my favorite vortex. Each time we go I get goosebumps while we're exploring...only on my left leg, though. Can't explain that one.

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A particularly unique thing happens around these vortexes. As you can see in this picture (above) Juniper trees twist over time. They respond to and are being drawn to the powerful energy. The closer you get, the more twisted their bodies are. More on that here.

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Yet, even if you don't believe in this phenomenon, you can explore the beauty of Sedona and perhaps find the hidden creek nearby. It's absolutely beautiful!


Jordan and I love hiking around and meeting the unique, friendly people who live in and visit this city. Laska always enjoys the hikes, too. (Note the flopping tongue lol.)


Beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. I envy you :)

About your right leg - did you have any injury, surgery, is there a scar or any other kind of obstacle blocking the flow?

Have a great day!

Interesting question...

It was my left leg, but no injuries come to mind. In gymnastics, I actually broke my right foot at one point and my right elbow as well. I wonder if the left side goose bumps could mean anything else? Hmm..

There is an option that your body is overcompensating. If your right leg is weaker, shorter, whatever, then your left side is automatically doing more or different work.

About scares. There might be internal scars left after surgery or healing. Tissue tends to glue together while healing. This represents physical and energy flow blockage.

Just a thought ...

That makes sense! Definitely need to do some meditation while I'm there hiking and see if anything presents itself. Worth exploring!

A great idea. Report back the findings :)

By the way - are you familiar with Jose Silva's Ultramind?

Will do, I'll be sure to write a follow-up post! No, I haven't. Not very familiar with many healing/meditative techniques, sadly.

SIlva's Ultramind originates from 60's when Jose SIlva discovered that, while in alpha state, you can make left and right brain hemisphere cooperate. He developed many techniques to ease the process. You can actually inspect your own body via your outer mind if you are versed in this. Check it out. It is very interesting.

Sedona is my favorite weekend getaway!

Ah, you're in Phoenix, too? We love making Sunday day trips to close out the weekend. :)

Yup I'm in chandler! Been exploring Sedona since I was a baby!

Sedona is one of our favorite places on Earth. Thanks for sharing!

For some reason, that does not surprise me! We are such kindred spirits. Glad we met at Steem Fest. :)

; ) My sister-in-law lives there so we usually rent either a house or casita on and spend a week there hiking. The airport vortex is a great workout! I wanted to do the biplane ride the last time we were there but I didn't get to. I'm glad we met you guys too! The next time we're in Sedona we'll have to let you know and maybe we can meet up.

That's one we haven't been to yet, but definitely want to see! Sounds like you guys do the vacay right! Yes, let us know when you're coming down next and we can meet up! :) Have you been to Paleo Brio Cafe while you're down there? One of my top 5 favorite restaurants in Arizona!

The airport vortex is a good workout, luckily I had sturdy boots during that trip. We'll definitely get in touch the next time we fly down. We usually fly into Phoenix and drive up. I think we have eaten at Paleo Brio. There's also an amazing Korean Restaurant there, I can't remember the name.

Looks like an amazing place! You are indeed lucky to be so close to such wonderful nature with cleansing powers to boot!

Couldn't agree with you more! I need to practice some meditation here and see what other discoveries I might find.

These places must be perfect for meditation and life-force empowerment, and we all need some of this in today's world of electromagnetic mayhem!

Now isn't that the truth! And all the negative energy with no outlet.

I work on houses all over Sedona every day. This is a great place.

amazing I love Sedona

Phenomenal Photos and equally awesome article! I am happy I found your content! Just followed!! :) I want to go visit some natural vortices!!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. I wonder how others of the world compare to Sedona. @shenanigator and I really want to visit Machu Picchu next!

Looks amazing!

Looks Amazing.. Sedona is somewhere my husband and I have wanted to go for so long. I think the energy would be amazing. Just need to hop on that 14 hour flight to the US first argh! Maybe next year

If only we could teleport! I'd swap with you—never been to Australia but I want to go!! :)

Nice post. And thx for voting for me. Following now!

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