in #story7 years ago

SUB TITLE: "How Civilization Begot Sin".
Civilization Is The Opening Of The Human Mind To Embrace Sin.
Civilization Is Coming To The Consciousness Of What Sin Is, Yet Commit It Blissfully.
Civilization Is The Bringing Of Sin To People's Thresholds.
The Legalization Of Sin Is The Price You Pay For Civilization.
Historically, Civilization Began In Ancient China Or Ancient Egypt, But Hear This; Civilization Was Born In The Garden Of Eden. Man's Eyes Were First Opened To The Consciousness Or Knowledge Of Light And Darkness--- Good And Evil. Civilization Is The Painting Of Out And Out Sin With A White Paint.
Civilization Means To Do The Night Event In Blood Day Light. Hence,
Before You Embrace Civilization, Embrace Discipline.
Before You Embrace Civilization, Embrace Self-Control.
Before You Embrace Civilization, Obtain Wisdom.
Because Of Civilization The World Is Vastly Becoming Something Else. You Have To Open Your Eyes And Visualize It, Realize It, And Reprimand It.
Schools (Mainly Primary, Secondary And Tertiary Institutions) Have Become Another Way Of Cajoling Our Children Away From Us, Debauch Them, Distort Their Minds, Spoil Them, And Expose To Or Teach Them To Embrace Sin With Confidence, Afterwards, They Now Send Them Back To Us And Into The Society. I'm Not Saying That School Is Bad Or In Other Words, Villainizing It--- Of Course Everyone Needs It; It's Necessary, But You Must Know That There's A Gargantuan Difference Between Schooling And Education.
So Before You Send Your Child To School, Make Sure You Give Him/Her Education.
Education Is The Infusion Of Wisdom Into The Human Mind.
Schooling Is The Studying Of Facts And Ethics That Surround A Certain Field.
Education Teaches You How To Think While Schooling Teaches What To Think.
Education Builds Your Compos Mentis While Schooling Just Gives You What To Store In It.
Albeit Einstein Said And I Quote:
"Education Is Not The Learning Of Facts, But The Training Of The Mind To Think."
As Margaret Mead Put It:
"Children Must Be Taught How To Think, Not What To Think."
Allan Bloom Stated That Education Is The Movement From Darkness To Light.
I Love How Albeit Einstein Put It Again:
"Education Is What Remains After One Has Forgotten Everything He Learned In School."
According To Mark Twain, He Instructed His Minions And Proteges Thus:
"Do Not Let Schooling Interfere With Your Education."
Education Is What You As A Parent Infused Into Your Children If You Want Fruition In Their Future.
When You've Failed To Give Them That, There's Nothing The School Can Do. Be A Responsible Parents By Embracing Your Parental Responsibilities With Tender Loving Care.
People Often Say That Our Forefathers Were Sinners Because They Worshiped Idols...
I Totally Anathematize That Very Notion. And I Suggest That Such Ideas Should Be Vetoed.
What Our FOREFATHERS Did Was Not A Sin, I Call It Nescience: It Was Out Of Ignorance.
Sin Is Having Been Taught, Warned, And Coached On The Identity Of Sin, But Yet You Still Go Ahead And Do It. Our Forefathers Were Impeded, Obscured, And Benighted By Ignorance... They Were Incognizant Of Their Fetish Practices. They Abandoned All That For The Gospel When They Were Enlightened By The Missionaries. That Shows You That They Were Proteges Of Ignorance. After The Gospel, Came The Civilization Which Brought In Sin With It.
Civilization Is The Light That Tells You That What You Were Practicing In The Night Can As Well Be Practiced In The Light.
Technology's Success Is Aggrandizing Holus-Bolus. I Deem It Right And Necessary That We Educate Our Youngsters And Children On The Pros And Cons Of Technology Derivatives. So Many Parents Would Commit Suicide If Only They Knew What Their Children Are Up To.
We Have Pampered Our Progenies (Children) Way To Much. I Know That Every Parents Want The Best For Their Kids, But We Should Learn To Set Our Limits. For Instance, Your Child Is In The Sunday School, And He/She Is Attending A Very Good, Goal-Oriented, Prestigious, And Theophobic (God-Fearing) School; And He/She Is Taught By A Teacher With Great Teaching Expertise Yet Everyday Your Child Is Turning To Something Else. Not That The Church Has Failed, Neither Has The School Failed To Discharge Its Duties, The Problem Is That You've Failed To Give Your Children The Attention That They Need. When Last Did You Sit Down With Them To Watch The Cartoons You've Been Buying Them. Most Of The Cartoons They Watch Contain Subliminal Messages That Influence Them Subconsciously ---Without Them Knowing. And There's Nothing As Bad As Subliminal Messages; They Saturate Your Subconscious Mind And Gradually Become Your Mental Constituents.
Most Cartoons Contain The Following Demonic Elements:

  • Mythology (The Belief In Many gods And goddesses).
  • Atheism (The Belief That There's No God).
  • Marine-Spiritism (The Practice Of Communicating With Marine Spirits).
  • Occultism ( False And Demonic Teachings).
  • Fear
  • Humanism (The Belief That It's Right To Do Wrong If Turns Out For Your Benefit).
  • Violence
  • Necromancy (Communication With The Dead).
  • Fornications (Sex Outside Of Marriage).
  • Emulation ( A Form Of Uncontrollable Jealousy).
  • Witcheries
  • Hatred
  • Murder (The Talking Of Innocent Lives).
  • Sedition (Division).
  • Lasciviousness
  • Hedonism
  • Idolatry
  • Variances
  • Revelling
  • Heresies (Lies Taught About Christian Doctrine).
  • Sorcery
    And Many More....
    You Can Agree With Me That All Those Aforementioned Qualities Are Unambiguously Antithesis To The Bible-Approved Ones Taught In The Church.
    When Next They Finish Watching Their Cartoons Ask Them For The Moral Lesson.
    That's Why You See Children Just Change Spontaneously Without The Parents Having A Clue.
    So Many Children Are Possessed Through The Watching Of These Cartoons.
    The Possession Only Starts Manifesting Fully When They Grow Up To Have A Little Freedom.
    The Devil Does Not Joke With Entertainment Because He Knows That It's A Great Tool For Him To Use And Demoralized The Mind Of Man. Mind-Manipulative Programs Are Very Dangerous And It's Everywhere Now. The Music, The Movies, The Fashion Industry....
    The Bible Says, "Watch And Pray".
    If You Buy Him A Phone, Show Him What Phones Are Just For. Watch The Company He Follows And The Friends He Keeps.
    I'm Often Taken Aback When Parents Say That Children Need Freedom. Yes They Need Freedom, But Not When It's Undue.
    Freedom Is Sweet But Self-Destructive When It's Undue. "There Is A Time For Everything."
    Don't Let Your Children Become Apotheoses Of Benito Mussolini In Your House. Catch Them Young.
    It's Not All About The School Fees, But You.
    What Is School Fees If Your Children Become Vagabonds And Destroying Vices In The Society Tomorrow? Your Children Are Your Future.
    Pray For Them Fervently. Make Sure You Give Them Jesus Before They Leave. Jesus Christ Is The Best Gift A Mother Can Give To Her Child. Great In Them The Fear Of God.
    John 10:10
    Galatians 5:22-23
    Acts 19:27-28
    Mark 12:29-30
    2 Peter 2:1

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