Human curiosity

in #story6 years ago

There is no end to human curiosity. Our curiosity encourages us to learn and discover new things. Many of us may think that some questions are hidden, whose answers have never been found.

Today we will find five such questions and their answers.

February month is 28 days?

We all know 28 days in February, after every 4 years, it is 29 days. But many of us have question, Why is the month of February in the month of February for 31 months?

The calendar that we currently use for 365 days is named Gregory Calendar. It was used many years ago in the Greek era Julian Calendar. The total number of days in the Julian calendar was 304 days, which was calculated from March to December. But in the 304-day calendar it was difficult to keep the calculations of the season. Therefore, the Greek King Pompillius did more than 61 days to 365 days to maintain the period of the season, two new months called January and February were added at the beginning of the year. January was 31 days, and 30 days in February.

But then it started bismunda. The King of Rome "Julius" changed the name of "Quintilis" to keep himself memorable in the calendar "Julius"; Which is later "July". Even Julius gave a 31 days to July in a month with February. Likewise Julian's brother's brother named "Augustus" after being emperor named "August" to keep his name memorable and in August from 1 day in February to 31 days. Thus, it is July and August 31 days and February is 28 days.

How is a man left or right handed?

The right part of the brain controls the left part of our body and the left part of the brain controls the left part of the body. So, if the right part of someone's brain becomes more effective, then that person will be left behind. One in 10 people in our world left. However, scientists are still unable to discover the reason behind left or right hand. Many people think that the main cause of left hand is actually genetic. If the parents are right-handed then only 9% of the child's left is expected. On the left hand side of any one of the parents, the probability of childhood left is 19% and if both parents and mothers are left, then the probability of child left is increased to 26%.

But left-handed is not a bad sign, even studies have shown that the success rate of left-handed batsmen in cricket and baseball games is more than right-handed. The interesting fact is that the rate of left-handed and right-handedness in all other animals except humans is equal, that is, 50%.

What percentage of our brain can we actually use?

Many of you have probably heard that we can use only 10% of our brains in our whole life, the remaining 90% percent are lazy. But the word is not exactly right. Our brain is divided into four groups, namely: frontal, parative, temporal and oxypital.

One lobe performs one task. For example, Frontal lobes control our thinking, and then temporal lobe controls the hearing power. Our brain absorbs 20% of our total energy, where the weight of the brain is only 2% of our body weight. So what is the brain with so much energy?

The number of neurons in our brain is more than 100 billion. Energy is not in our body to make such a large number of neurons work together. So a certain part of the brain can work on a specific time according to the body's needs and type of work. With the energy we get every day, it is possible to work with a maximum of 16% of the neurons at a given time. So, we can use the full power of our brain, but not together.

How do bees make honey?

All bees in Moucha live as a colony. But all the bees in the colony work but honey is not made. Basically the work of the worker bees is to collect honey from the flowers. But honey collected from flowers contains about 40% -80% of water, so it becomes difficult to preserve that flower honey.

To collect honey of the bees, there is a different organ that is called "Honey Stomac". After collecting honey from the bees, they deposit that honey stomach. During the returning to Moucha, honey honey of the stomach caused the enzymes of the flowers to become dense gradually, which means that the amount of water decreases. After returning to Moucha, honey is transmitted from one bee to another bee through the boiling point, and honey density of every bee stemac enzymes continues to increase. At the end, the bees reduce their honey density by blowing them with the wings so that it can be stored for a long time.

When the honey is made, the bee collects it with special care in the special chamber of Muchak. A worker bees can produce honey in one part of one teaspoon of 1 teaspoon in his whole life. To produce 1 lb honey, 10000 bees fly about 75,000 miles and honey is collected from about 8 million flowers.

How do Igloo / ice house keep us warm?

We saw people in cartoons and movies as a boy in the ice house or Igalu. But the ice is cold, so how does it keep us warm!

During the snowfall, the polynomial temperature is so low that it is necessary to find shelter for survival. But because there is no wood or other equipment to build shelters, people create a kind of house with ice, which is called Igloo. Originally, the temperature of the surrounding environment is much lower than our body, our body goes out in the warm environment. As a result, our body temperature decreases and we feel cold. Many aerodynamics are trapped in different spots in the snow.

Air heat is crippled, so the inner heat from the snow made from Igloo can not easily go out. An eagle can hold around 95% of total heat radiated from the body of the person sitting in it. As a result, the internal environment of the eagle can not be easily chilled. In this way, a home made by ice can protect you from tremendous cold incidence in a hostile environment.

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