in #story6 years ago

By Ruth Nakandi

Who is Prossy Namwejje?

Prossy Namwejje is a proprietor of Sure Deal Beauty Company. Born on May24th 1988 to Yeko Bakulumpangi and Juliet Nabanka Mpangi in Kakiri Wakiso district. Am married to Moscoud Muhammad of Cairo Egypt and we have four children.

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Education background
I went to Nadangira nursery and primary school were I finished my primary leaving examinations in 1994 then went to St Mbaggas College in 1995-1996. That was from senior one to senior two. In 1997, I went to Lubiri senior secondary school up to senior six in 2000.

In 2001, I was admitted to YMCA in Wadengeya for a certificate in costomotology for 3years. When I finished my certificate, I went to India in 2005 for a diploma in mixing creams and lotions. I studied the diploma for 2 years.

Returning from India
After finishing my diploma in India in 2007, I really wanted to start up something practical. I was using my head day and night thinking about something creative I can do. I got an ideal to start up a saloon since I had interest in beautification.

Starting up Sure unisex saloon
In 2011, I started a business of the saloon and called it sure unisex saloon. My husband gave me 900.000shs for capital to start up the saloon. Because of our creativity, we were doing all kinds of things they do in the saloon. Talk about plaiting, waving, cutting men’s hair, pedicure, manicure, bridal and styling. In the six earlier months, we were getting about 50,000-150000shs net per day. After one year in 2012, we started getting 200.000-500.000shs net per day. God was blessing us each day and expanding each day. Because of the increase, I thought about expanding the saloon to cater for both sex. I knew by separating it, I would get space ladies and gents which would help to cater for more customers and increase my income per day.

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Expanding sure unisex saloon
In 2012, we separated the saloon into two. One part was for ladies and other part was for gents. We got enough space to cater for both sexes which increased our income as a saloon. We started getting 1m per day in the same year.

In 2013, we started working on brides. We would work on the set of brides at 2 million and get 1 million net profits.

Because God was increasing me each year, in 2014, I build my parents a house worthy 50 million. I also bought a car in the same year worthy 8 million. Since I was always travelling to work on brides in different places, I could not use a taxi. I really needed a car badly to quicken my work.

Leaving Nateete

A tycoon bought land were our saloon was in 2015. This forced us to relocate to Kawaala. Our client would call us every day to inquire were our new place was and we directed most of them. We started getting used to our new place and slow by slow, we caught up. We would now get like 1.5 million per day.

Since I had passion to work on the brides, I also started doing more of the field work. We would move in different parts of the country looking for brides to work on. Some brides were far and so busy. We had to travel to their homes to work on them. Since we were five, we would divide ourselves. I would go with some in the field while others remained working in the saloon at Kawaala. We were getting 800.000shs per day in the field. This motivated me to be creative and come up with more ideas.

Starting to make sure deal products

I really wanted to utilize my diploma I studied in India of mixing different creams and lotions to come up with the cream which would improve the skin and make it look better. I used 2 million from the profits of my saloon business to buy chemicals which did not have hydrochinini. I bought the chemicals from India. I would mix creams with these chemicals to come up with a better cream. I was dark skinned so I started by experimenting on myself. I worked on myself for one year and resorted to my sisters in 2016. Since I was still doing research before mixing more creams, I had to persuade them to try out my products I had finished mixing. I experimented on my sisters for 6 months. It was a good cream and soap .Definitely, I had to mix more and look for market for my products. My saloon business was still running by then so I had to also use the same name for my creams and soap products I had mixed.

Looking for the shop for my products

Still in the same year 2016, I started looking for the shop in Kampala for my products but it was not easy. I got a corrida in down town where I would put my products for people to see. I could also hawk them in different arcades. I was not ashamed to hawk them because I wanted people to know about my products. To my surprise, I got like 2.5 million net in the first week. In 3 months, I had got like 2.5 million net and in 6 months, I had reached 60 million monthly.

Buying a shop at mini price

I was getting customers day by day and therefore needed a shop where they could find my products. I bought it at 40 million from my profits I had made. Since we had expanded, we started offering special packages like massage, skin testing and facial treatment. I started small adverts on Bukedde television. Because of the adverts, we got more customers which forced us to open more branches in the country.

In 2017, we opened up a branch in Mbarara on easy view complex with 30 million. Then also opened up more branches in Mbale, Jinja, masaka on muto complex and Kyotera. As we kept growing and increasing, we opened up our main headquarters on Buganda road canana building. This is where my office is.

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Success tips
Am a very hard working person. Hard work has really helped me to achieve my goals and to open up more braches for sure deal products.

I also use my head all the time. Since am always seeking to impress my customers, am always thinking about new products and plans for them. I want to be creative all the time.

I do not have a friend because customers are my friends. This helps me to honor them and treat them with dignity.


We have some people who get our products on the debt but do not want to pay back.

We also have some people who enjoy our products and they start to fake around in trying to do the same products.

Some of our competitors are so negative which makes competition a challenge yet we have to be in the health competition.

I want to open up one of the best institute to teach people so that we get a generation were most people are self-employed. This will eradicate poverty in the country.

Am also planning to be the best saloon in Kampala bringing in more good and health products from Rosa Company in Cairo. Rosa Company is going to partner with sure deal to bring in good products for hair in the country.

Young people should not fear to start any business. They should just start up a business with any amount they have.

They should use their head all the time. If you use it in the good way, you will get good plans.

Ugandans should also work hard instead of wasting their time in rum ours. Rum ours just waste time but cannot build you economically. They should always be constructive and mind their time always.

Hard work and determination really helps you to reach your goal.

What others say

Sarah Bira. Employee

She is a mother; she does not act like a bossy person
She is a good listener and always gives us time.
She has a heart of giving and sharing. Apart from us, she has really helped the community.
Mammy prossy always gives us great advice. She is really a friend in need. If we have people like her, the world would be a better place.
She is not segregative. She always takes us as one. I really love her and she is everything.

Bakulumpagi Josephat. Employee/relative

She is my role model because she always inspires me.
Her determination and hard work are really so encouraging.
She is a mother to everyone.

Mariam Jumba.. Friend
She is very aggressive and a researcher. We are looking forward to start more businesses under sure deal management.
She is very hardworking, focused and intelligent.

Thanks for loving Ruth and passing by.


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