Feedback not to be ignored at the work place

in #story6 years ago

By Ruth Nakandi

Feedback is valuable information that can be used to make important decisions at the work place. Effective feedback has benefits for the giver, the receiver and the entire organization.”Mwesigye Sarah, a counselor and the business consultant in Mbarara.

She adds that every time we speak to a person, employee, customer or vendor at the work place, we communicate feedback. That’s how it is so important in the organization.

Mwesigye says that feedback prevents us from being stuck and discouraged at the work place.

‘’ It is like your parents first holding you when you first learn to ride a bike. They supported and encouraged you. Gave you constant feedback on how you were doing, believed in you and had patience until that day they let you ride a bike by yourself.’’ She explains.

Mwesigye also says that top performing companies are top performing because they consistently search for ways to make their feedback better and better. Their true focus is based on feedback from across the organization, employees, clients, suppliers, vendors and stake holders. These performing companies are not only good at accepting feedback, they deliberately ask for feedback. It is impossible not to give feedback at the work place.

She adds that feed back at the work place helps to motivate employees. By asking for feedback, it motivates employees to perform better. They feel valued and appreciated being asked feedback that can help formulate business decisions. Just like how William James, a great writer quotes,
“The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated’’. Therefore, feedback from clients, suppliers, vendors and stakeholders can be used to motivate and build better working relations.

Feedback comes positively or negatively. No matter what, it should be constructive. Richard Mulungi, a proprietor of Richard Fabrications Company in Gulu, says.

He says that before we give feedback at the work place, we need to check our own motives and current mood. Whether we feel stressed, annoyed, jealous or afraid, we should have antipathy words to give to the employee when giving feedback. It should give him or her sense of belonging at the company.

Richard adds that feedback promotes effective listening at the work place. The person providing feedback at the work place needs to know whether they have been understood or if their feedback provides some value at work. This will make help or motivate employers and employees to listen attentively during a feedback meeting.

He says that feedback can improve performance at the work place. Although feedback is often mistaken for criticism, employees or employers should look at it as constructive criticism. This will help to formulate better decisions to improve and increase performance.

Richard also says that feedback increases growth and happiness for both sides at the work place. It enables you to look at yourself and situations differently. It unlocks self-reflection and growth which opens gates of change in the company.

He adds that it is also a tool for continued learning. Continued feedback is important across the entire organization in order to remain aligned to goals, create strategies, develop product and service improvement, and improve relationships. Continued learning is a key to improving.

Richard says that giving and receiving feedback at the work place is beneficial because it makes us consider other views as well and know the areas to improve at the work place.


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