"Intentional Communities" Opting Out of Capitalism | Interesting Documentary About Modern Communes

in #story7 years ago

I'm a huge fan of documentaries. Vice does a lot of interesting short documentaries. The other evening I watched an interesting one about an "intentional community" which I guess is the modern word for commune since communes have kind of a negative connotation of being cult like to some people.

The documentary was interesting as people were opting out of being part of the traditional world of get a job and go to work, and were in a way opting out of capitalism. What was kind of interesting was despite them saying they were dropping out of capitalism the farm they run actually sells Tofu to whole foods and up until recently they made all the hammocks for Pier One, up until recently when they couldn't keep up with demand, yet they still sell these really nice hand made hammocks for upwards of $100.

I've always been kind of fascinated with the idea of walking in someone else's shoes or seeing how someone else lives so I really enjoy watching documentaries like this and getting a sneak peak into someone else's life. An interesting watch if you're looking for something to watch on a boring weekend.


I enjoy many documentaries so will hold this one for later.

Yeah it's a nice short one only about 7 minutes so it's an easy watch.

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