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RE: Are You Sure You Want To Keep That?

in #story6 years ago

Love this post! My grandpa passed away 2 years ago and my grandma sold her house and moved closer to all of us. With that move came all the "stuff". Ceramic birds, decorations, crystal clocks, dollar store finds, etc. It seemed like EVERYTHING held sentimental value. However, when I ask my grandma about some of the things she has no idea where they are from. Her new apartment is a very organized hoarders apartment and whenever I visit or around birthdays/Christmas these things get pawned off on me. I am not a materialistic person. I have no problem throwing stuff out if I don't use it, but clothes have been an issue. I havent grown an inch since 9th grade (at least height wise) and I still have t-shirts from high school that I'll wear occasionally. It is mind boggling to me how much people spend to get new clothes. It pains me to buy clothes when I have stuff that fits. But I will purge some clothes once in a while when the color gets so faded or there are more holes than material left. It's not an emotional attachment more of a econimical ROI.


Lol so are you saying you have loads of clothes? I went through a minimalism kick last year and down graded my wardrobe quite a bit. It’s a lot easier to put together outfits now. I’d say as long as you like the clothes you have and can keep them organized, then there’s no problem in keeping them! Thanks for reading and commenting!

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