in #story7 years ago (edited)
Un saludo a la comunidad de steemit! En este dia vengo hablar un poco acerca de la politica, de una de las muertes que conmociono mas al mundo en el año 63. Una tragedia que hasta el sol de hoy todavia no queda clara para muchos, de como una figura publica tan importante a nivel mundial,tan protegida, pudo ser asesinada en plena luz del dia y en frente de una gran multitud de personas...
A greeting to the steemit community! On this day I come to talk a little About politics, one of the most shocking deaths in the world in the year 63. A tragedy that even today's sun is not yet clear for many, how a public figure so important in the world, so protected, could Be killed in broad daylight and in front of a large crowd of people ... ---

(LUZ) Para Jhon F. Kennedy ex presidente de los Estados Unidos. Como ya saben en su ultimo dia de vida, este personaje fue de visita a Dallas-Texas para dar un discurso. Segun las informaciones con la que me he podido empapar en el asunto, no era muy grato en esa ciudad, habia un ambiente de desprecio hacia este señor... ¿Porque? recordemos que Kennedy demostro ser una persona que buscaba las paz, parece contradictorio porque nosotros soñamos con gobernantes asi. Pero al mismo tiempo eres mas odiado por las elites millonarias si no sigues el patron que ellos exigen!... Como dicen por ahi (si no juegas, te sacaran del juego)

(LUZ) For Jhon F. Kennedy former president of the United States. As you know in his last day of life, this character was visiting Dallas-Texas to give a speech. According to the information that I have been able to soak in the matter, was not very grateful in that city, there was an atmosphere of contempt towards this gentleman ... Why? Remember that Kennedy proved to be a person who sought peace, seems contradictory because we dream of such rulers. But at the same time you are more hated by the millionaire elites if you do not follow the pattern that they demand! ... As they say out there (if you do not play, they will get you out of the game)


Despues del fracaso de la invasion a la Bahia del Cochino (Cuba) muchos no lo veian con buenos ojos, pues lo señalaban de debilidad en las operaciones, un dia antes de llegar a Texas se habla de que se hizo una reparticion de panfletos, donde aparecia la cara de Kennedy como cuando se pide recompensa por un criminal. Tomando en cuenta tambien un pacto que hizo con la URRSS de no volver atacar la isla con exiliados cubanos o desertores de dicho regimen. Queda claro que su mision aca fue evitar los conflictos de guerra. El siendo un hombre tan preparado e inteligente apuesto que sabia lo que le aguardaba y es precisamente esto lo que hace grande a los hombres, el valor de ir contra la corriente sin importar el precio.

After the failure of the invasion of the Bahia del Cochino (Cuba) many did not see it with good eyes, because they indicated it of weakness in the operations, a day before arriving at Texas it is spoken of that a distribution of leaflets was made, where Kennedy's face appeared as when a criminal was being asked to pay. Taking into account also a pact that made with the URRSS not to return to attack the island with Cuban exiles or deserters of said regime. It is clear that his mission here was to avoid war conflicts. Being a man so prepared and intelligent handsome that he knew what awaited him and it is precisely this that makes men great, the courage to go against the flow no matter the price.

Ya todos sabemos que Kennedy iba en su limusina junto a su esposa en la parte trasera saludando a la gente de la ciudad cuando fue impactado por unos disparos. Consiguieron al presunto culpable llamado Lee Harvey Oswald y listo fin del caso!... Ese era el plan, que todo pareciera que fue un magnicidio hecho por parte de un loco revolucionario de la Union Sovietica que habian pagado para matarle.

We all know that Kennedy was in his limousine along with his wife in the back saluting the people of the city when he was hit by a few shots. They got the presumed guilty named Lee Harvey Oswald and ready to end the case! ... That was the plan, that it all seemed like a magnicide made by a crazy revolutionary from the Soviet Union who had paid to kill him.


Sin dejar de mencionar que siempre quedan pistas en los crimenes y las pistas demuestras mas cosas y dan mas pistas, que dan que pensar y que llegan a otras personas con valor a intentar meter sus naricez en un oscuro rompe cabezas donde hay mas de un culpable, algunos participes quizas ni querian ser parte de ello, pero como dijeron los Nazis en el juzgado " estaba cumpliendo ordenes".

Not to mention that there are always clues in the crimes and the clues show more things and give more clues, which give you thinking and that reach other people with courage to try to put their nose in a dark breaks heads where there are more than one culprit , Some participants perhaps did not want to be part of it, but as the Nazis said in court "I was fulfilling orders."

Tomando en cuenta que Lee Harvey Oswald presunto autor intelectual de este asesinato era una pieza clave para el asunto, pero inesperadamente y por "casualidad" de la vida mientras lo trasladaban a la carcel, custodiado por la policia lo abordaron muchos reporteros para intentar sacarle alguna informacion cuando de pronto salio de entre la multitud un hombre que le impacto un disparo en el pecho eliminando la pieza mas importante de este ajedrez. Oswald siempre se declaro inocente haciendo incapie de que el no habia matado al presidente, Porque? a quien no le convenia que Oswald fuese juzgado? o interrogado?

Taking into account that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged mastermind of this murder, was a key player in the affair, but unexpectedly and by "chance" of life while being taken to jail, guarded by the police were approached by many reporters to try to get some Information when suddenly came out of the crowd a man who struck him in the chest eliminating the most important piece of this chess. Oswald always pleaded not guilty to the fact that he had not killed the president, declaring himself innocent. Why? Who did not want Oswald to be tried? Or interrogated?


Un claro ejemplo de la mentira en este cuento es la famosa "Comision Warren" comandada por el juez del Tribunal Supremo James Earl Warren que investigó el asesinato por orden del nuevo presidente "Lyndon B. Johnson". Que conveniente no? los culpables eran los mismo que llevaban la investigacion, como dicen en mi pais "asi es una panza". Su ivestigacion apuntaba que habian sido 3 disparos los que se hicieron,de los cuales, uno lo alcanzo por detrás de su espalda saliendo por su garganta y el otro en el cráneo.

A clear example of the lie in this story is the famous "Warren Commission" commanded by Supreme Court Judge James Earl Warren who investigated the murder by order of the new president "Lyndon B. Johnson." How convenient is not it? The culprits were the same that carried the investigation, as they say in my country "this is a belly." His ivestigacion pointed out that there had been 3 shots that were made, of which, one reached him behind his back leaving through his throat and the other in the skull.

De repente ocurrió un vuelco inesperado, una pista muy importante que tumbo las pruebas presentadas por la comisión. Una grabación de una de las motos de los policías que se encontraba cerca de la limusina quedo encendida, con lo que se pudo comprobar que en la escena del crimen hubo "4 disparos" dando evidencia de que en efecto habían sido 2 tiradores y no 1 fortaleciendo la teoría de la posible conspiración.

Suddenly, there was an unexpected turnaround, a very important clue to the evidence presented by the commission. A recording of one of the policemen's bikes that was near the limousine was left on, so that it was possible to verify that in the scene of the crime there were "4 shots" giving evidence that in fact they had been 2 shooters and not 1 Strengthening the theory of possible conspiracy.

Los dos últimos tiros eran prácticamente seguido, por lo que era imposible que ambos fuesen disparado con el fusil de cerrojo con el que se culpaba a Oswald. Lo otro contradictorio es que la comision dictamino que el gobernador de Texas John Connally quien iba en la parte delantera de la lumisina, habia sido erido con la misma bala que salio por la garganta de Kennedy. De donde se origino la famosa "bala magica" puesto que fisicamente era imposible que la lineacion de la bala impactara a los dos. James Carrico y Malcom Perry, los primeros doctores que recibieron a Kennedy, afirmaron que la herida de la garganta, que sólo ellos pudieron examinar durante un breve lapso, era el orificio de entrada de una bala y no el de salida. Varias fotos y radiografías fueron realizadas durante la autopsia (varias de ellas desaparecieron de los informes oficiales).Se inició con Victor Marchetti, quien en su libro Cult of Intelligence describió los programas de agentes dobles en los que se habría encuadrado Oswald.

The last two shots were practically followed, so it was impossible for both of them to be shot with the bolt rifle with which Oswald was blamed. The other contradiction is that the commission ruled that Texas Gov. John Connally, who was at the front of the Luminis, had been heard with the same bullet that ran through Kennedy's throat. From where the famous "magic bullet" originated since physically it was impossible that the lineage of the bullet would impact both. James Carrico and Malcolm Perry, the first doctors to receive Kennedy, said that the throat wound, which only they could examine for a short time, was the entry hole of a bullet, not the exit hole. Several photos and x-rays were taken during the autopsy (several of them disappeared from the official reports). It began with Victor Marchetti, who in his book Cult of Intelligence described the programs of double agents that would have framed Oswald.

Lee Harvey Oswald presunto autor intelectual del caso,cuando fue capturado siempre hizo mencion de ser inocente, David Ferrie, que reconoció haber tratado con Oswald y pertenecer a un grupo anticastrista, se suicidó antes de subir al estrado, mas casualidades?

Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly masterminded the case; when he was captured he always made mention of being innocent; David Ferrie, who acknowledged that he had dealt with Oswald and belonged to an anti-Castro group, committed suicide before going on the podium, but by chance?

Hay que tener en cuenta que Kennedy envió agentes federales y soldados del Ejército de Estados Unidos a la Universidad de Mississippi en una noche de disturbios y violencia, para obligar a la universidad a admitir a su primer estudiante negro y tuvieron que pagar un precio terrible por ello en forma de profundos resentimientos. Ya esto de muestra que nuetro mundo es un lugar muy sucio fuera de copas de vino y trajes impecables. La putrefaccion que se oculta bajo ese buen perfume es capaz de hacer lo que sea, con tal se haga a su conveniencia o beneficio propio.

Kennedy has sent federal agents and US Army soldiers to the University of Mississippi on a night of riots and violence, to force the university to admit its first Black student and had to pay a terrible price for it in the form of deep resentments. Already this shows that our world is a very dirty place out of wine glasses and impeccable outfits. The putrefaction that is hidden under that good perfume is capable of doing whatever it is, as long as it is done at its own convenience or profit.

INFORMACION SUMINISTRADA DE: https://www.guioteca.com/mitos-y-enigmas/quien-mato-al-presidente-john-kennedy-un-misterio-que-ya-tiene-medio-siglo/

INFORMATION SUPPLIED FROM: https://www.guioteca.com/mitos-y-enigmas/quien-mato-al-presidente-john-kennedy-un-misterio-que-ya-tiene-medio-siglo/

SALUDOS - @rasec1990


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