Ghost High (Friday the 13th tribute)

in #story7 years ago


My name is Alexson. My friends call me Ex. I’m 15 and a 4th year student of Ghost High. It might sound weird if I say that the name of this school was actually derived from reality itself. There were many ghost sightings here in this school. They say it was once a church, a hospital, a cemetery and then it was converted into a school.

I have five friends…

Noah – my ex-boyfriend who’s afraid of spiders and a wuss.

Chadleen – the psycho for horror films.

Paolo – our resident crazy camera boy.

Arli – my weird friend who believes in the supernatural beings.

Tristan – our playful big brother.

As for me, I’m the cause of this mess. I drove my friends into doing something that we’d regret forever. It may seem like we’re a questionable group of people, but what keeps us together all this time is the fact that we love a good laugh.

We do various and over the top pranks that seem to satisfy our need for horrific laughter. We thrive from the terrified screams of our fellows just to sustain our pranklust.

But after the Friday the 13th incident. We all realized one valuable lesson:

“Jokes are funny, if they don’t get out of hand.”

As the dark clouds rush towards the house at an alarming speed. A strong gust of wind blows off the white cloth from the clothesline. Soon when Lorraine noticed the cloth, a solid figure of a person formed into the cloth as though it has covered up a person inside. Shocked to see the figure, Lorraine watched the cloth as it flew off to the window on the second floor, revealing the horrifying image of the dead witch on the window.





The different reactions of my friends as we watch our latest movie marathon play list. It was almost 12 midnight. A few more minutes until the thrilling Friday the 13th. We decided to have an all nighter movie marathon to celebrate the 13th, courtesy of Chadleen – Mistress of Movies.

Noah: “Can you believe that shit?”

Chadleen: “I know… It’s friggin’ awesome.”

Paolo: “You bet! Especially the special effects and the sound effects…So cool.”

Tristan: “Just shut up you guys… I’m trying to watch the movie.”

Arli: “Yeah! Eat some popcorn.”

She then grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into Paolo’s big mouth. It’s all laughs when we’re together; especially if there’s a movie marathon of horror films at Chadleen’s place.

We usually don’t get that scared of the films we watch. Mostly we just laugh at all the cliché parts of the movie. But I gotta say, I’m not really used to listening to there commentaries. They’re like critics you see, if you notice that they’re giving some good comments, which definitely says that they’re interested on what they’re watching. But if not, they’ll just say at the end that it’s a total waste of gold (time).

After the film we decided to group up and talk about things.

Noah: “Do you believe that there’s such a thing as that Annabelle doll? Or that witch?”

Tristan: “I highly doubt that.”

Noah: “Why?”

Tristan: “Dude, it’s just a movie.”

Chadleen: “Uh… Hello? It’s based on a true story you dummies.”

Paolo: “Yeah! And it seems to be a real too… Dontcha think?”

Arli: “It is.”

All of us got startled as Arli commented on the discussion. She usually doesn’t talk that much except when she’s irritated with Paolo. They have this hate-hate relationship that keeps them from getting that close. But it’s a bit of a shock for us ‘cause she often disagrees with Paolo.

Me: “How could you say Arli?”

Arli: “Well… for starters, it’s pretty believable for me ‘cause I know a little something about possessions.”

Brief Note: Arli was once possessed in our class in elementary school. She was called out by our teacher to answer something on the board but then when we looked at her she was pale and her eyes where rapidly moving around and she was mumbling something we can’t comprehend. She was then rushed to the school chapel and there she went calm and spoke normally. But after that, she became distant.

It’s a miracle by now that she decides to hang with us not like before. But it’s weird ‘cause she doesn’t really like to talk about that experience much, but now she literally opened the topic.

Arli: “But… I’d rather leave it in the past.”

Chadleen: “Aw… Bummer.”

Noah: “W-what are we talking ‘bout again.”

We looked at Noah and got irritated with his question. Tristan got up and went to the kitchen to get something.


Noah: “Ow… Is that it? What a boring topic.” (Yawned in boredom)

Paolo: “Dude, what’s that on your head?” (Pointing at Noah’s head)

Noah: “I’m not falling for that Dude.”

Paolo: “No really, there’s something in your head Dude.”

Noah: “There’s nothing t-the --- AHHH!”

He was startled when he touched his head and felt something crawling on the back of his hand.


No one listened to his girly screams because we were too busy laughing at his pathetic face. Tristan put a spider on Noah’s head after he got back from the kitchen. The spider was from Chadleen’s personal collections of spiders.

That is one discouraging fact why I broke up with him in the first place.

Chadleen: “Hey! Don’t hurt Mr. Myers.”

Paolo: “Your spider has a name?”

Chadleen: “Why not? Dogs can’t be the only pets who have names you know.”


In my irritation I leaned towards him and got Mr. Myers from his head.

Me: “You’re such a scaredy-cat.”

Noah: “Tss.”

Chadleen: “Okay you guys stop playing with my Mr. Myers. Give him to me.”

Tristan: “Why Mr. Myers?”

Chadleen just stared at him for a while.

Chadleen: “Don’t you get it by now?”

Tristan: “Oh yeah! I get it now.”

Paolo: “GUYS!”

We all looked at Paolo when he called out our attention.

Paolo: “It’s twelve midnight.”

He told us while looking at his wristwatch.

Arli: “It’s Friday the thirteenth.”

Silence ate the atmosphere. No one dared to say a single word.

Paolo: “What now?”

We all thought of what we should do now.

Me: “Let’s play a game.”

I broke the silence.

Chadleen: “Whoah! It’s like Saw… What game?”

I paused and took a breath.

Me: “Ghost game.”

Ghost game is the type of game we invented in ghost high. The objective is we’d all go to the different haunted places in school, which are about everywhere. And we stay there for 6 minutes without getting scared. Simple.

Tristan: “Now?”

Chadleen: “Yeah, why not?”

Paolo: “I brought my camera with me. Let’s go.”

Noah: “But it’s Friday the thirteenth and it’s still early.”

We stopped from getting up and looked at Noah.

All: “WUSS!”

Noah: “No I’m not!”

Me: “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go. Or are you a big pussy.”

Noah: “Shut up Ex.”

We all decided to go to Ghost High and play Ghost Game. This is gonna be so exciting. But as were about to go out of Chadleen’s place, I noticed Arli for a moment.

Me: “Arli aren’t you coming with us?”

Arli: “This is a bad idea.”

Me: “Don’t be a buzz kill Arli. Join the fun.”

She didn’t dare reply and just went past me. I felt that she was trying to tell me something. But I just shrugged it off and went on to going out of the house and joining my friends. This is going to be fun.

We sneaked into the school without getting caught by the security guard. It’s forbidden to go to that school at dark because they say that most of the sightings happen after dark. Fortunately the guard was taking a break in inspecting the place and stood by his guard post outside the school. We easily slipped in and started touring the place.

Paolo started to document everything we do as we tour the school.

Chadleen: “Did you guys know about the mystery of Ghost High?”

Tristan: “Never heard of that before.”

Noah: “No… Not another of your made up horror stories.”

Chadleen: “Why? Are you scared Noah?”

Noah: “No I’m not… I mean it’s just inappropriate to talk about those things at a place and time like this. It’s the 13th for Pete’s sake. And besides, when you tell those stories you always make an effort to play pranks on me. It’s so irritating.

Paolo: “Don’t be such a pussy cat Noah. Tell us Chad.”

Chad then faced the camera and started telling the story she was talking about while we were walking along the lobby.

Chadleen: “It was ‘bout a hundred years ago when the most unfortunate tragedy happened here in this very place.

Noah: “Here we go.” (Sarcastically said)


Noah: “My name is not Wuss.”

Me: “Yeah, yeah just shut your pie whole. Continue Chad.”

Chadleen: “Well as I was saying, before the Wuss cowardly interrupted me. A girl named Mercy was brutally tricked into killing herself.”

Me: “How?”

Chadleen: “It was said that it happened there in the old abandoned well at the back of the school near the Balete tree. She was tricked to do a dare of staying underwater for a long time in the well.”

Tristan: “What a stupid dare.”

Chadleen: “Yes it is. She did the dare just to join a group that was famous in this place. It’s a bit pathetic, I know. So she did the dare, and guess when?”

All: “When?”

Chadleen: “This very hour on Friday the 13th.”

Suddenly I felt a chill down my spine. I don’t know if it was just me, ‘cause I could have swore I felt something pass right through me. They noticed my reaction and looked at me.

Tristan: “You okay Ex?”

Me: “I’m fine. Just a little bit cold I guess.”

They continued walking and I kept listening to what Chadleen was telling. But then I noticed Arli’s presence behind me.

Arli: “We should get out of here.”

Me: “Why?”

Arli: “There’s someone here.”

Me: “You mean us? Of course we’re here”

Arli: “No… Someone else.”

I couldn’t understand what I’m feeling right now. I somehow feel that I knew what happened that day. I’ve heard this story once before.

Mercy stayed underwater, inside the well. But as she was still inside the well, the group she was trying to join covered the well with a wooden cover trapping her inside. She stayed there for quite some time screaming for help. She could still breathe because the well was not that full. But then, heavy rain poured down and entered the well in some unknown reason.

As the heavy rain continued to pour, the water level in the well rose and filled it. Due to the heavy wooden cover, no amount of water could easily escape and so did she. Causing her to drown inside. A few days later someone discovered her dead body in the well.

After how many weeks, everyone who would go near the well would die in unknown reasons. One example is the Nun who stayed in the church, a Nurse who worked in the hospital, and a visitor in the cemetery. All showing signs of possession of Mercy’s spirit. Seeking revenge for whoever killed her.

Me: “Hey, Why’d we stop?”

Unexpectedly, I felt my friends stop at a door. It was the door of the clinic.

Chadleen: “Let’s start here.”

Paolo: “Who goes first?”

We all looked at each other.

Tristan: “I vote Noah.”

Noah: “Hey! Why me?”

Chadleen: “’Cause you’re a scaredy cat.”

Noah: “No I’m not!”

Chadleen: “Prove it then… Go inside.”

Noah was dumbfounded and was forced to go in. The door wasn’t locked so it was easy for us to get him inside.

Noah: “Don’t you dare do any monkey business, okay. You know I have asthma and if I die here I’m gonna kill you.”

Tristan: “Quit wining, just get inside.”

Noah: “Fine.”

He got inside the clinic and hesitated a little.

Noah: “Guys, I think this is a bad idea.”

Paolo: “Stop stalling Noah. Just get inside. We’re not gonna do anything.”

Out of the blue, Arli spoke.

Arli: “I wouldn’t go there.”

Chadleen: “Why Arli? It’s not like the nurse would mind. It’s only just for 6 minutes.”

Alri didn’t mind replying to Chadleen. I think Arli said that because she also felt something weird inside the clinic. That clinic was the only place left of the hospital after it was renovated and became a part of a cemetery. It served as a clinic for those visitors who get hurt during busy November. And that’s the same place we’re the nurse was found dead.

I tried to stop Noah but to no avail, there was somewhat a thing lodged in my throat that prevented me from talking.

Tristan: “Get in Noah.”

Tristan pushed Noah into the clinic and locked the door quickly.

Noah: “Guys its dark in here… Open up.”

Noah kept on banging on the door and kept on yelling inside. Chadleen, Tristan and Paolo were laughing while I and Arli just stood there.

--- Noah ---

My stupid friends locked me up in the clinic. I really don’t wanna do this dare in the first place. They just forced me to do this stupid thing. I don’t know why they torment me like this, but I’m pretty sure that they love me… getting scared.

Sweat was traveling down my spine as I browsed around the dark clinic. I feel so afraid now. I’ve heard stories about this place. A nurse died here decades ago when it was still a hospital. They say it was because of Mercy’s spirit and that gives me the creeps.

I don’t really believe in these kinds of shit. But I don’t want to be the next victim. It was pitch black in here and the only light was the light coming out from the keyhole. It’s gonna be a stormy night, I know it.


Suddenly, something fell and startled me.





Then, I heard something from the other side of the room. A door was slowly opening. The light from the keyhole helped me see. I felt a chill down my spine and cold sweat drenched me. I saw a figure of a woman slowly coming out of the door. I thought it was Chad disguised in a costume.


I leaned on the door behind me and started banging. The woman kept on coming closer in a creepy fashion, with her feet not touching the floor. I tried turning the knob but it was locked from the outside.


I banged at the door as fast and as hard as I could. Then someone answered from the other side of the door behind me.

Chadleen: “Why are you shouting my name? I’m right outside, stupid.”

I was baffled by the voice I heard outside. If this woman isn’t Chad, who I she? I tried to identify the woman coming for me. But it was hard to look at her because I was so afraid.




She kept on getting closer and closer. I was already panicking in a psychotic way. She then stretched out her hand and almost touching me in the face.


Then I felt something crawling down my neck. Something hairy… something small… My eyes grew wide open and then I realized. It was a… SPIDER.


As she gained closer to me, I felt like screaming. But to no avail, words don’t seem to come out of my mouth. She grabbed me on the neck and slowly choked me. I finally got a closer look at her face and to my astonishment, she looked exactly like her.

Me: “L-LET M-ME G-G-GO!!!”

Me: “H-H-HELP!



Just before I could finish my scream for help, she slowly opened her mouth and spiders came pouring out and crawled upon me.



Chadleen: “Noah! You okay in there?”

Tristan: “Dude, stop messing around.”

Paolo: “Open the door you guys.”

Chadleen: “It won’t budge.”

Me: “Open the door Tristan.”

Tristan: “I can’t... Dude, open up!”

We were all panicking in distress. Noah was screaming inside like some kind of maniac. He kept on banging the door, but it won’t open an inch.

Me: “What the heck did you do Tristan?”

Tristan: “I don’t know.”

Chadleen: “What now?”

Paolo: “Let’s check out back. Maybe he jumped off the window or something.”

Me: “Let’s go.”

We ran across the hall just to get out back. But as we gained closer, we saw the windows were barred and there was no point of exit. We tried checking inside, but there was no one there.

Me: “Let’s try checking by the door. Maybe he got out.”

Tristan: “Come on.”

And again, we ran as fast as we could. But again, there was nothing there.

Chadleen: “Where is that creep?”

Tristan: “Let’s split up and search for him. Chad and Pao, you go to the left. Arli and Ex, go to the right. I’ll search for him here.”

We split up and searched for him frantically. We’d be dead meat if we don’t find Noah as soon as possible. He has asthma and if he gets attacked we don’t know what’s gonna happen.


Me: “NOAH!



Were the heck is that guy. He’s gonna be dead if I don’t find him.

Me: “NOAH!




Me: “Dude, is that you?”

Me: “I swear, if that’s you out there I’m gonna kill you.”

I ran to the direction of the sound. But as I came closer, I saw rats nibbling on a plank of wood. I was out at the newly constructed building.

Me: “Where is he?”

sobbing girl

I was so startled when I heard a sobbing sound of a girl. Apparently it was my ringing tone. I got my cell phone out of my pocket and checked who was calling.

~Incoming Call: Unknown Number~

Me: “Who the heck is this?”

I answered the call.

Me: “Hello? Who is this?”


Me: “Hello?”


Me: “Pao, if this is you I’m gonna kill you.”


Me: “Who the fuck is this?”


I instantly threw away my phone and covered my ears. I heard a loud screaming of a girl on the other line. It was so freaky; I can’t seem to get it out of my head. I tried to get my phone off the floor and listen to it again.

Me: “W-who is t-this?”

(Help me…)

I immediately turned of my phone and threw it on the floor. I turned around and was about to run away from the place, but then I saw someone coming out from the shadows.

Me: “Who’s out there?”

I tried looking closely to the figure in the shadows.

Me: “Aren’t you supposed to be looking for Noah with Ex?”

It was Arli whom I saw walking close to me. But something caught my attention. I distinctly remembered that Arli was wearing a white shirt, but as I look at her now she was wearing a black dress.

Me: “Arli, why won’ you answer me?”

Me: “Where is Ex?”

She just kept on getting closer and closer. The expression on her face was so blank. I can’t seem to picture out what she was going to do.

Me: “Arli. Are you okay?”

Me: “Arli?



She was inches from me and kept on getting closer. She looked me right into the eyes.

Me: “A-arli?”

She grabbed me on the throat and slowly lifted me off the ground.

Me: “L-let me g-go.”

Me: “W-why are you doing this?”

She got closer and slowly whispered on my ear.

Arli: “You killed me.”

She then tightened her grip around my throat. I can’t breath. She sucked out the life from my mouth. I kept on getting weaker and weaker. The last thing I saw was the darkness clouding around me.







I pointed at Pao then he faced me with an irritated expression.

Paolo: “Why’d you say that?”

Me: “I was just kidding.”

Paolo: “Tss.”

Me: “Don’t be such a hot head Pao. No wonder Arli doesn’t like you.”

Paolo: “How’d that get in the conversation?”

Me: “I don’t know?”

Paolo: “Tss. That’s why I don’t want to team up with you, you’re so annoying.”

Me: “Well look who’s talking.”

Paolo: “Argh… Let’s just split up. We’d find Noah easier that way.”

Me: “Good idea.”

We split up into two separate directions. Good thing to, I was so getting bored of his camera pointing at me all the time. What is this a reality show?


I went to the creepy Balete tree at the back of the campus. I wanted to see if the stories were true. They say Mercy comes out every 2-3 o’clock in the morning. This was said to be her time of death. I’m not really that scared of those stories. I know that they’re just stories passed down from tongue to tongue just to scare off those pesky children who’d come here and wreck the place.




I said in a spooky ghost kind of way.


Me: “Who’s there?”

I slowly walked close to the Balete tree in front off me. It was a bit creepy at first, but I got used to it. It was also about to pour down on me ‘cause it was going to rain.

Me: “Noah if that’s you, I swear I’m gonna throw a spider at you.”

I went closer and closer to the tree. Then I felt there was something that just passed by my back.

Me: “Pao is that you?”

Me: “I know you’re in there.”

Me: “Don’t try your cheesy effects on me. That’s not gonna work.”

As I came close to the tree I saw someone sitting on its roots.

Me: “Hey kid, you okay in there?”

I saw a girl sitting down the tree and covered her face with her palms. I think she’s crying.

Me: “Why are you here kid? It’s early in the morning.”

She seemed to cry and cry. And every time I come closer to her the sounds of her sobs get louder and louder.

Me: “Why are you crying?”

Girl: “Hhhhhmmmm.”

Me: “Speak kid.”

Girl: “Hhhhhmmmm.”

I went close to her and tried to grab her in the shoulder.


She jumped up on me and started strangling me while I was on the ground. What the heck!

Me: “G-GET OFF M-ME!!!”


I tried pushing her aside but she was right on top of me so I didn’t have the strength to push her away.



Her screams were so excruciatingly painful. I can’t even hear my own screams.




She stared right at me and revealed her all covered up face. I couldn’t believe my eyes on the image that I saw.

Me: “A-A-AR---. W-w-why?”

I stared at her in all puzzlement.

How could she do this? She was so innocent. What the heck came over her?

Girl: “You killed me.”


That annoying Chad keeps on teasing me. What’s the matter if I don’t make a move with Arli? It’s not that easy to do that you know.



As I was looking for Noah near the stairs by the second floor, I kept on capturing what I’m doing with my camera. It was already dark and the only light that helped me see was the light of my camera. The moon was of no help because it started to cloud up and the moon was not that viewable anymore.

It feels a little creepy to walk in these hallowed halls in the morn of Friday the 13th. I don’t know why it was called Friday the 13th, but I think it’s somehow connected to the undead. Ohhh… creepy.

Me: “Hey, what’s this?”

As I was waving my camera to reflect its light on the walls, I saw a familiar sign on a door in front of me.

Me: “Ohhh, Museum. Cool.”

I tried to open the door of our school museum. It’s somewhat an old storage of artifacts from the very first settlement here in this place. This might be an interesting subject for my movie. By the way, I’m documenting this trip for my movie.

Fortunately this room was not locked. I opened it up and went inside, camera first. It was very dusty and it sort of smells like old stuff. Considering this is an old museum.

Me: “Cooooooooool.”

I browsed through the antique furniture’s and knick knacks. It was spooky inside I tell you. You can somehow feel a presence lurking on the nooks and crannies of the room. Perfect for a horror movie.

Me: “Neat. An old album.”

I saw an old album on a dusty shelf. I took it out and started flipping the pages one by one. It was full of old black and white pictures of the old settlement here hundreds of years ago. Some of it was half burnt on the sides. But something very interesting caught my attention.

An old photograph of a group of people, and below was a small description.

(The girl on the lower left corner. Mercy Corazon.)

I felt shivers coming down from my spine. I never thought I could now finally take a glimpse of the fabled Mercy. I browsed my camera light on the place where Mercy’s image lies.

Me: “Shit!”

I was astonished by what I saw on the photograph. It looked exactly like her. Long black hair, fair complexion, and those tantalizing eyes.

Me: “Arli.”

I closed the album and returned it to the shelf where I found it. Even as I returned it I was still shocked. Why was she there? Is that really her? As I was slowly stepping back from the shelf I felt that someone was standing right behind me. I slowly turned my camera’s light behind me and then I saw someone.

Me: “Arli… what are you doing here?”

She didn’t answer me and kept on staring right into my eyes in an expressionless way.

Me: “Arli… where’s Ex?”

Me: “Arli answer me.”

I came closer to her and directed the light of my camera to her.

Me: “Arli… what happened to you?”

Her face was all puzzling. I couldn’t reckon what happened to her. It seemed like she was hurt and her clothes were different from what she was wearing when we came here. Her eyes were closed when I came to her.

Me: “Arli? Arli what happened?”

As I was asking her she suddenly opened her eyes that seemed to be crying for help and held out her hands.

Arli: “Help me.”


Arli: “Help me.”

Me: “NO PAO.”

Paolo: “Ex?”

Me: “Don’t come near her. She’s possessed.”

Paolo: “What the heck are you saying Ex?”

Me: “She’s not Arli.”

Paolo was shocked by what I just said. When we were looking for Noah a while ago she suddenly went missing. I saw her strangling Chadleen by the Balete tree out back. I also saw Noah and Tristan lying down on the floor. Fortunately they were alright; the guard was roaming around and saw me with them. He helped me and took them to the hospital.

Paolo: “What are you talking about, of course she’s Arli. She’s right in front of me.”

Me: “That’s Mercy in her body.”

Paolo stepped back. As he stepped back Arli started floating off the floor.


Paolo: “OKAY!”

Just before she lifted up into the air, we grabbed hold of her skirt and dragged her down into the ground. I took out my rosary which I usually carry wherever I go. Arli was squirming like a pig as Paolo and I held her down. She was mumbling something we can’t comprehend to.

I held the cross and slowly touched it to her forehead. She started screaming and screaming and smoke was coming out of her forehead.


I started praying the Apostle’s Creed.

Me: “I BELIEVE IN GOD, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth…”

She started squirming again making it hard for me to continue the prayer. Paolo pinned her down with all his strength. It was obvious that there were tears in his eyes. He felt for Arli struggle, I know that he loved her dearly. He started praying with me.

Me & Paolo: “I believe in Jesus Christ, his Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into the heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead…”


Me & Paolo: “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.”

She stopped her squirming and became calm. A bright light glowed in front of us. It was the spirit of Mercy.

Mercy: “Thank you. You have freed me from my selfish desires for revenge. All I ever wanted was for someone to pray for me and my soul. Now I can rest. Thank you.”

The light slowly faded and completely disappeared. The only light now was the light from Paolo’s camera. He wiped away his tears and immediately hugged Arli.

Paolo: “Arli… Arli… I love you. Don’t ever leave me.”

This was the first time I saw Paolo cry like this. Not because of a jerking horror movie, but because of reality. He then carried her out and we then went to the hospital to tend for Arli’s wounds.

Note: Alexson saw the other pictures from the album and saw there own faces. They were direct descendants of the group of people who drowned Mercy. Explaining why they were targeted. After the incident, the school was immediately subject to a blessing. Ghost sightings hardly happened after.

Game Over.

P.S. This is a little story I made in my Wattpad days and I just want to share it. I'm baypowlarmee by the way.

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