a story like no other _chapter5_ (100% real)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

A story like no other
Chapter 5

I believe now you all know , how it has been , things were never the same after i discovered that i was ill , it even got worst .
This is a very powerful content ,that is hard percieve . it takes a very strong mind to create such events and i did do i said it, yes create .

I did created it , i created a fate that was never ment to be mine .
It could have been however, because it felt so real , but it did’nt , god didn't want it to end for me this way. Knowing that he has always was by my side but that day i felt alone in a cruel world . i said where are you god ? but he did’nt answer , he was’nt answering like he used to , he did’nt gave up on me at my darkest situations and melancholy. It was a test and untill now i don’t know whether i passed or i failed .

The girl of the faculty who played me like a dummy was’nt the reason why i got on the train of terror , but Joujou she is the reason why .she has no clue but i do .

To every event , bad event .there is a girl involved that’s how my mind choose things to be happening or at least how in every calamity there is a person who is near to my heart that i made it the center of the story that everything has directly connected to him or her.

After the first treatment , i quitted my medications because they were powerful and i was afraid .
I stepped in the world in high hopes and dreams of a brighter future.
I went to TUNIS, the capital of TUNISIA , looking for a job or an education, i felt weird, people were funny . all i felt this doubt and fraustration not knowing that these are the first signs of the incoming disaster .
I got back to stay in SFAX , my home city, arranging my papers and getting ready for next year .
But first, the incident of the east coast , SOUSSE, the city of beautiful shores , marvellous hotels , golf beautiful fieleds …
Where i was in holidays with family , i took the train hoping to meet Joujou there , we were chatting untill I ve asked her about the entertainment nights at the hotel she was staying in , .
She said it was OK , and asked for a meeting , i suggested a night out to be honest and she was more than welcoming to have me for the night.

The wind blew hard, and the moon hid behind a clouds, as if it didn’t want to witness what was about
to happen. The owls stopped hooting, the bats stopped flapping their wings, and even the fire in the
hearth inside the house did not crackle. An absolute stillness descended upon the world.

I took a cab and crossed 20KM across the city , the city where i was a random stranger .
Everything miraculously went well, and i did’nt got killed for what i did.
I found the hotel , and walked towards it , suit up, elegent and confident…
Had a chat with the gate guard about getting in , but he declined and refused my entrance .
Claiming that its Saturday night and it’s only a party for residents .
I walked away with dignity untill some duchbags came along talking with him, and they got in from the back-door .
I felt upset and mad , and protested about his actions , having an argument with him was the worst , i have spoken to the girl and asked her to come and let me in .but that did’nt happened because i already lost it .
Things went blank and only black colour with redness was all i saw .

I was outrageous and they were going to arrest me .she was with her viancey , they were important people , bourjoi , and i caused her trouble .

As an escape of not doing anything stupid that night , i headed to the park , spending all my money on dangerous games. I felt guilt , i was broken , i wanted to see her …
She was a friend , maybe more than a friend because i was risking my life for her.
A month later, she was’nt returning my texts , we have’nt talked and i did ’nt appologize
I was so selfish, so she bloked me.
I was down , down to the darkest wells of despair and self torture . i could’nt live with it , it was stuck in my mind .perhaps if i could reach her and expalined .things on the train were’nt happening .

It might seemed weird and absured how i am telling you this , but honestly , i wanted to share it .for people to learn and know how things can deeply affect them and stimulate their brains to create remarkable illusions .
The content that i am about to recite to you , is completely fictional but it happened and i did ‘nt know that it was due to powerful hallucinations untill now, it’s bizzare how our brains can create such things , if I did ‘nt got through it , i would’nt had understood it .

I literally got insane and got back to sanity .

How did i know that ? i got back with the state of trance .saw things from a wider angle .
It begun in the « métro » , in TUNIS . i have spoken with a stranger claiming that he retired from military . i did nt trust him ,as he kept talking nonsence but i was very close to him even touched him , i freaked out and the view was blurry and hedious , i was too sharp and focuesed but in some drunkin’ mode , that forgot about my surroundings.
We were talking about the revolution and things about my local city , things about me , about my dad , the farm…. The business that went down and made us broke and miserable.

He was tall , grey hair , inspecter coat light brown colour with a « marseilllese » hat . I forgot myself talking , i forgot to get on my station , he said come with me i ll help you , i declined so quick, i was afraid .then i looked around , it was absolute silence .people were terrified , away from me , thinking that i might be posessed or something .
If i got to know that that guy wasn't real, things on the train would had been diffrent .
But god wanted me to experiance it , to witness how mad people see things , they were never talking to themselves , they see stuff , thouch things , even taste things , its remarkable really ! how our brains function .
I know because i was there , i was out of sanity for a short time but that time was a nightmare ,
Mad people are tortured with each passing day , mad people are always in destress alwaysd under the feeling of anxiety and i had a maniac state for a while , that was my illness

The train , TCHOU TCHOU TCHOU, the sound that woke me up as a relief of what i was experiencing and after hearing it ...
I passed away and slept in peace , like it’s the last time i slept to wake up miraculously later on in my town SFAX.
End of the journey and the struggle , the struggle of talking with multiple imaginary people who messed with my mind and i spontaniously believed it . i shouted , leave me alone ! and suddenly they were all gone , my conscious mind saved me , and got me back to reality , but i still remember , every act , every gesture , these folks made, every wrong glare they gave me . some hideous faces , bald guys , enormous criminal guys . 2 of them i stongly remember becuase i interacted with them ,
It was like an action movie , the events were escalating quickly as i was talking with them with dark and cold dull climat.
The guy who gave me cigarettes , and i did’nt wanted to smoke ispite of the fact of being a smoker , i did ‘nt need cigarettes because my mind was doing a hell of a job keeping me busy and fully awake and aware .
This guy with blue long coat , slender dark hair with gel wet hair , little bit bald , seems like he is federal agent , he was questionning me about the incident , of that night in SOUSSE , in the hotel , and kept making me feel week and guilty , they did a terrefic job making me almost shit my pants .
They were powerful , confident , stronger men than i am , following me everywhere , did ‘nt see any of them till this day .
The thing , felt so real , that even while i am writing this still not 100% convinced that it was fake , because it’s there in the storage of my memory .

How can i tell if it’s only hallucinations or reality if the memories are mixed ?
How can i define truth from imagination ? how could i live with that ?
I didn't know what was i'm dealing with till the girl Joujou was way much powerful that i've ever imagined and i hurted her ,now i must pay the prise , the prise that could cost my life or a brain loss.
Her step brother is in a very strong plolitical position in TUNISIA , very well known business man also.
And that’s what got me thinking , who am I to be a part of ruining his baby sister’s marriage life ? and get away with it . the folks he sended made me know my limits -and i truly remember each single detail , i really do- … and made me realize how it’s important to calculate my actions before getting them to execution .
Joujou, this one ‘s for you , i have loved you big time , you are so elegent , pretty , smart and most of all you understands me , i did ‘nt want to let you go but my mind showed me this train situation that i must move on and forget but not ! to forget how did you built a better me.
I have to see you again to talk and catch up , to forget about our problems and to tell your daughter that she is marring my son like it was arranged and promised by you, you grace .
To tell them the story of us , a story like no other .


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