A story like no other _chapter 4_ (100% real)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

A story like no other
Chapter 4

Here i am, skipping a chapter .the chapter of JALILA , the girl i ve told you about .
Dull, frustrated, distracted and feeling like shit.
Something came up, something big. Unexpected , changing the path of the story .
I moved in time, advanced , to tell you about her … SIHEM


THE STATION GIRL .she is still here .around. safe in my heart and never can be found .
A sudden wind blew in my direction, cool and strong .scattering the leaves on the porch .the beauty of the sunset chifted towards the western horizon , and the air felt dull ,joyless.
All because of her, all because she is being a 21’s century girl.
Modern , independent ,strong , social , unbreakable …and wants to glow .but how ?
How she can get noticed and be gossiping about what she did . to me ?
Nah , she can’t .
I let her once to do damage when i was in love with her .my recent love snow-white .

I falled in love with your spirit , beauty ,talks and glares …
You won’t let me write about our little love story , just because those memories took place in the past and can no longer exist ,no more. It died ,and for once i kind of felt that these strange emotions won’t be coming back, and like a Zombie they were half dead –half alive , unaware of what’s going on .only here to exist not to live.
I was afraid that this is going to happens , i even predicted it . because i always mess things up and this time you contributed of making it worst .

The fact that i loved you, once. Doesn’t mean I am hooked up .or can’t handle it like a man and move on…
Women can’t get out of men’s life unless, they met another , and men dont stay forever in women’s heart unless she was hurt .

The reason why i was in a rush meeting other ladies it’s because i had enough .i dont wanna be trapped for ever.i needed to break free from the roses you gently draw on the walls of my dungeon. I was happy , yes i was. you made me a happy hostage .

I have spoken to your soul like no any men could , i ve seen things , unspeakable things , from a diffrent sides and aspects . I ve known you but never got to know you properly .
Never met on a proper rendez-vous . can you believe that ? yet the words can’t lie ;
The fact that i was being , seeing and not to see any of you .

Behind the shield of chat on social media and long talks , but you cannot fake it because we nearly talked it all.
Diffrent aspects , diffrent you .3 persons i ve known , 3 girls with the same figure but every one of them was something diffrent from the other .

First character , i bumped into , it’s THE STATION GIRL . a total stranger who caught my sight instantly .
That was you dear , your first layer . shallow , mysterious , cute and attractive . the one i felt in love with .
Articles and poems i wrote about THE STATION GIRL and all of them has gone viral.
Have you asked yourself why ? have you wondered why he was writing all these good stuff about me ? how the hell does he know ?

Sipmly i did’nt know .
Who you truly are untill I met the second character …
SIHEM , this one’s for you.
I did’nt want it to be this way but you are definitely one of the reasons why .
Have you asked yourself why ? why, you are among the reasons why.
What could you possibly have done to me to be on my list ?
This is it SIHEM, the reason , the last words , the last article ….
After hearing this , things will be diffrent. We will be on 2 diffrent paths , separately. Only memories on your diary , mind …only a name remains with no identity …

RACEM, that’s right ! every time you read my name or hear it, it falshes on your mind .
Some vague images and some of our time together .

But i wonder was it a glitter in the dark or a darkness in you pure perfect soul.
What really my name does to you ?

I ve tried to change you as you took part in changing me .you did a hell of a job making me better , smater , sharper ….
But did I ? did i make an impact on you ? have i caused a gasp down your throat as you remeber me ? have I and will I , be a part of a batter you ?
As long as i tried , no one will blame me . because i did made an attempt .girly stuff yo do to men , trival , cold attitude , games i caught you playing .
I believe i was one of your victims , once. But you came to realization that i am too good to be tortured .
3 articles , a girl in the station (epic) , THE STATION GIRL , the station girl trilogy .
What kind of sick person would write all that , to be a prisonner of absolute admiration ?
Now, it comes my part of making you happy .happy girl you are SIHEM , just happy to fulfill your 99’th criminal record , to prove that lack of attention , if it’s not there , you shall force it to be there .you did’nt want me away , you wanted me near . not to your heart but to your twisted desires.

You just want attention you don’t want my heart , charly puth spoken on my behalf as well as shawn_mendes_mercy , was our song , every time i listen to it you was there messing with my mind .

You think it’s a coincidence ? the song has chosen you ! i had nothing to do with it .
And then it comes ,to your boyfriend … aquestion mark « ? » ! ! ! till this day

No data, no info, no nothing , just blank , he is a guy who’s so open that he lets his girlfriend stay the nights talking uncease, to a random guy countless nights and flirts .yet no reaction from JAMES BOND , does’nt get jelous a bit ? i want him jealous , because i believe you are precious and deserves a good man who appreciate having you .
I was aware of everything , every word you uttered , every exuse you came up with just not to meet me , or talk with me on the phone .

I was observing in silence , cold blooded ,but outrageous on the inside .i was taking notes on how some creatures behave by the coded name associated to them . WOMEN !
It was’nt friendship , it was slavery , charity even .begging you to call me ? was i insane ?i wanted a call because i needed a call , i needed you …

But you … you wanted a call and acted like it’s a giveaway .
You are in controle . i get it .you want to posess me . predictable. And then what ? get married and toss me out of the window ?

It was useless and hopeless attempt to keep me chained .
I want to see diffrent people , to be an adventurer , birds cannot be caged just for your MAJESTY to hear them sing .
That’s why i ve decided on this day to say good-bye .and i assume full responsibility of my actions . being alone ?
Fuck it ! as long as i m not being played like a pink pingpong ball with only one player who throws me against the wall and hits me again and again and again …
Don’t you get it ? do you chew your gum and eat it again ?

It’s over ! i have changed , a year now has passed and yes a massive change . i started to realize how cool i am as i am ditching girls.

Love me or hate me it’s still an obsession love me or hate me that is the question
If you love then thank you
If you hate me then F**k you !

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