Spooky Stories from the Dark Web #1 - The Setup

in #story7 years ago

You’d better put some tape over your webcam before you even think about logging on to the dark web.


When you first launch tor, you are greeted with a loading bar that is eerily nostalgic of connecting to the internet in the mid 90s. Then the browser opens.

While the tor browser looks no different to Firefox at the first glance, you know why you came here. You quickly copy the .onion link you found to the hidden wiki, and eagerly paste it into the tor browser.

You’ve been warned that you won’t last 10 minutes on the dark web without a strong stomach, but you’ve ignored those warnings as you prepare to mingle with the most twisted and wretched filth of humanity.

After a few seconds of careful anticipation, you see the hidden wiki logo as the page opens. You see several crooked “financial” sites and think to yourself, “Hey, this isn’t that bad.” Then you scroll down…

I’ve been wanting to start this thriller / horror series based on the dark web, if you’d like to see further parts of this series, please let me know!


The dark web is not all scary. Their are some pretty sick people and sites out there but so is sick porn but if your into that type of thing then to each's own. The darknet can actually be pretty informing. (HINT HINT) this is how people learn to scam credit cards, cook meth, etc,etc. but it can also be very educational. So for people who are looking at this as something super illegal and everything then you can just stay scared of things that are actually harmless. Now i would never advise anyone to take part in those activities i just named but if you want the search engine is at your fingertips. Be wise, remember curiosity killed the cat.

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