The Separation (Original Poem)
The Separation
Little by little
my heart shatters
confronted by ice.
An unstoppable collapse
hitting the ground
and losing control.
Shocked by all
of the unexpected
words that destroy.
Lost in the moment
the very last time
our fingertips meet.
Uncontrolled screams
crushed reality
worse -
Explanatory note: Each year a million people are estimated to die from suicide. In developed and developing countries alike youth suicides accelerated. Among adolescents in the group of 15 - 19 years suicide is the third leading cause of death. In the USA suicide replaced homicide as the second leading cause of death among teens. Many more attempt suicide. 4 out of 5 give clear warning signals. Youth suicide is preventable - so pay attention!
I enjoyed reading your poem, I am also starting to post under the poetry tag. Check out my work and if you like it I would appreciate your follow. More than likely I will follow you back, as I am trying to keep up with all steemit poetry writers. @beginningtoend
How terribly beautiful.
And a very important message to our youth. Thank you.
Thinking of the coincidence of my posting A Study In Burnt Umber almost simultaneously (6 minutes apart) with The Separation...Sychronicity?
Thanks for this great response @transhuman! I like the idea of a "meaningful coincidence" - of meaningfully related posts despite no causal relationship.