Steem of Thrones - Episode 1: Fetes and Fates

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for reading STEEM of Thrones, where the community IS the story. In SOT, you will see many familiar sights and people, but I assure you that this is purely fiction and based on nothing more than my sense of story. Though the names may seem the same, this is a tale of a troubled Kingdom far, far away...

House Belle

The reverberations of the marching contingent sent a murder of crows scattering along the top of a nearby forest, an inky blot that spread out against the sky and wheeled east like a rising column of smoke. Night was releasing its grasp on the sky overhead and light shades of blue peeked through the darkened purple clutches of pre-dawn. It was generally the most peaceful time of day, and Lady Stella of House Belle had made it a point to greet the dawn as often as possible, preferring to break her fast on the open air balcony where she could watch the morning kiss the realm. Bouncing lightly atop her mare, she would not catch this morning's kiss. She sighed.

it's interesting how attached we grow to our routines

Lady Stella had alabaster skin that stood in stark contrast to her fiery hair, and the green eyes set beneath that had had a way of weakening the knees of any man caught under their attention. She had married and been widowed within a decade, but not before she'd had a chance to produce three children, two boys and a girl, her eldest.

"Milady, we draw closer to Castle Klyed," a young woman pulled up beside her, riding a dun mare.

"Indeed, Phoenixmaid," Lady Belle grinned despited herself, "Are you excited to see Lord Klye," she asked in nonchalance, eyeing the handmaiden and suppressing a grin. Phoenixmaid's eyes nearly jumped from their sockets and a rosy bloom colored her face a near apple red. "My Lady!" Lady Stella let out a melodic, contagious laugh that had both of them tearing up with mirth before long. "I saw you back there with your friend. Why don't you call her up here and we'll all ride together for a while."

Phoenixmaid was a handmaiden of the Lady Belle for a full year now, and in that time she had blossomed into a young woman, with shoulder-length chestnut hair and a set of emerald colored eyes that had hypnotized many a stableboy. She let her horse fall behind Lady Stella's and cantered beside her friend, a girl not much younger than herself, but with sun-spun golden hair. The three rode together for a while, and Lady Stella had been comforted by the company. She had needed it, to be frank. Lately, the realm had grown terse. It had felt poised for... something.

Soon I shall be surrounded by the Lords of the Realm. I should take my pleasant company while it's available

Lady Stella looked over at the girls, and the new smaller one was staring back, beaming a wide smile that made Stella herself smile. "What's your name, young lady?" "Mahama, your grace."

Your grace? "Lady Stella will do fine. Come, ladies, the Keep is upon us.

Their entourage approached Castle Klyed.

Castle Klyed

The winter's hold on Steemimg Valley still held strong, though it had been much less severe than winters past. For that, the traders had been grateful, as had everyone else from Baron to Brigand. The traversable mountain passes meant that none would go hungry this season, but it also meant that the delegations from each house could now make the journey to the Moot that had been called two fortnights past.

Tomorrow, Houses Bern, Pong, Tuck and Belle were to Moot at Castle Klyed courtesy of House Klye, a minor house that had served as an impartial arbiter between the regional houses. Castle Klyed had been the stage for many negotiations throughout the centuries, so much so that it had become their claim to fame. Arbiter of the realm. Lord Klye had shared his predecessors penchant for diplomacy, and took great pleasure in hosting others in grand fete's that would go on through the night. He was a tall, slim man with jet black shoulder-length hair and angular features. He was due for marriage, and the estate was currently in negotiation to establish a union that would bring new alliances into House Klye.

He stood in the courtyard entrance, watching the delegation from House Belle dismount and hand off reins to stablehands. Lady Belle stood speaking with one of her guards, and Klye eyed the red emblazoned shield before returning his attention to Lady Stella, who was now headed his way. As she neared, he bowed low.

"Milady, welcome to Castle Klyed," he reached for her hand and lowered his head to place his lips on it, rising again.

"Lord Klye, you look very well," she glanced back at Phoenixmaid, who immediately darkened two shades, "Your House fares well? Have the others arrived?"

"Yes, thank you, Lady Stella. Lords Bern and Pong arrived one bell ago. Lord and Lady Donki should be here within the next bell, as well as Lord Tuck."

"Very well. I thank you for your hospitality, Lord Klye. I am looking forward to this evenings festivities," She did not seem fatigued, but Stella knew that hosting these Houses had meant prepared chambers for their use.

Linking arms, Lady Stella of House Belle was escorted into the Castle by the conversational Klye, a burst of soft laughter issuing from the couple as they retreated inside. Behind them, Phoenixmaid had resumed her lava-like, bright red color and scurried to catch up.

House Bern

Seated in the Great Hall of Castle Klyed, Lord Bern and his guard took up several tables in the back. Anders Bern himself was separated from the others, and was conversing quietly with a woman.

"Nouveau, are you sure?"

"Milord, yes. I have heard rumors of war from travelers, messengers, and piegon alike. Some are saying the Steemit Throne itself is imperiled, that there's a coup in Rockchain City itself."

Lady Nouveau was of medium height, and the divided riding skirts she wore belied her Noble breeding. She had a thirst for action, and as representative for one of the most ingenious Houses, she had slaked that desire. Her auburn hair fell to the middle of her back, and her severe stare never looked to the floor or away, unless conversing with royalty. In the name of House Bern, she had lent the crown support in routing two rebellions, and her deft ability to persuade had opened numerous trade opportunities over the years.

Lord Bern sat back, hooking his fingers into his weapons belt, which hung empty as courtesy and tradition dictated. except for the blade in my sleeve and that against my thigh. Fate has never played well with tradition He was more than concerned about this Moot, and he felt for good reason. The news from around the realm had not been promising, with uprisings and warlords causing chaos in several parts of the continent. They would have to be dealt with soon.

"Make yourself available to the other Houses, as usual. Find out what you can and try not to let slip too much, just enough to learn. It bothers me that they're not all here yet. Especially Tuck." Anders nodded, and Lady Nouveau rose and left the chamber, several discreet eyes following her retreating figure.

Anders was wont to stay away from fetes or court drama, but this Moot had been less than optional, given the circumstances. He needed just a little more information before he could fully determine his future options, and he hoped to get that here, today. When he spied his men becoming more boisterous as they drank, he called to one of them.

"Timsaid, get yourself and the men prepared for the fete this evening, I need you sharp."

The man timsaid looked at Lord Bern, down at his mug of ale, and set it down. He signaled the other men and they rose to make their way to their equipment.

I wonder if Lord Tuck will grace us with his presence at the fete, or at the very least at the Moot tomorrow

Lord Bern couldn't place it, but there was a sinking stone that had lodged itself in his gut, and his mind was screaming out that it meant something. While he'd hoped to get some words in with the other Lords, it appeared as if everyone was retiring to wash off the travel and prepare their costumes for the masquerade fete.

Lord Anders Bern, and the stone of intuition that rested in his gut, retired to his prepared chambers.

The Fate of Fetes

Lord Klye had a shield made up specifically for the fete, and the image adorned most pillars in the back courtyard, bringing levity to the guests by and large. While there was an embarrassment of space, he'd set up tables in a semi-circle so that his guests could rest their feet when they tired of dancing. On each table was a centerpiece comprised of some of the more beautiful flora in the region, and each table itself was covered in what appeared to be gossamer. The staff had strung lanterns suspended from wire about the courtyard, providing soft lighting that cast shadows about the ground in a dozen directions. He had even had lavender fixed to the underside of every table and chair, lacing the fete with the softest of aromas.

The masquerade party had produced many different, detailed masks, clearly custom made. Lord Klye himself wore a mask of glittering blue stone, assembled in a way to resemble a fierce sea creature. He'd had some long whiskers put in and the effect left him looking somewhere between a catfish and a whale. For all the ambiguity, it was stunning.

Further back in the courtyard, a stone opening guarded by two large men announced the entrance to the VIP area, reserved for the higher nobles, heads of Houses, and their staff. Lord Klye pushed past the men and came upon a rough circle of nobles, all in mask, and in heated debate. Lord and Lady Donki, masked as a sun and moon, were quite loud and clearly frustrated.

"No, he has not arrived yet, and I will tell you again, it's true!" Lady Donki had stamped her foot to emphasize her point, and Lord Donki rested his hand on her forearm, staying her.

"What Lady Donki means to say is that we are connected to nearly every merchant circle for a hundred leagues," the sun masked Lord leaned forward, "and our reports indicate that the Crown is under attack." The group of Lords, already speaking in urgent, hushed tones, now said nothing. "War will be upon us".

Lord Smooth, garbed in a red and blue silken shirt and dragon mask, grunted "I'd wager it's House Synereo. They've grown more restless these last several seasons, they have the manpower. They'd have the best chance to take the Steemit Throne, with allies of course." He had developed a habit of wringing his hands when he spoke, and it was as unnerving to him as it was to everyone else. Right now, everyone seemed a little unnerved. "The Synerians," he continued, "are a complicated house, but I do believe they'd seize the opportunity to give their support in a coup."

Lady Belle cleared her throat, bringing the nobles to silence. "We cannot even be sure that the Steemit Throne is in danger, Lord Donki. It's well known that House Synereo competes with yours for marketshare," she let the sentence hang in the air, goading Pong, "does it not?" Lady Belle had donned the mask of an avian creature, the resemblance of which was between the fabled, magical phoenix, and a swan. Made of sparking jewels, the mask turned toward Lord Donki, and waited. Lord Donki nodded once, curtly.

"We should continue to gather information, each of us, to assess what is really happening in the capital. With knowledge, comes..." Stella had not had a chance to finish that sentence when a loud explosion rocked the area just outside the VIP zone.

The laughter and noise that had been there but a moment ago was now replaced with the sounds of screams, both men and women. A second blast followed, and the area that had been dotted with tables for the convenience of the guests, was now a smoking crater. Ringing steel rode over the top of the smoke, announcing a battle that had not been expected.

The first blast had rocked Lady Belle's senses, knocking her onto her behind. As the other nobles scattered, presumably toward the guards who could protect them, the second explosive had gone off. With her ears still ringing and her vision blurry, she struggled to make sense of the scene before her, smoke filled as it was. She didn't notice the sets of boots that were running toward her, bared steel held aloft in white-knuckled fists. She had also not heard the crash of sword on sword, and the screams of the men as they died, but she had felt the hand that grabbed her elbow and helped her rise to her feet.

As she steadied, she found herself looking into the unmasked face of Lord Fheman Tuck. The right side of his face was splattered with blood, and no one had ever looked so wonderful to Stella before.

Unable to fight against the encroaching darkness in her vision, Lady Belle fainted.

Lord Fheman Tuck caught her as she lost consciousness and slowly eased her to the ground. Rising, he turned to see that four men now replaced the three he'd just dispatched. With a slow grin stretching his lips into a threatening rictus, he raised his blade.

To Be Continued...

It seems that events have put an end to discussions. While the Ladies and Lords of the realm work to understand what is happening, the war machine reaches out to affect every region. And now it's made its way to Steemimg Valley. Who's behind this attack, and what do they want? And where did Tuck come from?

Thank you for reading Episode 1: Fetes and Fate.

It's never too late to join a house by leaving a comment saying which house you stand for!

If any artists or writers are interested in collaboration on SOT, please join the #steemofthrones channel, or find me in chat.

Don't forget to follow and catch the next episode!

All images were either created by me or sourced under CC0 Public Domain
EDIT: Klye's shield was graciously created and donated by @klye. I did not make that awesomeness.


Mindfucked at how good this is.

LOL! This is fantastic! It's a hard call, but I will have to go with 'House Belle'
@stellabelle Have you read this yet Leah? As well as writing a book, you are now IN a book. Too cool :)
Please allow me to make a small contribution from my YT channel:

I love this intro music, thank you!

I love that so hard haha. Am I legally allowed to use that, because if so I'd LOVE to include it :)

Well, according to YouTube I am not in copyright violation as it is classed as a "tutorial" rather than an actual 'cover version' or whatever. Not sure though about use beyond that to be honest :)

If you want to make an adaptation specifically for this series, we could sidestep all that and you could make a theme song ;) If you get a creative bug about it, let me know and up it'll go with credit to you of course. Your tutorial made me happy enough to plug in the keyboard for later

@prufarchy 'One I made earlier' LOL! If this is of any use to you, please feel free to adapt it any way you like. Otherwise, guess I could come up with a parody of the GOT original theme :)

Wow, that was hauntingly beautiful, wonderful. I'd be lucky to have this as a theme song, so thank you for the permission. It makes me want to write more. If you'd ever like to collaborate, I have a million ideas of how to put your music in a story world. It'd work for both sci-fi and fantasy :)Thanks again for sharing your talent with all of us

good wow? Bad wow? meow?

this reminded me that i should say: WOW GOOD! I could never write this...i'm sorry it didn't get more though :(

This is the cooles thing ever!!! I loooove it, waiting for the second one :)

Winter Is Coming!


If you mean old and flatulent, yeah, I kind of am like a wizard ;)

really? good)))

That was really cool :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This is perfect.

Love what you did with the shield image I gave you.. Very very neat!

This is a neat thing you got going on here and I'm enjoying it. Keep up the good work man.

Thanks for making it, I love it

Hope you enjoyed your castle before I blews it up ;)

Simply superb. Now I how much do I have to promote this post to not get killed off horrifically?!

In the Steem of Thrones, there are no guarantees .... But 7

This is so well written, I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Perhaps you should use it to create steemits first audio book.

That is a great ide :) thanks for being a part of the story

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