Is Europe a Social Democracy?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)


I went this morning on a business trip to a neighboring country with a good friend, since he was interested in buying some real estate and farmland, and I went with him to give him some good tips as I am pretty experienced with farmlands.

We visited 3 places, but 1 place stuck out. It was a poor family who tried to sell their farmland to pay for the women's treatment, since she was disabled. We went in and had a chat with them about the land but also I was curious about their poverty so I have asked a few questions, and they spoke English pretty well so there was no language problem. They were nice people, but their situation was really odd.

So here is a poor family in a supposed Socialist Democratic country, I won't name it, where the father was working usually 16 hours a day, including Saturdays in a truck factory nearby, while the mother is disabled in wheelchair, with 2 children.

Now you might think they are totally flooded with welfare, so I asked them how much welfare do they get, after all the woman had worked all her life until an accident made her disabled, and the guy is working very hard, so it's not like they haven't paid into the system. And they responded "barely anything", I won't say the sum, but it was about around 10% of what the woman was earning before, and that includes child support and her disability benefit.

So all they get is a lousy 10%, which is barely anything. So it seems to me that the "welfare state" in Europe is grossly exaggerated. There is no welfare paradise, maybe except in Germany, but this wasn't Germany. But it was an EU country.

So everyone is talking about how good the welfare system in Europe is, and how lazy people are. Which is totally a lie, these people have worked hard in their life, and don't get their money back, that they have paid into, when they get into poverty.

In fact they were getting more from the church, than from the Government. Even though the church is a private charity and they haven't paid into that, while they have paid their entire life taxes, and they get barely anything from the Government.

It's not that I support a welfare state, but as you can see, private charity is much better and much more helpful than the Government.

So I asked them how much taxes do they pay? The guy didn't even know, since he never calculated them, most taxes are levied automatically, but I looked up the country's tax rates online, and it was rough ~60%. So they pay 60% taxes their entire working career, meanwhile if they get sick or poor, they barely get 10% of what they used to earn.

Now where the hell does the other 50% go? Government mismanagement? Government corruption? Possibly.

Social Democracy?

So is this really a Social Democracy? Not that I would support a Social Democracy, but it's not even that. It's more closer to fascism. Because you pay your taxes all your life, and it's as if it gets sucked into a Black Hole, and disappears.

So the European economy, is not Socialism, not a Social Democracy, it's closer to a Nazi Economy. That's right, it's a Nazi Economy.

Europe hasn't been in a war for 70 years, how the hell people haven't escaped poverty in all those years. We had plenty of time to rebuild the economy.

It's because Europe is being run by Nazi Corporations and the successors of the Nazi Corporations, and the European Union which was totally set up by the Nazis. And they like to keep people enslaved, in near concentration camp levels of slave work for little pay.

You are paying 60-80% taxes, but you can't set up a small business because the Nazi Corporations have a virtual monopoly over the economy in Europe, so you are forced to work in a factory 16 hours a day including Saturday to feed your disabled wife and 2 kids, meanwhile the EU bureaucrats get huge salaries and all their expenses are covered by the public purse.

So this poor guy is literally a concentration camp slave meanwhile the EU Commission which was setup by a Nazi Lawyer is just laughing in his face while passing favorable laws to further the monopoly for the successors of the Nazi Corporations that used to run Auschwitz.

That is the EU economy for you guys, no welfare for poor people, but huge taxes, meanwhile huge welfare and favorable laws for Nazi Corporations. So the EU is not a Social Democracy, it's the Nazi 4th Reich.


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My friend didn't bought the land in the end, it was too cheap, it would have been totally evil to take advantage of them by buying their land for a cheap price while knowing that their family is struggling, so we proposed a rent deal to them. They didn't needed the money that urgently, so by giving their farmland in rent they will make more money than by selling it at an ultra cheap price now.

But the EU has no problem taxing them at 60%-70% while giving them no welfare, meanwhile bailing out Nazi Corporations with tax money.

High tax anywhere is a rip off!

Europe is not one country and neither is EU a single state. They have different laws and policies.

You have failed to mention that 7 out of the top 10 countries by HDI are European welfare states? Or 30 out of the top 50? Of course, the country you visited isn't one of them, but that's hardly representative of Europe. Using that to call "Europe" a "Nazi economy" is bizarre, to say the least.

The economics policies of all EU coutries are dicated by the EU comission, there is no sovereignty on the economic side.

Yes but I think the welfare system is overrated, even Sweden or Germany, there are still starving people there, but instead of help them out, they chose to spend the money on immigrants who in return will rape people.

Using that to call "Europe" a "Nazi economy" is bizarre, to say the least.

Not if the founders/sponsors of the EU were a pro Nuremberg-Laws Nazi lawyer and a Brownshirt Nazi

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