#1 What is Fear? How to Overcome it!

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Hello lovely people,

Today up in my blog I want to discuss the second most common four letter word starting with 'F' after FORK


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What is Fear: is a feeling induced by perceived danger or threat that occurs in certain types of organisms, which causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behaviour, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events.

Fear can be anything depending on a person to person. Fear can occur in and create strong signals in case of emergencies - caught in Fire, or be being attacked.

Fear may also occur in non-dangerous events like facing an exam, public speaking, a new job, a date, or even a party. It’s a natural response to a threat that can be either perceived or real.

My idea of FEAR


Fear is not Real, It is a product of our imagination. Fear, a feeling is derived through thinking of the past what has happened or the outcome(future), of what could happen if?

What it does?
Fear causes us to fear thing that never exists! Not at present and may not ever exist! Fear is where insanity could hurt.As for what is fear biologically speaking, when a person experiences fear, certain areas in their brain such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus are immediately activated and appear to control the first physical response to fear. Chemicals such as adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released into the blood stream causing certain physical reactions such as:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Tightening of muscles
  • Sharpened or redirected senses
  • Dilation of the pupils (to let in more light)
  • Increased sweating

Danger is real but Fear is a choice. Bankruptcy, the death of a loved one, divorce or may be economic recession can not directly cause a feeling of any kind until brain interprets and create a story about said situations. Sadness, Depression, Anxiety can only be produced by seeing a situation, producing the interpretation and believing it.

Fear comes through Desires.

Yes, Fear is because of we have desires. As I mentioned above that fear is a believing of what is going to happen. Similarly, fear or I should say anticipating consequences of a desire produces fear.

If a child fails in an exam, he or she might have fear of what the reaction of society will be towards him or her?

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Failing an exam is similar to walking on the path and falling.

Have you ever seen a toddler trying to walk?
A toddler falls, tries to stand up, walks again and falls again. Then he repeats the whole process

While on the other hand,

If a guy like me who is into his middle twenties falls and tries to get up, I will have a fear of what would society think?
That is because I have anticipated in my mind an outcome of my fall, which might or might not be true.

So lesser the desires less is the fear.

Also, many of you might be thinking that desires are necessary because, if you don't desire for something you don't really achieve it.


But wait, will you be able to control the outcome? No!!

However, you can control the fear. Sounds difficult? Keep reading!!

Analyse and overcome - Fear

Fear is nothing but imagination gone wrong. People rather than visualising positive outcomes begin to visualise negative outcomes and as a result feel afraid to act.

  • Acknowledge- Once you realise that fear is a learned emotion, you begin to unlearn it and deal with it. It is unnatural to be afraid of things. It can also be said that you need to accept your fear and then analyse, How to deal with it.

  • References- Look for people who have already achieved what you are afraid to do. This will create a lot of positive references in your mind.

  • Action - The fastest and the most effective way to conquer fear is to take action. There is something medicinal about taking action. It kills worry and fear at the same time. Keep taking action until the time you feel comfortable in handling what you were once afraid of.

Here we have a real-life example of one of the biggest leader of U.S.A. Over coming his fear of public speaking.

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Lincoln’s Example of How to Deal with Stage Fright

You or I probably aren’t going to be speaking about America’s identity to a national audience. But we can learn something important from our greatest speaker concerning how to deal with stage fright.

The clue is in the Cooper Union speech itself. Read the talk today and you’ll see a dry recitation of Congressional votes on the question of slavery in the territories. Lincoln was a lawyer, after all. But it’s in exactly that effort to set the record straight that Lincoln gives us a hint of how to deal with speech anxiety.


Real freedom is experienced only once you conquer your fears. Step outside your comfort zone and experience the magic by realising your potential.

Image Sources 1 2 3 4

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Great blog with nice information!

I'm the winner of the "I'm not going to upvote you 🐋 Do it yourself! #9 Contest"
Just gave a whale vote courtesy @htooms's for your efforts (Check out his blog)! thanks and keep up the great work @jznsamuel!

Thank you @jznsamuel

Glad you liked it!!

interesting point of view and difficult to conquer some fears, Actually sometime the fear is helping us to react better, but could be also that this feeling is not fear but something else.

Indeed it is difficult to conquer it.
But doing little changes with mind and achieving what you think is comparatively easier and can be implemented.

Thanks, i'll try doing those things :))

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