How this book changed my life. Maybe it can change yours...📚 🔮 📖

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Hey steemers!
Growing up, I was a sheep.
What I mean by that is that I did what everybody did, going to school to have great grades and after get a great job and in the future a great family and great kids, you know how it goes! But I didn't really wanted that, I had dreams. I wanted to travel! I wanted to be a shepherd of my own life, not a sheep. The only problem was, my confidence. I wasn't confident enough to accomplish all that I wanted to do. I had so many negativity in my head and I couldn't reach my goals.

One day I had enough so I went to see a psychologist because I thought that she might help me with my problems. It didn't work at all. I was very desappointed, I wanted to do all of those things but its not easy when you have that little voice in your head saying: "you won't be able, what if this happens or that.." I felt stuck. Years went by until one day I was sitting beside two girls at my school that I didn't know, and they were talking about this book that claimed that positive thinking can create life-changing. She had the book in her hands and I couldn't see the title of it and I was to shy to ask them, I just saw that it was brown. I went to the library and I asked if they know about a brown book that talks about positive thinking and I finaly got my hands on it ! Oh my god I had it! But I didn't expect much. I gaved it a shot anyways.

NO this book didn't paid for my traveling or anything magic, but it did changed my life in genernal. It helped me to think positively and I tried to do it everyday, everything was positive in my head, even when bad things happened. When I bought my first flight (to Australia) I took the book with me. At first I was freaking out! Alone in a plane? Me? But everytime I freaked out I took the book and started to think positively and tell myself that everything is going to be fine! Honestly it really helped!

My advice to you is to always think positive. Shit happens! Sometimes things won't be as you wish but always look at the good side of it ! Thinking positive will help you achieve anything you want!
Thanks for reading!


It is so difficult to remain positive in such a negative world. But it sure feels good when you develop a habit of thinking optimistically. I have my ups and downs, like we all do.

Yes you're right! We all have ups and downs, I do most of the time but like I said, it works for me and I hope it can work for others as well !

I haven't read the book yet, but I saw an excellent documentary few years ago about it and since then my life has changed by a lot.

Our mind is the real game changer :D

Our mind really is a game changer :)
And how things from the outside can influence our behaviour or our mood is truly an amazing thing.
That's why it is important not only to take what life is giving us, but also to add what we feel is missing in our life. Most of the time what everybody just need is POSITIVITY. This book can provide this in its own way. :)

Reading a page a day, keeps the negativity away. Haha :D

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