The Moon is a Pizza

in #story7 years ago

alien pizza.png
^I take full credit for the picture above. It was created by me and it is forbidden to use the image above for your own publications without my consent. Simply mentioning I made it is sufficient though.

Now onto the really important matter. The moon being a pizza. In this post I will tell you why I believe the moon is a Pizza. In a soon-to-come post, I will be explaining what the consequences of the moon being a pizza are for us.

Moon looks round

Have you never felt like it was weird the moon is round? I mean.. There are so many shapes, but the moon happens to look round. Just like a pizza! It's very weird, because if you look in the universe, you'll see many stars and stars aren't round. Stars obviously have this shape:


It also took us many thousands of years to invent the wheel. Why? Because it's not an obvious shape! It isn't created naturally, so the moon must be created by aliens. And why would aliens put some random moon at our planet? Just because they can? Just doesn't seem logic at all! Therefore, I think they must be hiding something in there... What could it be? A bomb? I don't think so... Putting a bomb in the middle of nowhere near a planet filled with 3rd world countries, I think it's kind of pointless...

A much more reasonable explanation would be that they are hiding something valuable... Like Pizza! They think that we will protect the moon at all cost, because it belongs to us... To our Earth! Therefore it'd be the best possible hiding spot one could possibly think of! Or maybe they want us to find it, to find the secrets of the universe... Or to know that aliens are out there... There are so many possibilities... It's amazing!


When there's a meteorite coming to Earth, it's going at an enormous velocity. This velocity can only be maintained if the meteorite has a mass-center inside an inner core that's made out of pizza. As I understand it's hard to understand this, I decided to make a little picture to clearify it for you all! :-)


As you see, the inner core is made out of Pizza. This is a must-have for any quick meteorite. If a meteorite doesn't have this, the Tomato Sauce Particles will cause friction, which slows the meteorite down. With a pizza inside of the meteorite, the Tomato Sauce Particles decide to either stick to it, which gives the meteorite more energy, or to stay away from it, which doesn't cause friction either.

The moon contains a variety of gray colours on its surface

Overall, the moon is reasonably light gray. However, it also has some spots which are a bit darker than the rest. These colour differences would be very easy to explain by correct utilisation of the Pizza Theory. A pizza doesn't have the same colour on each part of it either... Some parts look yellow (cheesy), some look red (tomato sauce) and depending on what you want on your pizza, there could be some green too. These colour differences are then translated to Black&White shades, after which they are reflected on the surface of the moon.

Large dark areas on the moon? Parts without cheese. "Impact Craters"? They put salami on their pizza...


Obviously, this is just a theory, but it's a very well argumented theory. It's logically explicable and I have not heard any reasonable counter-arguments yet. As no one knows for sure what the moon is, we simply cannot leave the possibility of it being a pizza out of our list of possibilities. The susipicious round shape, meteorites and its variety of shades of gray covering its surface, make the Pizza Theory pretty reasonable.

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