Nadezhda Rumyantseva: The fatal blow

in #story7 years ago


Are there absolutely happy people in the world who always smile at Fortune, who always achieve their goal, who never and in no way know defeats? Looking closely at the life path of Nadezhda Vasilyevna Rumyantseva, you involuntarily answer this question positively. Although, in truth, and in its completely cloudless fate, there were annoying moments and sorrows ...

She did not think about acting career

She was born September 9, 1930 in the Smolensk region, in the family of the conductor of long-distance trains and housewives. Her upbringing involved mom, instilled passionate love for dancing, flowers and movies. Thanks to these hobbies in the school, Nadia was called only as an actress ... However, despite her obvious acting talents, she did not think about the acting career for a while. And in general, I got into this profession by accident, choosing a university not by vocation, but by the absence of objects unpleasant to it: chemistry, physics, mathematics.

Random marriage

On the eve of the graduation from the theatrical institute, she married a fellow student Vladimir Shurupov. But the marriage was fleeting: he was offered to go to Sverdlovsk, and she was already gaining momentum movie star. None of the spouses agreed to a compromise ...

The decision to leave the movie

Rumyantseva almost never had enemies, which can not be said about envious persons - and this is understandable: her life from the outside looked too cloudless. Even the all-powerful "chief of cinematography" Ermash felt jealous for her: he was annoyed that Rumyantsev did not attend the collective meetings, despised the subordination and finally threw a movie! ..

And occasions to say goodbye to the cinema she had more than enough.

Firstly, after her incredible success in the films "The Unbeaten", "The Girls" and "The Queen of the Gas Station", after she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the USSR in 1963, a series of failures came ...

Secondly, after marrying diplomat Willie Hshtoyan, she firmly resolved all other roles to prefer the role of wife.

"I learned well," she later admitted, "who is our head of family, he should not say:" I'm Nadi Rumyantseva's husband. "That I should say:" I'm Willy Vartanovich's wife. "I already had luggage of roles. I thought: "Well, one more role, more - and then what?" And Willy had such a career that it was necessary to go abroad as a trade representative, and then return to Moscow, maybe to a higher position. "

Wife of the diplomat

Her marriage with Willy Vartanovich lasted 42 years, until his death. She transferred love for him to his daughter from the first marriage to Karina, and to her son Vitya, who, incidentally, called her exclusively Nadyusha.

As a representative of the Foreign Trade, Willy Vartanovich spent most of his life abroad. Rumyantseva, who speaks French fluently, easily learned English, and so masterly that she even translated Russian anecdotes - sometimes she relieved tension and boredom at diplomatic receptions.

After 15 years of living abroad, the couple settled in Moscow. And again fate is supportive of Rumyantseva - she was not forgotten: she acts in films, leads a children's program on TV, voices films.

Fate strikes

This happened in 1996. That day they were waiting for a locksmith. Therefore, when they called at their door, they opened it without asking.

Into the apartment broke two strong guys who, threatening with weapons, demanded money. Khstoyan, once engaged in martial arts, twisted them and took away his pistol.

Soon a police detachment arrested bandits. But during the scuffle, one of the robbers managed to strike Nadezhda Vasilyevna with a blow to the head. The craniocerebral injury was serious: several weeks Rumiantseva had to stay in the hospital - for the first time in her life! And after she was discharged, unbearable headaches began to excruciate her ...

Brain tumor

The couple left Moscow and moved out of town. After almost 10 years after the injury, she sustained severe pain. Always despising sores, she tries to ignore them, drowning her favorite pursuits, hides them even from her husband.

This continues until the beginning of April 2008, when she suddenly loses consciousness. She is hospitalized. Diagnosis: a brain tumor.

April 8, in the hands of a crying husband, she dies, at the age of 79.

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