From Venezuela, Help me out of here.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

    Steemit. I feel very ashamed to be asking for help by these means, but I find myself in a really desperate situation. SOS.VENEZUELA-HELP VENEZUELA- Change The World-

First of all it is important that all of you watch this video to understand why I write about this. Many will think that we Venezuelans are experiencing a crisis more similar to that experienced in any other country in Latin America, the fact is that it is worse than you think. Historically, Venezuela had never experienced such a devastating crisis as it is today.

This video was recorded in August of 2016. For today, August 4- 2017, our national currency has been devalued to more than 1000% and the monthly salary is located in 7.4$.

If you see my previous posts you will realize that I have been very ashamed of asking you for help to escape Venezuela since dictatorship and the socioeconomic crisis have reached a high level and the consequences have been harmful. Imagine spending at least one day without eating, or imagine getting sick and not getting the medicines, worse, imagine not being able to think different from the dictator regime because the police come to your house to imprison you. It's a very difficult situation, so once again I ask my friends Steemit to help me with the cause of reading this post and to be viral, I need at least $ 1000 to get out of this nightmare, since the tickets are very expensive AND Through work and monthly salary is really impossible, the salary only reaches to eat for a couple of days.

Please read this publication : My story. Steemit helps a Venezuelan.



I feel sorry for you, since 2007 sometime I found a video just for the further invasion of the arabic country's where somebody made a small docu on country's which where on the list to invade and bringdown the regimes and venezuela was on it. Last night wikileaks posted evidence of the destructive effect the usa actions have against venezuela.. setting up the people against the system has been done always in the beginning... after there come protests and even rangerous riots and clashes we in the west and europe gets shown all those videos with the message '''the dictator is against his own people'' so when the time comes to they invade the country's with military actions.. all in europe are accepting it like it is the only thing that will help them.. the people of venezuela must not get decepted by any bad foreign accusements and stand strong with maduro or the same things will happen in syria.. that's why the democratics were so pro immigration.

@seveaux, I invite you to try and read this:

I hope you can translate it. This have happened to a friend of mine!

I will and I am willing to understand, I just made a post about what I learned too

Wikileaks recently released proof of all of it

Sorry my friend, I read your comment and it was difficult for me not to responde that. I don't think the US goverment is behind all this crap we are living these days. I may ask you: Do you really know about what is the problem in Venezuela? I invite you to read about the "Cartel de los Soles", and then you could start to make some opinions about this. Maybe the US goverment has interests on Venezuela, but you should know that this problem is HUGE and EXTREMELY dangerous. Just to make you know something: In Venezuela, you CAN'T protest against the goverment... You can be murdered. I'm really serious on that.

No offense friend, but communism is a cancer. I can tell you that is true with a fact: I live in the most dangerous country in the world, Venezuela. You can be killed just for a cellphone or a watch. You can be killed for any reason, at any time. I'm not joking, I'd lived some experiences with violence, and I'd to tell goodbye to some friends who were assasinated... Please, don't believe what communism says. It's only political poetry, and nothing more.

You said we shouldn't be decepted, well, then you tell me who is the man who killed my friends? Trump? The US goverment? No my friend, it is Maduro and his criminal troops. Please, don't be fooled by the lying and blind LEFT. People in Venezuela don't live a deception, here we live a harsh reality. This is not on the news, this is the day by day situation. If you really want to know why venezuelan people is fleeing to other countries, you can write me anytime. I DO know about that topic.

it is all a plan.. did you know usa ''actually made gadhaffi a dictator'' ????

Excelente respuesta!!!!!

Y ahora dice que USA hizo a "Gadhaffi" un dictador... Este chamo no sabe que Muamar el Gadafi​ era un asesino? :( No puedo discutir mas, no sabe ni como se escribe el nombre jajajaja...

The video in this content is propaganda!!! omg!!! really this is an american speaking pretending to be a venezualian... we have to find who this man is to proof it.

No, I think that you are misunderstand, he is not gringo is Venezuelan, many Venezuelans are currently living in the USA, the fact that he dominates English does not mean he is a American citizen, really an American would not lend himself to this, We are living in a terrible situation so that esepticas people like you think this kind of thing. I think is disrespecfull

I don't say these things to be disrespectfull, and it is not there is too much evidence discovered. I don't know if you have acces to these things but where I live in europe we have no barriers to get to know the truth, and if we don't get the truth we search for it.... sometimes it's not legal and I admire those who bring it to the public, to the people and reveal corruption and take the masks of their hats.. of those who decide and have more responsibility's to what happens to us or our future. propaganda video's is what is we all get exposed to here, to demonise one to so we agree with further actions or eventually a military conflict.. IRAQ LIBIA YEMEN SYRIA and now IRAN also. But it's the same pattern that we see of destroying every dictatorship except venezuela and cuba in the past over time.. so this girl and the people are in really really big danger and must take actions to prevent deaths and venezuela people who fight venezuela people because that's how it starts.. always.. all cops and army should stop fighting against their own people right now

here is the proof of it. the people better get to know who is behind all this hate against maduro... it's not maduro don't be decepted please but gather and unite to fight for your country's freedom and independence.. but the CIA will probably continue with it's destructive agenda.. since they are backed by the people who poses the money in the world

you're so wrong. Why others countries are ok? Bolivia, Ecuador, Brasil, Chile, and all of the rest of L.A. countries? What about the CIA agenda? Nosense

I know it may feel super wrong and stuff but the evidence is out and I couldn't believe it too the patterns are there.. I want to help this girl too I know a venezuelian girl living in holland here but the only thing I can do is dig into all that's out and wikileak documents and following certain people that keeping an eye on the world that keep indirect watch on assanges safety. that's all I can do

do bolivia, chile and the rest of those country still have dictatorships ?

Bolivia has a socialist president, friend of chavez and maduro, and still there's no crisis. Same as Ecuador... No other country is in our situation, how is the CIA only conspiring in Venezuela?

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