A love in full moon ... (original story)

in #story8 years ago

Once upon a time Alfonso, a humble chef who spent his life inventing good and bad food dishes, was his passion, he lived for it.

He was very calm, did not seek love, he said that love would come alone. His friends laughed at this, for many of his friends told him that if he never left the kitchen How would he know the love of his life? This did not matter to him, while his friends told him that, he just laughed.

One afternoon he invented a very good dish of food, his boss congratulated him, told him how great he had been and decided to put the dish the same name of Alfonso to be of his creation.

The days passed and Alfonso always in his kitchen as he loved so much.

One afternoon after lunch time one of the waiters and says to Alfonso:

- Alfonso hurry up, give me your phone number.
- For what? You do not have it saved
- Sure Alfonso, but it's not for me. It's for a beautiful girl who tried your dish and was delighted. I want your number
- Oh, okay, here. Take it to see what it is.

The waiter goes with the account and apart carries the number of Alfonso.

The girl who asked the number to the waiter is Carmen, a lawyer with good prestige in his company. She asked her number for Alfonso only to ask if he could work for a party for his daughter on a Saturday afternoon.

To the days Carmen writes to Alfonso to know if he could work in his party, Alfonso tells him that yes and Carmen gave the place and the hour of arrival.

After days, the day arrived. Alfonso somewhat distressed because he did not know what Carmen was like, he only knew that she was beautiful because of what the waiter had told him. Only he was going to work but felt that there was something more, that intuition you always have when you know something is going to happen.

Arrive at the time and place indicated and is achieved with Carmen at the entrance of the party. That man put on a thousand colors to see how beautiful she was and Carmen from another point of view, was also astonished. It was like a love at first sight, but neither of them said anything, they just introduced themselves and Carmen then explained to him about the work he would do.

The hours passed and Alfonso worked very quietly but a little nervous, because that woman had attracted much attention, Carmen whenever he saw Alfonso work was left in a state of coma (so to speak). He kept staring for seconds until he reacted and continued with his labors.

Finishing the celebration, Alfonso was going to leave, because it had been very tiring work, when he is about to leave, he sees Carmen and asks:

- I finished my work? Can I leave?
- No not yet. I would like a last plate and I have all the ingredients necessary for you to do it, you could do it, I am willing to pay you overtime.
- I would like to do it. But, just give me an answer. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Yes, of course, well. I really did not believe in this until recently.
- I also think and it is well I will make a last plate to you. Which?
- My favorite dish which I have eaten twice a week since its inception. The dish "Alfonso".
- Ohh wow, great and how did you know the ingredients?
- Your friend, the waiter told me.
- Excellent, come I'll make the dish but I want you to learn to do it too.
- It would be fabulous. Show me

They both go to the kitchen, each with a rather curious smile and begin to prepare the dish.

While they prepared it, they laughed loudly, told many stories, anecdotes and so on, it was the best dish Alfonso had prepared outside his kitchen.

They met a lot in that short time, apart from this they seemed to be very compatible, they had a lot in common, likes, preferences, they thought the same about some subjects. among other things....

They finished preparing that dish and decided to go eat it at a table that was next to a beautiful lake where it had been the party planned by Carmen.

The place had already been cleared, so it was 11:30 at night and Alfonso made the decision to light a candle in the middle of the table to be able to see each other's faces.

They begin to eat when suddenly Carmen begins to speak and says:

- I never thought that I would have a dinner with the person who prepares my favorite dishes without even knowing you.
- The truth, I never thought I would eat next to a person who loves my dishes as you do.
- Can I ask you something, Alfonso?
- Yeah right. tell me
- Why when you worked a few hours ago you looked at me so much and you got nervous.
- I'll tell you the truth, Carmen and stay between us and between this full moon that is to see us. Ever since I saw you at the entrance to the party you caught my attention, you have a lovely look and a very beautiful smile, apart from that your personality is spectacular I really liked you a lot. But, you do not stay behind Carmen, I noticed that you looked at me a lot. Why?
- Alfonso, you have something impressive and it is that I liked without having known you, just try your dish and I felt that I loved you and when I saw you in the entrance I verified you are very beautiful and very handsome, I do not know because you do not have a partner yet.
- Well, I'm always in the kitchen and I never go out, but that's another issue. To what I want to reach and I do not want to waste another minute. Would you risk having a love with me at full moon?
- Actually, yes. If I risk having a love with you at full moon ...

That's how Alfonso got his true love, he did not expect it. It happened to him as he always said. His love would come when he least expected it.


I hope you like this story which I wrote for a specific reason and it is that there are many people who try to find a love for as of place. Whatever you want to find someone who is by your side and even more there are people who want to be with others even if the person does not want. Love is not made, love is as it happened to Alfonso. He never bothered to have a love and simply came without expecting it.

A greeting, with much affection @norellyg

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