The Land of younow continuing story part two

in #story6 years ago

Noble swam to shore without
incident from any mysterious creatures in the water.
He dryed himself off and sat down next to the Kangaroo.
Well Hopnotic let us just sit here in the moment and gaze
out at the shore and skyline.

Let us check our supplies Hopnotic said Noble after
he rested while looking out at the sea. Let us see:
Ahh very good we have Berr the Wombats Key to
the hidden burrow, We have our chainmail and our
Mommaliz and Pointman credentials(which would
get them in automatilly into both kingdoms)
We have our creekwalker wine and ale very good.
We have our blueberry muffins from
Queen Rachellelovinglife. very good.
Noble himself did not have a kingdom of his own.
He only contiually travlled and helped out in battles
if one kingdom was picking on a smaller one. However
his tales were spreading througout the land. and
he have vistors when he camped out. NOt only
was Noble a fine warrior but now he was also
becoming a scribe. Noble shook his head and smiled
who would have thought that a vortex would have
opened up and swalloed me and deposited me in
this strange land while i was in the midst of battle
land on a kangaroo. and fight in a war between
gorgeousguysand gals and the naughty
cobra and creepy troll alien army and then
eventually bring peace to both sides. and then hear
the loss of Queen Shadowsltafs kingdome .
Noble and the his trusty warrior kangaroo continued
to travel after this. He though of the various kingdoms
and villages that he had passed through. Payed
tribute to without anything in return except tales of
his noble deals. Tales were fine but it didnt pay
for noble and Hopnotics meals all the time.
Noble continued to go through the supplies and put
them in copartments in a wooden backpack on
Hopnotics back. He contniued with medical supplies,
Maps of the various lands he has travled through.
Seaside towns and fishing villages. He though of
fisherwomen Mikayla who gave him a Hoppy a
ride down another river. And the fried perrywinkles
he and hoppy gobbled up with delight. I wondered
how his old commander Pav was doing. All of the suddnen
Noble ntoiced cards floating along the shore,tarrot cards?
Oh Lord quick hoppy to your feet we must see if Tarrot is alright.
with that they rushed in the direction of where the cards
had floated from. Oh thank god said Noble. as he saw Nickloves
toparty coming to Tarrots aid. Tarrot Nick are you boht alright
we were quite concerned when we say Tarrots cards
floating down the the shore. Tarrot replied
:::: Its alright it alright everyone I am fine and thank you
for the quick response. An adventure tarrot please sit
down and tell us of your travelles. But not quite yet
Noble pointed to a tree and told tarrot I wll return
shortly the forest needs watering. Noble returned
aww i see Nicke has left. He does like his tavern drinks
lol as noble laughed out. Now tarrot tell us of your
travells and how your cards ended up floating down
this oceans shoreline::::
Tarrot spoke of a rabbit a talking one at that. his close
call with highway robbers and his dleight with some
shakepearan actors. how wonderufll siad noble.
Tarrot called out to travller called KC who merely
waved and continued on. Do not let us keep you tarrot.
If iam not mistaken the Land of Mommaliz will be showing
many items of wonderous things. in aoubt a halfhour
dayslight. You must travel thier my friend. But here is
my book of Guests(fans) that i have come across.
The book was entitled Noblecandians Profile
NO problem at all my dear fellow.
With that they again parted and went thier separate

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