WHY GOOD GIRLS REMAIN SINGLE ...Bad girls are getting married every Saturday... By Nelson Asuen

in #story7 years ago (edited)

I came across this interesting eBook of Nelson Asuen and i decided to share it with my fellow Steemian.

Hope this meets you well. 

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I woke up one morning disturbed at heart as I thought deeply on the subject “Why Good Girls Remain Single.” These are ladies that have spent their lives shunning the wayward lifestyle. They are the morally justified set of girls who have dedicated their lives to God and have decided to walk in His ways. These sets of girls are popularly called the “churchy” girls.

All through the week I kept reading posts on different social media platforms where writers kept encouraging ladies to wait for their men. And they kept teaching them what to do while they waited. “Mr Right is on his way.” They said.

The question that kept running through my mind and I believe the same was the case in the minds of some of these ladies was “When is he going to come?”

There are ladies that heard the “Mr Right is on the way” story when they were 27 years old, now they are 33 and he hasn’t arrived yet. So when is he going to finally arrive? When they’ve clocked 40?

After so much thought on the matter I decided to talk to a few people to get their opinions on what they thought were the reasons why ‘good’ girls remained single while ‘bad’ girls got married Saturday after Saturday.

I gathered a few things which I would be sharing with you in the succeeding pages.

An Entitlement Mentality

Some good girls think life or the world owes them something for being good. Just because they "kept" themselves, they sometimes think it is an automatic ticket to finding a good man.

In his book, Why Bad Things Happen to Good People, Mute Efe gave a perfect illustration which he called “The Classic Good-Girl-Bad-Girl.”

“Miss X is a bad girl. Bad as in the whole nine yards. While in school she was the typical “runs girl”. A new boyfriend every semester, clubbing every weekend, and using what she has to get her grades. In the process she had a few abortions. Miss Y on the other hand was a good girl. You can predict her movement – class, fellowship, market, and hostel. She had no time for boys. That was not what she came to school to do. She was a virgin.

A year after graduation Miss X, the bad girl, got married.

It’s been 10 years now. Miss Y, the good girl, is in her mid-thirties, not married and still a virgin. What happened? The most common response you get to the good-girl-bad-girl case I just shared is, “life is not fair.”

Now let’s go to the theatre and place both ladies under the knife.

While Miss X was the bad girl, in the process she got to know men and what men want. She understood what respect means to a man. She understood that men are attracted to beautiful things and how men love sex. From the number of guys that dumped her and married other ladies she got to understand what a man is looking for when he is looking for a wife. She got books on relationship to 'up her game' so she could get into the minds of guys. So immediately after graduating she decided to get serious and the next guy she dated proposed to her. Miss Y never knew all that. She believed prayer was the key. She fasted and went for vigils. She made positive confessions daily. She was speaking her husband into being. And there is nothing wrong with all these. But she dressed like she was in the 70’s.

she never read a single book on relationship. And knew nothing about what men want.

Question: In the light of the above do you think life was unfair to the good girl in her still being single ten years after school even though she is a virgin? I don’t think so. Husband is not a reward for virginity.”

Mute Efe was not in any way encouraging a wayward life. Neither was he against virginity. His point is simple. “That you are a good girl or a good guy does not absolve you from the consequences of not knowing how relationships work.”

For every area of life, there are principles that govern it. Life will not excuse you for violating any of them because you are a good girl or a good guy. The sun shines on both the righteous and the unrighteous. The rain also falls on both the good and the bad. The same principle applies to everyone – good or bad.

It is good to be good but being good is not the only condition to get a man.

Lack of Self Improvement

Some good girls don’t improve themselves. The message of being a ‘virtuous woman’ has robbed some good girls of intelligence. They have specific topics they talk about and respond to. When you go to a gathering of some good girls, you will hardly find them discussing highly intellectual stuff. Engage some of them in discussions on politics, finance, business, and you will find that they are mostly ignorant in some of these areas. But when it comes to discussions on how to be consistent in your prayer and word life, or becoming a virtuous woman, they are good. No man wants a dull lady in his life.

Packaging Sense

In a bid to be "spiritual", some good girls lose their femininity. It is good to engage in spiritual activities to grow in God, but when those activities begin to take away the feminine touch from a lady, and makes her look like a man, it is not good. No man wants to marry another man. Even a Pastor wants a lady with her femininity alive; nice makeup, good shape, sweet smell, nice hairdo, cool dress sense, etc. Don't you see their wives? Some good girls fail to keep their femininity alive. They’ve been deceived by the "character is all that matters" saying, which is not entirely true. In most cases it is beauty first before character. No matter how it is re-echoed that people should not judge books by their cover that is the exact thing that happens. Books will always be judged by their covers.

When I walk into a bookstore, the packaging of a book determines to a great extent whether or not I will proceed to check the content of the book. The beauty of the clothes on a mannequin standing outside a boutique is what attracts people to see what is inside the boutique. The cloth sellers place it outside so that their potential customers can have an idea of what is inside the boutique. The container of a product is just as important as the content.

Men naturally are driven by what they see. A ‘bad’ girl will know the right things to do in order to get a man to notice her, and keep him glued to her. She will make sure she keeps being dynamic until she gets what she wants. After getting the man, she still won’t let her guards down. She’ll try as much as possible to be what that man wants and needs.

A ‘good girl’ on the other hand will most likely not do any of these probably because her beauty is on the inside. That was on a lighter note. Many good girls don’t have Packaging Sense. If only they knew that good men are drawn by what they see too. And this has nothing to do with nudity. No matter how exceptional a lady’s character may be, it will have to be ‘marketed’ in a beautifully and properly packaged container for most men to see. It is beauty first before character.

Even Jesus was first of all attracted by the leaves on the fig tree in Mark 11. The Bible recorded that Jesus was hungry (so he was in search of something). The next thing that happened was that He ‘noticed’ a fig tree afar off having leaves. He was attracted by the leaves he saw on the fig tree. And then he came to see if he might find anything on it.

Ever wondered why three to four guys keep seeing visions concerning the beautiful sister in church that packages herself well while the others are still trusting God for life partners?

Most good girls lack packaging sense and think character will cover for it. It does not work that way.


Many good girls don’t know that a close male friend could be a potential husband. Many often say they can’t marry their friends. "He’s just a friend" they say. Who else should be a partner if not a friend turned lover? There are many good girls with good male friends in their lives but they prefer to keep them in the 'friend zone' even when it’s obvious that these guys like them. They ‘friend-zone’ these guys and keep praying that God sends them ‘Mr Right’. And while they are praying to God to send their life partners to them, He is waiting for them to recognise the one He positioned in their lives disguised as friends.

The Principle of Respect

Relationship principles have no respect for anyone. No matter who you are, good or bad, the consequences of violating relationship principles still apply. Deep in the heart of men is a longing to be RESPECTED. Ladies also want to be respected but it’s a whole different thing for men. Worse is the fact that the African culture adds salt to the soup. A lady may sometimes ignore it or not take it as a big deal when she’s disrespected but a man will never ignore it. It is a big deal to him. Funny thing is, things that communicate disrespect to men are little; the way a lady talks and responds to him, and the way she handles things that matter to him.

While so many good girls violate this principle to their detriment, some bad girls use it as a master tool to keep men glued to them.

Zero Social life

Many good girls don’t know that good guys are not living in the same room with them. They don’t have a social life. They need to go out so that the good guys can see them. Good guys are not only found in churches or church programs. They can also be found at events, youth summits, talk shows, etc.

High Standards

Most times good girls have high standards. They have a specific kind of man they are looking for. “He must be God fearing, responsible, rich, good looking, and have a cool dress sense. He should also know how to treat a girl right.” The only person with all these qualities the first time you meet him is Jesus Christ. There is no perfect man out there. A man will hardly show up having all these qualities at the initial stage. He will come having some. Sometimes a good girl might have good guys coming around but because she doesn’t see ALL the qualities she wants in them at the same time, she turns them down.

Am I saying that having standards are bad? No. it is good to have standards. But it is also wise to have realistic standards. A man cannot have all the qualities a lady wants at once. But he will have some. All she needs to do is to check for the most important ones.

The 'Runs Girl' Mindset

Most men fall for 'runs girls' or ladies with a 'runs girl' mindset. A ‘runs girl’ mindset helps a lady understand that pleasing a man is a priority. A runs girl takes her time to understand the psychology of men and ways of pleasing them. While a ‘good’ girl is waiting for a man that will please her and meet her needs, a ‘bad’ girl focuses on pleasing the man and meeting his needs. Because if she succeeds, he will in turn meet her needs.

This is basically how the ‘runs girl’ life works. She needs money so she takes her time to look attractive, and also make men go ‘gaga’ with her sexual energy and exploits in bed. The men in return shower her with money and gifts.

Many good girls don’t have the mindset of a ‘runs girl’. I am not saying good girls should become runs girls. I am simply saying they should have their mindset; get to know how men think, understand their psychology and know their needs.

If you have carefully gone through the points stated above, as a good girl wondering why it happens that most good girls remain single while bad girls end up getting married, they may not all apply to you but you will find at least an area where you are lacking.

As much as the bad girls seem to be the ones to easily get hooked up, not all of them end up with happy homes. In short many end up in regrets. They have no standards placed according to order of importance and that affects their marriage because they end up settling for just anybody. I mean, what do they care? They just want to be married. And they know some of the right buttons to push to make it happen.

God has a perfect plan for those who love Him. If you are really a good girl, and you have all areas mentioned above in check, keep being good. The good guy will come. Stay on your lane, do the right thing, the right person will come. No time is too late. When a lady begins to put marriage ahead of her, she will hardly achieve anything in life. People have gotten married at 25 and their lives are miserable. Is it not better to be single than married with regrets?

The time a lady is wasting going from one prophet to another looking for what is not lost, could be used for self-development. A lady should not settle for less because of desperation or pressure. While you are waiting, get busy, get a job, further your education, apply principles, live a purposeful life. Just enjoy your life as a single.

Your man will come!


Your post r very interesting and helpful. So I appreciate your working. It may inspaire many other. Like it inspires me. Can u plz follow me and upvote me . If u help me, my friend I will also help you. I had vote you.

This is one of the most intresting and helpful post, some good girls don't like going oit with any guy even if the guy is just a friend, and guys just feel asking for such would be waste of time, The thing is seriously a appauling. All in the name of being holy, so they don't have tons of male friends. But you know God is faithful, the type of hisband a runs girl will get, will suit her lifestyle, likewise a good girl, God rewarder of mankind according to their works.

very interesting post . Upvote from me :)Good luck

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