Happiness lesson from a cleaner boy

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Today Vidya was very furious with her boss. He always used to shout on her and she feels insulted.

She is thinking to give up now. Its better to resign and look for another job. She thought and then left for the day.

Image source:google

It is evening now and in the parking. She looked for her car. Then she went close and found a message written on paper.

Pay me "If you like my work". She looked here and there for the person who has written this note. Then she heard the noise of coins. She went in the direction of noise and saw a little boy whose age is around 10 years was busy in counting the coins.

She gave him 10 rupees and he asked her to wait, till the time he finished his counting. She stood there to see what he has to say. Then after his counting is finished, he gave her 8 rupees back and she was astounded and he ran away before she can say anything to him.

Then aimlessly she went to her car and went away.

Next day, she was driving and saw the same boy, but this time security guard of her office was beating him. She came out from her car and scolded the guard : "Why you are beating him? are you insane, he is a small child ".

The guard said madam you don't know he come here and cleans the car. So she said what's wrong in that? He is not taking anything from anyone. Leave him. The guard went away.

She took him to the tea stall and she asked are you hurt ? He said no madam its a daily routine. So its not new for me. She was so touched by this sentence. To change the topic, she asked what do you like? He said "I like Tea".

Whenever I don't have money to buy food, I drink tea three times a day and it fills my stomach. She become upset on hearing this that he remains hungry. She asked why don't your father works? He said my father died last year. So I have started doing his work to support my sick mother. I left my studies after that. But I know english, I studied till fourth standard. She is so deeply touched with his thinking. He ran by saying now its my work time.

Bye Bye Madam.

Vidya went to her office. Again on next day, she was looking for him. He saw her and came. He said madam see today I bought Book and Pen. He continued "I like to study but then my priorities are changed". She asked him, are you happy?
He started shaking his coins in his hand and said yes madam "I am happy". I have my mother and I earn around 95rs each day and I like the sound of these coins and even if I am tired, I get a good sleep when I keep these coins under my pillow.

She asked Whats your dream? He said my dream is to earn 100 rupees one day. She said only 100 rupees. Then he replied, madam its not easy to earn 100 rupees, but I know the way I am working I will turn my dream into reality.

All the time she talked with her, she realised that its our perception, what makes our life. This little boy didn't want too much from life, he is still happy. So money has nothing to do with happiness. It comes from within. Even if you are empty stomach, then also you can be happy as compare to those whose plate is always full. I can also be happy, like this boy, who is not complaining and daily doing his work. Sometimes, you get the lesson from those also who are much smaller then you in every aspect.

From that day she decided to stop complaining and become happy with her job and her life.

She again met her little boy, whom she took to the school, got him admitted and said now onwards, I will give you 200 rupees daily, just do this for me - Study daily and never leave your education.

I will support you as much as I can.

From that day, the boy started going to his school after an year.


Nice story mam good story telling

i like this nice post

inersting...and lovely

A really nice article made a good choice my dear friend

In my opinion this is what steemit needs--whose opinion?-- my opinion. We need this kind of story, a story that can make everyone realize that we are actually living someone else's dreams, and that we can actually help them achieved their miniscule yet meaningful dreams.

Obviously, it is pretty and so beautiful photo that you capture.
It is an educative value .
thanks for sharing.....

Great post...

This is really a touchy story! Frankly, if we look around we will see a lots of similar kids who are taking care of his/her sick mother/siblings. We should be grateful to Almighty for not keeping us in that boy's/girl's situation and at the same should do something for the according to our ability.
Nice post. Keep up the good work .

nice story , keep going


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