Don't Judge Book By it's Cover: Lion and Rat | Story

in #story5 years ago

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Lion lived in a forest.

There were summer days. There was a slight heat. The lion was agitated with heat. She was sleeping in the shade of a tree. A rat came in there. Seeing the lion's sleep, she started hurling her body. She started playing on her body.

Mice consumed the lion's cymbals and swallowed it. There his tail filled the lion's nose. So the lion's sleep disappeared. He 'hok .. shit!' Saw a sneaky rat sitting in a rat. He dumped the dashing rat's tail with his paws.

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Mice are very scared. He said: King Lion you are the king of the forest. Forgive me one offense and leave me When I need it, I'll help you!

The lion heard laughing and said - mice! Would you like to help me like a small animal?

Rather requested the pair again - King Lion, give me life once. Remember your whole life. The tears came in the eyes of such a speaking mice. Seeing the little mice crying, the lion was pity. He let go of the mouse.

After a few days the hunters entered the forest to catch the lion. He made a trap to catch the lion. Then covered the net with dry leaves. The lion walked away from there. But it was stuck in the trapped hunters. The hunters tied it properly in the trap and hung the tree. Then they went to take a big cage to take the lion. Singh has lost many traps, but nothing has changed! Tired of roaring lion.

The little rats listen to these roaring lions. He recognized the lion's voice. Immediately he ran to the lion. If you were to come, then there was a trap on the lion tree.

Mice said - King Lion, be patient. Before the hunters take you, I will cut the net and release you from the bondage! It is said that the rat tree has rattled up. They started cutting their teeth with their teeth. Cut ... Cut ... Cut ... As you can see, carved whole traps with sharp teeth.

The lion looted on the ground with a sound of boom. He said, 'Thank you so much my friend.' But I am sorry for it.

The lion's satisfaction was satisfied that even though he was a small, he could rightly be rewarded for his gratitude.

Thank You.

Always Be Positive & Keep Smiling

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