Thank You (Short Story)
One American went to a restaurant in London. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he noticed that he was sitting in an African corner.
American went to the counter to the counter, screaming out the wallet and shouting to the waiter, "Waiter, I'm giving everybody the money to eat in this restaurant, except for that black African".
So, the waiter shook his head and everyone from the American bills understood the bill and served food to everyone except that african.
Without the sudden use of that African African, he quietly looked at the Americans and said, "Thank you"!
The American called the waiter red again and said, "Waiter, I have bought all the beer and drinks at the moment, serve everyone as well, except that black African".
The waiter did not understand the bill and served beer drinkers to everyone except the black African.
This time, the African looked quietly towards the American gentleman and laughed, "Thank you"!
The American was surprised and said to the waiter, "What is the problem of that African? I served food to everyone, served beer, free of cost, but I did not give him anything, I insulted him, but still I am thankful to him, why is he crazy?"
The waiter smiled and said, "No, he's not crazy, he's the owner of this restaurant".
There are so many people in our society that you feel hurt after seeing your progress, but on the contrary, doing nothing good for you, without knowing yourself.
Do not try to win the humiliation by yourself!
--------- Collected.
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