in #story7 years ago

We aren't meant to be. It began with little words, a form of lingual we invented and perfected exclusively for us. Our skins are Tablets of Ararat, where we wrote the rule of our existence. Just one rule: no rule. Freedom in its entirety. There is no head, neither is there a tail. Infidels asked where the balance lay, of good and evil. They said evil live(s) in a veil. But we told them a liar does not live in a lair. We aren't meant to be. We made a tower in the likeness of Babel with stacks of paperbacks. But we aren't meant to be. He made skoob of us. Our souls stood by a scaling landing as we watched our skin set afire. Our lingual tongue dispersed into tinkling fragments. We are not meant to be, though like him we seek to be.



Very interesting piece. What started this belief in you that 'we are not meant to be'? I'm curious about where you're coming from.

PS: If you are interested and have some spare time, I have some poetry on my blog too.

Thanks @lukakorba. Most humans seeks perfection in creation. Longing for an ideal society. The imperfections make us beautiful and unique. We are not meant to be God. We are only meant to be gods. I will check your blog ASAP

Perfection is a state lacking the excitement of growth and learning with time, along with many other things, and thus would be simply too boring and stale. As you said, our imperfections are what makes us us. What do you think about the perfection of out imperfection?

As you rightly put it, the perfection of our imperfections creates the continuum for growth and discovery, an ideal system leaves no room for expansion for it is constant and constancy is boring. Imperfection rocks.

It talks of people who leave the norms (not meant to be) forming a society void of rule.. Seeking true freedom.. Language is one and no one answers to another but the desires of their own. They seek to be many things in their own bodies but cannot (not meant to be)... Their society crumbled as we see of skoob (burnt tower of books) their centre didn't hold. They failed in creation of a truly free society tho they want to be like God who created Universe.

A direct translation

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