The Blair Witch [True Story]

in #story7 years ago


Here I leave the true story of the Blair Witch from where it originated until the negotiations to try to discover what happened and what was the origin of the "witch." You can believe it as there are no parts that are difficult to believe but you will say.




In February 1785, in the old village of Blair (now Burkittsville), which was in north central Maryland, two hours away from Washington DC, an elderly woman named Elly Kedward misled several children in the city to be To his house and brought them blood. When the children told their parents and showed their injuries, the citizens reacted with brutal quickness. After accusing her of witchcraft, in accordance with local laws, she was expelled from the village.

Kedward was tied to a wheelbarrow and pushed into the woods, where she was left to die in the middle of a particularly hard winter. Assuming that Elly had died of cold, Blair's people returned to apparent calm. But this calm was only an omen of other storms.

In November of 1786, the first night that it snowed, the daughter of the magistrate of the city mysteriously disappeared. A week later, Kedward's chief accuser also disappeared. By the end of the winter, almost half of the city's children had disappeared without a trace, including all the accusers.

Fearing a curse, the citizens fled in terror as time improved ...


February 1785.

In the small town of Blair, several children accuse Elly Kedward of persuading them to go to her house in order to draw blood. Declared guilty in a trial for witchcraft and spiritism, it is banished from the town during one of the most harsh winters of the time. Because of the bad weather and that no villager had contact with her, she is officially declared dead.

November 1786.

During the winter of this year half of the village's children, including those who betrayed Elly, disappear. None of them are found, neither alive nor dead. Faced with fear of the intervention of evil forces, and fear of a curse, the neighbors leave Blair and swear never to pronounce Elly Kedwards again.

November 1809.

A book entitled "The Blair Witch Cult" is published. This book, an unusual work of low quality fiction, tells the story of a village cursed by a witch. The village is Blair and the witch, Elly Kedwars. In the book the witch is hunted and burned for her crimes.

January 1824.

Burkittsville is founded in the former settlement of Blair. None of the founders know the original story of Blair.

August 1825.

Eleven neighbors from Burkittsville claim that from the Tappy East, a river that crosses the town, a hand came out of an extremely pale woman.

When he went to investigate the hand disappeared and without anyone could do anything Eilleen Treacle plunged into the river. Eilleen was ten years old when she disappeared. The girl's body is never recovered.

Following the disappearance the stream is obstructed by an incredible amount of greasy branches that affect the potability of the water and happens to be the most probable cause of the death of a villager.

March 1886.

Rabin Weaver, an eight-year-old girl is reported missing and sent rescue teams on her quest. Weaver just came back, not like one of the rescue games. Weeks later the bodies in Coffin Rock, tied together of feet and hands and completely gutted.

November 1940 to March 1941.

Beginning with Emily Hollands, seven more children disappear near Burkittsville, Maryland.

March 1941.

The uneasy and unpleasant life of Burkittville's villagers is even more disturbed when a hermit Rustin Parr comes to the village market and shouts "I'm finally done." After interrogating him, without any success, he tells the police to follow him to his cabin and they will understand everything. After four hours of walking, they arrive at their small hut, discovering the bodies of the seven children in seven small tombs behind the house. When exhuming the corpses signs of violence are observed, some are even gutted, and all appear to have been part of a diabolical ritual. Parr is accused of the crimes and his explanation is that a voice in his mind, that of an old woman, ordered him and directed him in the deaths of children. Parr is condemned to the gallows and is executed (Washington Press article).

October 20, 1994.

Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard and Michael Williams, students of the University of Montgomery, decide to make a graphic document in Burkittsville on Elly Kedwards, the witch of Blair.

In their eagerness to gather information they decide to interrogate the villagers, and among them they find the "peculiar" Mary Brown, an old insane woman who claims to have seen the witch near the Tappy East creek. The description it offers is more like that of a mythological being than a witch. He claims that the appearance in question was feminine in its human part, but had animal features and large layers of hair along arms and legs.

21 October 1994.

The students, after having interviewed the inhabitants of Burkisville, venture into the woods with the goal of finding Coffin Rock, about twenty minutes from town and easily accessible.

25 October 1994.

Students do not show up, and authorities find Joshua Leonard's car parked on Black Rock Road. There is no sign of the students, although they should have returned two days ago.

26 October 1994.

Family members of students report the disappearance of their children, and Maryland police begin an exhaustive search for young people as they fear for their lives if they are lost in the woods and do not carry enough supplies.

This task is carried out for three days by a total of 100 men, several dogs and a pair of helicopters. The last resort is a satellite tracking without any success.

There is no trace of them.


5 November 1994.

The search is terminated without any results. Heather's mother, Angie Donahue begins a personal search of her daughter and her companions.

19 June 1995.

For lack of evidence, the case is declared closed, is filed pending the official death of students.

16 October 95.

An anthropology student on an excursion finds an old rundown buried in an old hut containing film cans, DAT tapes, video cassettes, a Hi-8 video camera, Heather's notebook and a CP-16 camera. After analyzing the evidence, Sheriff Ron Cavens confirms the authenticity of evidence and student membership.

15 December 95.

After much paperwork and opposition from the authorities, the parents of the disappeared are allowed to watch some of the fragments engraved on the ribbons found in the backpack. After viewing, things are not too clear, parents demand to see them again and the request is denied. The students' parents state that there are many unusual and inconclusive aspects in the fragments they have seen, but no one helps them.

15 January 1996.

Investigations are not moving, even though the filming is in place, so Angie Donahue decides to hire a private detective, Buck Buchanam, to give her more information about her daughter's disappearance.

16 February 1996.

The second fragment of the film is made public. The reason for the delay of the projection is a consequence of the little likelihood that the tape produces in the police. Angie Donahue is indignant, believing that the tapes have been trucadas and calls into question the professionalism of the sheriff. This restricts all access to the evidence of the case.

1 March 1996.

The sheriff declares that the evidence is unconvincing and re-declares the case as closed and unresolved.

16 October 1997.

Once the classification of all the evidence of the case finished, except the filming of the last days, they are given to the relatives of the disappeared.

20 May 1997.

Detective Buchanam delivers his final report to Mrs. Donahue in which he raises the possibility of murder by a satanic group.

16 October 1997.

The rest of the tests are given to the next of kin. Angie Donahue goes to Haxan Films to reconstruct the facts.



The film is narrated in the form of documentary, so its dramatic value is greatly increased. Directed by young Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez, shot in black and white and preceded by his resounding success in the US, "Blair's Witch Project" tells the terrifying story of three young men entering the woods of Maryland , To film a documentary about the witch Blair, a myth of that place, of which nothing more was known.

For five days three young people recorded the course of their mission, images of horror panic and the events that led to their strange disappearance. A year later the material is found in a cabin of that forest, with which this film has been mounted.

Original title: Blair Witch Project

Genre: Thriller

Year of production: 1999

Directed by: Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez

Screenplay: Eduardo Sánchez, Daniel Myrick

Production: Robin Cowie, Bob Eick, Kevin J. Foxe, Gregg Hale, Michael Monello

Photo: Neal Fredericks

Music: Tony Cora

English language

Duration: 80 minutes



They read it
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Of the Blair Witch.

Dear Professor Velmont: What does the Elron Group know about the film called the Blair Witch Project? Is it based on real facts or is it pure fiction?

Veronica T.


Dear Veronica: We have asked our spiritual guides about this film and also about the authenticity of the legend on which it is based. As it happens many times, the reality surpasses the fiction.

Then I transcribe you part of the session, dated 10/24/03, where the subject was discussed.

Interlocutor:. Here I have a rather interesting subject to elucidate. "In February 1785, in the village of Blair, several children accused an elderly woman, Elly Kedward, of persuading them to go home and there was blood drawn. Guilty in a trial for witchcraft and spiritism, this old woman is banished from the village and abandoned in a wooded area during one of the harshest winters of the time. "As it was never seen again by anyone was declared officially dead. In the months that followed, many people, especially children, began to disappear, including those who had accused her, and they never reappeared, and a film entitled "The Blair Witch Project" was made.

Ron Hubbard: The movie is totally fictional.

Interlocutor: I have no doubt that it is totally fictitious, but what was behind those disappearances?

Ron Hubbard: This woman you mentioned was a very but very old person, but with a tremendous mediumnímicas endowments, and through them teleptica contacted with extraterrestrials, casually of Vega.

Interlocutor: Are we talking about the Ha, the same alien race that got in touch with Moses?

Ron Hubbard: Yes, exactly the same.

Interlocutor: Did they abduct that woman?

Ron Hubbard: No, they did not abduct her. They needed to work with children's blood to do certain laboratory tests and used it as a "deliverer". She attracted the children to her house with deceptions and there the extraterrestrials drew blood.

Interlocutor: Did she volunteer for that?

Ron Hubbard: Yes, because they had promised to reward her with many things, including rejuvenating her. Eventually things did not work out. Here it must be made clear that there is no strange and incomprehensible mystery. The vegans protected this woman for a time, and when she stopped being useful to them, they simply got rid of her.

Interlocutor: And the disappearance of the boys?

Ron Hubbard: They were abducted by these same aliens.

Interlocutor: I guess to experiment with them.

Ron Hubbard: That's right.

Interlocutor: And I suppose also that they hid their presence in Blair making people believe that behind these disappearances was this woman.

Ron Hubbard: Correct, and the proof is that the first abductors were the children who accused her. That is why the parents thought that this woman had kidnapped them in complicity with other people.

Interlocutor: Concretely, then, all these facts have nothing to do with witchcraft or spirits of Error or anything like that.

Ron Hubbard: That's right. There is no mystery.

Interlocutor: Anything else to add on this matter?

Ron Hubbard: No, because going into more detail would be a waste of time.

Interlocutor: Then I close the subject.


So far came the dialogues, which definitively clarify the enigma that surrounded the people of Blair.

Thank you!!
Follow me: @Morinjesus

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