The True Story of My Date With A Beautiful Genius Recovering Drug Addict Ex-Lawyer Turned Vegan Chef - Part 4

in #story8 years ago

We ended part 3 with Anna about to tell me why she got kicked out of college.

Part - 3

"Wait, you got kicked out of school? You gotta tell me this!" I exclaimed.

“Well, I was kind of out of control, partying a lot. One night I got home I couldn’t sleep, I had basically been on a two day bender, drinking, doing cocaine, so I was pretty fucked up and couldn’t sleep. Since I hadn’t slept in nearly two days I decided to take Tylenol PM, but they weren’t really working so I took some more and then some more without really thinking about it.

Then I thought, fuck, I think I might have just killed myself. I was never suicidal or even had thoughts of it but there I found myself. So I decided, well, I mind as well right a note.

My roommates came home with some friends shortly after and said to her, I think there is something wrong with Anna. My roommate was just like, nah she’s fine, just high and drunk. No, no really. I think we need to take her to the hospital.

The fact I was laying their barely conscious, coupled with the note was apparently enough motivation to call an ambulance” she said sarcastically.

Anyway, I ended up falling into a comma for a week and when I got out of the hospital the school had expelled me.

“Wait…..what?” I exhaled.

“What?” Anna looked at me puzzled.

“You were in a comma?”

She responded “Yes, I basically overdosed and fell into a comma.”

“Wow, you’re blessed that it didn’t have any impact on your brain. I know a girl who was in a comma for three weeks and she is disabled now. It sucks because she was in a cab that was hit by a drunk driver and was ejected from it.”

“That’s so sad. I do realize that I’m lucky.”

We had been sitting by the beach and it was surprisingly cold so we headed back to the car.

I told her some more about myself. Then recalled she mentioned Colombia University at one point. As we arrived at the car I asked her about it.

“Well, after Miami I went back home and got cleaned up. Since my grades were really good I was able to get into Columbia.”

Confused, I asked if what happened at Miami hurt her enrollment in the school.

“Well, my parents got Miami to seal my records, so Columbia didn’t know about any of that.”

“Oh ok, so how’d things go there?”

“Unfortunately shortly after I got to New York I hooked up with a guy who was a coke dealer. So kind of fell back into the same partying again. I ended up in the hospital for near overdoses a couple more times.”

“Uhm..OK” I responded.

“The fucked up part about the whole thing is I was still doing awesome in school. I was in complete denial and didn’t think anything was wrong since all the people I hung out with couldn’t keep their shit together I thought I was in good shape.”

Beyond curious I asked “you told me earlier you’ve been clean five years now, what was the catalyst?”

“Well, I was dating this guy at the time, we were never really official, but he was a pothead and kind of homeless. Anyway, I ended up getting pregnant, but I wasn’t entirely sure it was his. I was so messed up at the time it may not have been.”

“Wow, so what did you do?”

“I knew I had no shot of staying clean for 9 months, I mean I couldn’t even drive to school without sipping on vodka and I didn’t want to have a child that was gonna be all messed up. Plus, the guy I was seeing was in no way capable of taking care of a child. So I got an abortion. That was pretty much the point I decided to make a change.”

I exhaled, “Wow, that’s a pretty crazy story.”

“I know, I was really out of control.”

Turns out Anna had an abusive parent growing up and decided to lash out, started partying at a young age, which led to harder drugs. Since she was so academically gifted she was able to get away with it all throughout high school and college because it never impacted her grades.

I dropped her off home and gave her a hug goodnight.

“That was some intriguing conversation we had”

“Hopefully good” Anna questioned.

I honestly didn’t even know how to answer.

“Like I said, intriguing, intriguing is good”

I said goodbye and headed home.

My head swirled on the drive home.......

From the Life and Times of Mitchell J (and the mind behind @scaredycatguide)
Thanks pixabay for the photo.

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