The True Story of My Date with a Beautiful Genius Recovering Drug Addict Ex-Lawyer Turned Vegan Chef - PART 1

in #story8 years ago

Wait….what? I exhaled after hearing what she just said. I mean, this was a first date and though admittedly I pried a bit to learn things about her, this story was surreal. She’s got to be messing with me I thought, yet I continued to go along asking questions as if we were having a normal conversation.

Her name was Anna and we met through an online dating site. I was 34 at the time and meeting people outside of work had basically become a task in frustration. I didn’t help my cause though, friends labeled me as “picky.”

Was it really a big deal that I didn’t want to date women who smoked, had multiple tattoos or owned a dog. That last one always caught me grief. It’s not that I don’t like dogs, I do. I just don’t want to own one. Dog sit for a friend, no problem. Take your dog out for a walk, I got you.

However, I am not going to make a conscious decision to pick up dog shit for the next 10 years!

Think about it. That is essentially the decision you make when becoming a dog owner, just saying.

Anyway, finding a nice girl in South Florida who met those three requirements and was also not superficial proved difficult for several years at this point. Oh, I also wanted a girl that was atleast 5’7.” Cut me a break here, standing at 6’4” that seems like a perfectly reasonable request.

OK, OK….I’m picky, but you will never hear me admit it!

Turns out me NOT being picky is how I found myself on this date. When I initially read Anna’s online dating profile I thought she seemed sweet, maybe a little fanatical about tree hugging and healthy living, but that’s certainly not a bad thing.

What I needed to let go was the tattoos. She had one on each of her upper arms and on the side of her legs, they definitely were sizable enough. Outside of that she was a tall attractive brunette, slender with a beautiful smile.

So I told myself to suck it up and stop being so hard-headed about trivial nonsense that has nothing to do with her as a person. My good buddy’s dad used to tell me "just find your best friend." So I thought, maybe my best friend has tattoos? I was trying to keep an open mind.

The headline on her profile said “click to add to cart” and her username was “dontoverthinkit.” I sent her the following email:

Dear Customer Service:

It seems your link to add to cart is not functioning. After several attempts my cart has not updated. Please update my cart with one unit so I may proceed to checkout.

Additionally, I am unable to not over think it as that is what I do, though many strides have been made in this area it is still an issue at times.
You can reach me by email if needed.


Turns out she thought it was cute and responded the next day! After trading a couple emails I gave her my phone number and we ended up on the phone together a few days later.........

Part two coming soon!

The life and times of Mitchell J (and the mind behind @scaredycatguide)

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