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in #story7 years ago

Does hell exist?

Many have wondered that... if hell exists. Many think that it was a way for the different churches to keep us under their control and yes, I have to say it: churches were at some point necessary to keep people in line because perversion on earth would have reached unimaginable levels. Now on the aquarius era, which started in 1960, things are a little different and hellŽs existence must be explained. The short answer is that it does exist. When we dream every night(which is like a practice of what it is like to die), our astral body comes out of our physical one and goes to superior dimensions. These superior dimensions, usually the 4th and the 5th, are where we receive energy from the source, God, The Absolute, etc. And our body is "born" in the next day with a lot of energy, because during the time that the soul was apart from the body, the tatwas, or creative energy enter each one of the chakras and renew them. The tatwas are: water, earth, air, fire, ether, adhi and samadhi. Each one enters through each one of the 7 chackras, cleanses it and renews it like a whirlwind. Something represented by the ancient habitants of Veracruz as the flyers of Papantla.
Well, this is normal because the chakra that lets us come out of our body to the astral, is the pancreas chakra, but when we dine too heavy and the intestine is working too hard, then the chakra starts to spin counterclockwise and works badly. Instead of going out to superior dimensions, we go out to inferior dimensions, to the underworld, we have nightmares and we only get to the 3rd dantesque circle. If we were to go lower, we could get a heart attack, although many almost have them when they have a nightmare. When a person has many nightmares its either one of two things: or his chakra is wrong, or they are warning him that his next life will be like that. Now, as I said in the previous post, we have 108 lives where we have the great priviledge of cleansing our karma, everything wrong we did to our body and everyone else. But there are people too evil like Hitler, Mao, Jack the Ripper(the Queen of England???), for which 108 lives are not enough to cleanse that karma and need to transit hell compulsorily, which is temporal. Here I do a remark: hell is eternal but our stay in it is temporary. It can range from 2 weeks up to a million years, and in this space we still have time to repent(even though we know what we did, it was told to us in the karmic trial), and the one in charge to take out the repenters from hell is Judas Iscariot, the highest disciple of Jesus, which was bestowed upon him to play the traitor, and opening a parentheses, the passion and death of Jesus Christ was programmed by Jesus himself to accomplish a cosmic plan, but we will talk more about that later. Whichever souls donŽt repent continue descending to the 6th dantesque circle, and from there is no going back. The soul there keeps destroying itself in much pain and returns to earth in the form of a mineral elemental, being it a gnome or an elf, and it goes back to the start of the wheel of Samsara, Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Human, etc. Hell exists but those who get there, or regularly transit there, are very few. It is time to cleanse our bodies from lust, anger, greed, pride, to go upwards - it is a long road as well.
There is proof that hell exists, like the Kola incident(what is shown in the picture), when workers drilled at more than one kilometer deep, the workers started to hear voices of lament, which were recorded. Obviously many denied it, but the weird thing is that in Tabasco, Mexico, deep water oil workers also heard mortifying noises while taking out the drill to put the extrators in position. Hell is in different dimensions, but the most superficial ones are right here on the 3rd dimension. The center of the earth is hollow like the gruyere cheese, it has deep caverns many kilometers deep where live the intraterrestials(Agartha), and also the 9th dantesque circle of hell is located in the center of the earth, corresponding with its core(obviously its in other dimension).
I will talk about Satan in another post, thanks and please share it with whom takes interest in it.

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