WARNING Bad Language - Thug Life

in #story8 years ago

Thug Life

"I've found out a few things and so I've made a few changes in my strategy. You see, they moved quickly. Not so quick as to be obvious they were getting the hell out, but fast enough so their trail went cool before anyone had a chance to miss them and find out where they'd relocated to. You'd think obnoxious cunts like that would leave resentment behind and in this case, you'd be right. There are a few people who would be curious to know where they've ended up. Not obsessive, pay to find out curious, but if the information dropped in the right lap, ears would prick up and things would be set in motion." He listened to a few words of reply on his phone before he spoke again.

"Yeah, I know they have kids, but I don't think that's going to be a problem. The guy this information is going to isn't really a family oriented kinda guy. He won't give a shit. They're cunts and they think they're untouchable. The thing with cunts is this: They get fucked. Fucked up, fucked over and fucked six ways from Sunday. I've had it with the cunts, I'm making the call today. It's outa my hands then. No knowledge, no guilt, no worries." He waited while the person on the phone spoke again.

"No. Fuck em! I told you, I've been fucking patient, given them every opportunity to be anything but cunts and it makes no difference. Some people are cunts and it takes a bigger cunt to make them see sense." Again he paused, his frown deepening as he listened, but it disappeared as the other person finished talking.

"Nah, they're cunts but not big enough cunts to be worth getting my hands dirty for. I'll let someone else do it. Win-win for me. They get sorted, fucked over royally and I don't have to lift a finger to see it. I might even make out with a drink for my trouble and I'll find out what happened sooner or later. Until then, like I said, I'm the patient type, I can wait." He listened again, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

"No, they underestimated a lot of people in all this. I'm just one of a few that would cheerfully toast marshmallows if they were on fire." He paused.

"Harsh?" he said. "Course I'm fucking harsh! That's the fucking point!"

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