Kumpul Bareng Teman Sambil Makan-Makan Itu Menyenangkan - "Gathering with friends while eating is fun"

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Hai sahabat steemit...

Terkadang ada saatnya kejenuhan menghampiri kita, apa lagi sebagai ibu rumah tangga banyak segudang pekerjaan rumah yang setiap saat, setiap waktu selalu menanti dari mengurus rumah, mengurus anak, sampai mengurus suami.

Sometimes there are times when boredom approaches us, especially as housewives, there is a lot of homework at all times, always waiting from taking care of the house, taking care of the children, to caring for our husband.

Tapi kejenuhan itu akan hilang saat kita berkumpul dengan teman terdekat kita, rasa cape hilang, rasa kesal pun seketika ikut hilang saat kita ngobrol dan bercengkrama dengan mereka. Karena teman merupakan orang yang selalu ada disekeliling kita dan terkadang bisa menghibur kita saat suka maupun duka.

But boredom will disappear when we gather with our closest friends, the feeling of exhaustion is exhausted, feelings of irritation will soon disappear when we chat and chat with them. Because friends are people who are always around us and can sometimes entertain us when we are happy or sad.



Seperti inilah saat saya dan teman berkumpul di salah satu rumah mereka, teman saya memberikan jamuan untuk makan bersama dan dari sini lah kita merasakan arti persahabatan yang begitu dekat. Walaupun hanya makan dengan sayur asem, ikan asin dan sambel, kebersamaan yang sederhana terlihat menjadi mewah.

Like this when my friends and I gathered in one of their homes, my friend gave a meal party together and from here we felt the meaning of friendship so close. Although only eating with sour vegetables, salted fish and chili sauce, simple togetherness looks luxurious.



Anak saya pun menikmati kebersamaan dengan teman-teman nya. Seperti yang ada di foto ini mereka bermain dengan teman sebaya nya menikmati lingkungan sekitar yang mereka tidak temui dirumah sendiri.

My child is also happy with his friends. As in this photo, they play with their friends enjoying the environment they don't meet in their own homes.



Suasana dirumah teman saya ini memang masih lah sangat kampung, disekitar halaman rumah nya juga terdapat kebun kunyit milik nya dan terdapat empang juga disana, binatang ternak nya pun juga banyak seperti ayam dan bebek masih berkeliaran disana. Berikut foto yang saya ambil saat saya kesana.

The atmosphere at my friend's house is still very village, around the yard there is also a turmeric garden which is owned by him and there is also a pond there, also many livestock animals such as chickens and ducks are still hanging around there. This is the photo I took when I was there.


Tunggu kebersamaan saya dengan teman ditempat yang lainnya. Mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan terima kasih sudah membaca postingan sederhana ini. Selamat beraktivitas dan tetap semangat.

Wait for my togetherness with friends in other places. Sorry if there are deficiencies, thank you for reading this simple post. Congratulations on doing activities and staying motivated.

Warm regards

By @maryamalda.



Sayur asem nya kelihatan seger 😋😁

Seger tehh... 😁 😁

Hello @maryamalda, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you @creativecrypto.. 🙏🙏

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