in #story5 years ago (edited)

Six year old Bingo as you can see is very pretty but very timid with most of the other cats.

Both her and brother Bear were very shy since babies. Their mother, Mommy, was and is, very loving with them.


There are 7 boy cats in the house and all but Gerry her other brother will chase Bingo for just walking around. Also young Black Betty chases her. So she spends most of her time hiding under my lazy-boy chair. Eating time she and Gerry will eat up on a kitchen counter where it is safe.

When I'm in my Lazy-boy Bingo will come sit in my lap. When I'm not around her, fear of the other cats has cause her to do her business near and on the chair. This only happens occasionally and so far the chair has been spared with towels taking the abuse. I have litter boxes in three places, the basement, the porch and the half bath off the kitchen. Bingo only uses the half bath one which is close to the kitchen counter.

She really needs to feel safe and that can only happen by getting away from the harassing cats. One way is getting a bigger house. But the inflated prices has squeezed out a lot of the middle class like me.

Well that's Bingo's story, a bit on the neurotic side trying to avoid becoming psychotic....

20191222_123759 (2).jpg


You nailed it!!!
"Lobotomize me" - no need. Cats do that with a Jedi mind trick. Look into my eyes. Done!

Aw! Yes every house has a scapegoat :(

Hi @manorvillemike,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
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Aw, look at her cute face. That is how Pachino would be if he had to live with other cats.

Some cats just need their space..

"Box Bully." Lil' Guy is one, He hears any cat in the boxes He runs to harass them. This is one of the factors that will drive an otherwise good mannered litter box trained cat to go bad. I have been stopping him from this behavior. I hope it goes away. Or He will have to be in permanent time out when home. I can not monitor him full time at home. kmupl8mbjd.jpg

You got your frigging hands full with the golden monster..

Bingo needs to learn Thai boxing!

Yes needs toughing up ...

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