Method for Madness Chapter X

in #story7 years ago

It's been awhile since I posted some material here but I suppose life gets in the way of writing. Writers often skip around and write different sections of a story at different times. In fact, stories are rarely written in sequence.
So, here is your SPOILER WARNING this is a pivotal scene in the book. If you have read the other chapters and would prefer not to have this spoiled it might be best not to read on. For those of you who just enjoy well written fiction, read on.

Chapter x
“How dare you! How fucking dare you! He looked up to you! He respected you he put his life in your hands! He would have done anything for you and you did this to him?! This is your fault” Jane struck Roark in the face with all her might, then again and again to his chest. Each successive blow getting weaker and weaker, till she collapsed into Roarks arms sobbing uncontrollably. Evan’s eyes were still open. Laying there on that table. Roark could not take his eyes away.
This was his fault. The guilt was unbearable. The shame. Self hatred. “How could I allow this to happen?” he screamed to no one in particular in his mind. Evan’s last words rung out in his mind. “ Yeah obviously it’s going to work, it worked on you didn’t it? You have this, I’ll see you again in no time” then he drank it. The effect was immediate. Roark had swifty implanted the chip before he ingested the serum but... there was nothing. He lay there, heart beating, breathing yet his brain functions were absent. The chip was keeping his alive. Telling his heart to beat. That drumming was deafening. More so than the screams of Jane. Evan blinked. The definition of lights on but nobody home. Roark could not bare to look away yet simultaneously could not stand the sight of him. The trust in his eyes, the respect he had held for roark only moments ago was replaced by a blank stare. Empty. Hollow. Unyielding. Blinking.
Roark could take no more of this. He would figure out what went wrong. There must be a way to fix this, something he missed. He looked away from Evan for the first time and focused his gaze on Jane. “I’m sorry. I will do everything I can to fix him. Come on, I’ll take you out of here.” Roark scooped her up and carried her out of the room as she sobbed into his chest silently. As he walked out of the room he took a final glance at the man who had trusted him with his life.
He thought he saw an accusing stare on his face.

If you enjoyed that please remember to upvote, comment and resteem, your support and comments make writing a lot more fun!


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