The story of DZUL QARNAIN and YA'JUJ and MA'JUJ

in #story7 years ago


Who is Dzulqarnain ?

DZUL QARNAIN Al-Hafidz Ibn Katsir rahimahullah mentions in the book Al-Bidayah wa An-Nihayah that: Dzul Qarnain is a fair and wise King who has roamed the Earth to the East and Earth to the West. He is a believer spreader of Allah's religion, carrying out causes in achieving his goals and having many miracles on the power of Allah SWT. He invites the inhabitants of the lands he conquered to faith in God.

On his way to the western hemisphere, Dzul Qarnain meets a people who live in terrifying fear. The Qur'an refers to the place as BAIN AS-SADDAIN, an area found between TWO MOUNTAINS which is worth the height

Who is Ya'juj and Ma'juj ?


They are the descendants of ADAM alahissalam from the descendants of YAFITS bin NUH alaihissalam. They are also God's creatures, but they are badly behaved and behaved.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Allah azza wa jalla said, 'Hi Adam!'. Adam replied, 'I fulfill your calling'. Allah says, 'Arise on the day of the resurrection of hell!'. Adam also asked, 'Is the day of the resurrection of hell is Allah?'. Allah says, 'Of every thousand, that nine hundred and ninety-nine is to hell. While the one who entered paradise only one. On that day, little children become gray and pregnant women give birth to their fetus'. Then Allah goes on to say, 'Surely there are among your two generations, I multiply them in something. They are YA'JUJ and MA'JUJ '"(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Sa'id al-Khudri radhiyallahu' anhu.)

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