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RE: An Attitude of Gratitude

in #story7 years ago

Increased well-being, a calmer mind, a more generous orientation toward others, greater overall satisfaction—these are but some of the benefits of being grateful.

This sounds like a fantastic plan.

You'll find yourself and your path. Your default doesn't have to be discouragement which needs fighting against. You can find joy, peace, and awesomeness.

I'm glad you can post your stream of consciousness thoughts here on Steemit. I look forward to the future where they will be refined down to your main points and focus. Happy birthday, Jed (and yeah, I know I'm a day late).


Yes! As a Stokian, I will do my best to fight against the negative aspects of my nature :) I look forward to that day as well. If anything, that might get at least a few more people to read instead of being intimidated by the length haha

Thanks again for the greeting, Luke! Oh, and, you're a day late :D

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